Thursday, May 12, 2016

While Joe Biden contemplated running for President the only person he wanted for his VP was Elizabeth Warren. Now thinks she is is Hillary's best choice.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Joe Biden took months to decide he wouldn’t run for president — but he was sold on Elizabeth Warren as his running mate from the start, people familiar with the situation told POLITICO. 

And he still thinks the Massachusetts firebrand would be Hillary Clinton’s best choice to replace him as the nation’s No. 2 in January 2017. 

Biden, a stalwart Democrat who has veered leftward in recent years — but, as a centrist senator, voted to scuttle the Glass-Steagall prohibitions on banks engaging in speculative investments — favored Warren because he needed a partner to capture the wave of anti-bank, anti-establishment anger raging to his left. 

Warren, a freshman senator from Massachusetts, who supports breaking up the big banks and re-imposing 1930s-era Wall Street regulations to prevent another global financial crisis, was Biden’s “only real choice,” according to an official he spoke to at the time. 

The article goes on to say that while Warren was not displeased to be asked, she told Biden that he would be unable to run to Clinton's left as he had essentially the same baggage.

Now I would like to take a moment to point out to the many naysayers out there that the sitting Democratic Vice President agrees with me that Warren needs to be Hillary Clinton's running mate. So what do you say to that?

Warren is exactly what Hillary needs to give her that anti-Wall Street cred, Warren is already slapping the crap out of Trump on Twitter, and now the guy who seems to always be a few steps ahead of his fellow Democrats is saying that she is Clinton's obvious choice.

This is happening folks, I can feel it.


  1. Wow. I would endorse that in a New York un-Drumpf minute!

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      They would have been my first choice! As valuable as Warren is in the senate, this is a crucial election, considering the opposition and his odd popularity.

      I think we need to win this election more than we've had to win in a long time.


  2. I truly hope you're right, Gryphen.
    Clinton/Warren is The Dream Team for 2016 and beyond!

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      It's a dream team for the GOP--Groping Old Pervs.

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      . . . and the tweets would be awesome!!!

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I've thought this the very best way in which Hillary Clinton could run for POTUS - with Elizabeth Warren as her VP candidate!

    What a TEAM! Think they'd win hands down!

    Hillary Clinton has my vote no matter who she picks though!

  4. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Always luv'd Joe! He definitely gained miles of cred with me when he did those Hennessy ads. (⌐■̅_̅■)

    Sensual. Powerful. Biden.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      I've had a crush on that handsome man for years upon years, and I just LOVE this video:

    2. That was satirical, Joe didn't really appear in those ads. But he'd look good doing them, although he doesn't drink liquor. I remember reading it was because growing up there were extended family members who drank heavily, & he wanted none of that for himself. I'm the same way, I very seldom have a drink because my mother & oldest sister were disastrous alcoholics that caused much pain to the rest of us. I have this thing about being in control of myself, & drinking changes your behaviors. Besides, I already have a natural high. Speaking of which, Joe Biden's beautiful smile, & his outgoing, friendly personality needs no liquor to mask his way of life. I just love that man.

  5. Dinty2:35 PM

    I'm thinking Julian Castro would be a better pick electorally.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM


      You mean for the Hispanic/Latino/Mexican vote? It's well-known now that Julian Castro and his twin Joaquin speak little Spanish. Joe Biden speaks more Spanish than Julian y Joaquin. Castro wouldn't be the advantage you might think by just the name.

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      I like both bros a lot and am always glad to see them on MSNBC and CNN. I do think it's too early for any veep choice though. Another female I love is Loretta Sanchez. Maybe some years down the line she'll be considered.

    3. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Julian himself says "that's not going to happen," that he's not in the running for VP -

    4. Dinty4:09 PM

      "Electorally" refers to the Electoral College. Texas has 38 electoral votes, Massachusetts has 11. Texas is more purple than people give it credit for.

    5. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Both Castro brothers are well respected in the Hispanic community and I have spoken conversational Spanish with Julian and he does just fine.

    6. Anonymous8:18 AM

      4:35, Castro admits he speaks little Spanish. I doubt your conversation went deeper than the "Buenos dias, como esta, muy bien gracias y Usted?" gringo basics.
      "Although he pronounces his name “HOO-lee-un,” he doesn’t really speak Spanish — a fact he isn’t eager to advertise. "

  6. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Labor Secretary Tom Perez, a top surrogate for Hillary Clinton, went after Donald Trump Thursday by tying him to the man who killed Trayvon Martin.

    “It wouldn’t surprise me that George Zimmerman wanted to be on Donald Trump’s side because they share the same values,” Perez said in a call with reporters.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      How sick, that Zimmerman wants to auction off the gun that killed someone.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      That repulsive piece of dog excrement calls it his "coon killer"! Hope he has a tough time when his life on this earth is coming to an end.

    3. Zimmerman is disgusting excrement. Portrayed as a nice guy, with no prejudices during his trial. Well, he has proven time and again what a disgusting low life he truly is. I'm still pissed he wasn't convicted. The prosecutor didn't try very hard to convict him either. Such a travesty. Rest in peace, young Trayvon.

  7. eclecticsandra2:37 PM

    I think two women on the ticket would be way too much for the general populace to cope with. I also wonder if they would get along with each other. They are both more accustomed to dealing with men in power.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      That was my point in my blog post yesterday. I love Liz and would have voted for her in a heartbeat if she ran for prez but its too soon to have two women on the ticket. Rome wasn't built in a day.

    2. Anonymous4:37 PM

      I don't.
      And as far as SPHASH said in her article that there couldn't be a minority or another woman, but I highly disagree. I think it's past time where a white man has to be on the ticket.

  8. Anonymous2:38 PM

    From the article:
    "Warren, a freshman senator from Massachusetts, who supports breaking up the big banks and re-imposing 1930s-era Wall Street regulations to prevent another global financial crisis..."
    Precisely why she won't take the job.
    Hillary is beholden to those very interests.
    Warren has principle.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Wrong, 2:38. "Elizabeth Warren Praises Hillary's Wall Street Plan."

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      You don't know jack.

    3. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Exactly right, bro.

    4. Anonymous10:29 PM

      You guys can't read the link where Warren praises Hillary's Walk St. plan? Why not? Scared of the truth?

    5. Yes, I heard Elizabeth praise Hillary's plan just yesterday.

  9. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Can you imagine it? What a power ticket. tRump would not know what hit him.

  10. Anonymous2:41 PM

    No. Won't happen.
    Elizabeth does not want to be a VP, and the American public couldn't handle two women running together.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM


    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Oh heck no! Face it, the ultra right and evangelicals aren't going to have a (gasp) woman in charge, let alone two!

    3. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Exactly again, though it would be a dream ticket for me. In other news, TX Gov Greg Abbott is really scared of the transgenders going to the bathroom. I heard a long time ago that a guy named Ted Bundy pretended to have a broken arm, so he could convince a woman to help him. Wonder how that worked out? What if somebody pretended to be in a wheelchair, but they really are a transgender pervert who wants to attack me in the bathroom?! We need laws against that type of thing!

    4. Anonymous3:32 PM

      That can be said for a lot of men, 3:12 PM, not just the groups you mention! The total opposite and everything in between!

  11. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Obama Predicts 2016 Election Will Course-Correct An 'Extreme' GOP

  12. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Wish I could see Warren as veep, but I just don't believe that the public would vote for an all-female ticket. Especially not after this Tuesday's results that showed that a # of people who voted for Bernie voted because they still can't stomach the thought of a female president. Nothing against Bernie. He got a lot of votes from people who love him, and I respect the man very much. But there are a lot of white Dems who have not entered this century yet. These are the people who were actually able to vote for a black man in 2008 before voting for a woman. Many wanted Obama, yes, but there were also many who hated the idea of a woman, any woman, being pres. I remember hearing people say it and it so bummed me out. I was going to be happy with Hillary or Obama. What I didn't count on was that sexism trumped racism. It was, in a way, a good sign. It gave me hope when it came to racism lessening, but it made me realize just how important it is for men to remain in power/think of them selves as rightly the more powerful gender. I think the GOP would spend huge bucks on ads about the country not being protected if two women were in the White house, and I think a lot of people would buy into that. I think the # was 80 that I heard on TV the other day as the number of female leaders who other countries have voted for. We just can't bring ourselves to do it here. it now looks like we finally may, but i just can't see it happening with a female pres and veep duo. At least not this first time of getting a woman into the White House.

    I'm hoping Hillary goes for Sherrod Brown.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Bernie Sanders gets a lot of votes from people trying to bring the Democrats down.

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Sherrod Brown and Tim Kaine are my two choices.

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Love Sherrod Brown and his amazing wife Connie Schultz. They are both true progressives.

    4. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Several years ago, Brown was on Rachel Maddow numerous times within a short period of time. I can't remember what was happening at the time, but I do remember that I was very impressed with him. He was very intelligent, very informed about the topic under discussion, and had an engaging personality.

    5. Sherrod Brown would be ideal. He is a liberal, & truly cares about we, the people. Love his wife, too. I have faith that Hillary will make a good choice. I just hope Debbie WTF Shultz is ousted as the DNC chair. That would get a corporate Dem out of our hair.

  13. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I wonder who Trump will pick as veep. I don't see him as wanting 8 years. I bet he'll pick someone who will run after his first term. And in that case, I think the party will have a lot to do with who he chooses.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Want to have even more nightmares? Think it can't get worse than the prospect of Trump in the White House? Thought you'd seen the last of the crazy mummy from Arizona?

      Well, here's a frightening new rumor about who might be on the short list.

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM


    3. OMG, hope her pointy finger says no. OMG! There are too many opportunists to chose from. Makes my head spin.

  14. Gryphen, Hilary is 100 percent pro Wall Street. Did you ever hear Elizabeth warren's story of her first meeting with Hillary, when she was First Lady and what happened after that?

    Sorry Gryphen. I love Elizabeth Warren and she knows that Hillary is not on the same side as she is regarding Wall Street and consumer protections.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      We Dems also need to compromise as well. But Bernie is pissing me right off. I thought he was cool. Now he's like McCain. Pissing me right off.

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Read this, "the truth hurts" - Warren Praises Hillary's Wall Street Plan, from Dec. 2015:

  15. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Chelsea Clinton's hedge fund boss husband Marc Mezvinsky has refused to apologize to investors - despite losing nearly $25 million in a calamitous gamble on the Greek economy

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      We need to see those"personal emails".
      The ones about (cough)YOGA(cough)...

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      No "we" don't.

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Speak for yourself.
      She's hiding shit,and America should see it BEFORE the convention.

    4. Anonymous7:17 PM

      What's "YOGA? 5:12?

    5. Anonymous7:37 PM

      6:39, quit being coy and tell us what shit she's hiding before the convention. You know you want to tell us all about it. I thought we knew everything and more that there was to know about the woman but apparently we missed that memo.

    6. Anonymous8:16 PM

      She has stated that some of the emails that were deleted pertained to "yoga classes"
      I'll kiss your ass and give you an hour to draw a crowd if Hillary has done yoga.

    7. Anonymous10:27 PM

      8:16 - Hillary has taken yoga classes. Fact. (But don't come near me.)

    8. After more than 20 years of the RW's demonizing Hillary, their lies, disinformation & bulls hit is now being absorbed by those on the left. Anything she does is suspect. She can't catch a break. Those who are too young to remember the 90s have no clue how nasty the RW was toward her & Bill .... even before Lewinsky came into the picture. The RW became so bad, the rest of the world thought America lost their ever fucking minds. And while the RW demonized ... the approval ratings of the Clinton were very high. Meaning, the average American saw & didn't like what the RW was doing. So here we are, 20 years later, & the RW memes of Hillary & Bill are being believed by people who you would think would know better. In the meantime, you got a crazy guy on the right, & you hear little criticism from certain people on the left.

  16. Anonymous3:22 PM

    He could easily have chosen Elizabeth Warren and it would have been a completely different thing than if Hillary Clinton does it..

    ... because HE has that all-important dick.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Perhaps, but what about tRump?
      Look what he has to choose from if he went that route.

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      I've seen that painting of naked Drumpf and there's so much flab you would need a microscope to find a dick on him. Very disturbing.

  17. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love that EW's torturing Trump on Twitter. Seems she's all-in as far as using the social media goes. Hillary has to be careful. I think EW is thrilled to take on the job of giving Trump a taste of his own medicine. And it will help the Dems, absolutely, to take the twitterverse away as a Trump-controlled domain. But no way could Hillary be the one to do what EW's doing.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      From where I stand she is pretty much embarrassing herself. What a fool to take on Trump at the game he loves to play.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Embarrassing herself? Calling a spade a spade is her RIGHT as a citizen.

      Yeah, let's ALL just shut up and let Donald run amok. Like it matters anyway for us "little" people....most of them don't give a shit, especially one Donald tRump!

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Who said anything about rights 4:36 lol?

      Of course she has the right to enter into Trumps stomping ground and embarrass herself trying to play his games. It just isn't very smart.

    4. Anonymous5:25 PM

      I like Prez Obama's technique, ignore the child in the room. Class all the way. Warren is a genius at fighting back, but I kind of wish she'd leave Trump's bombs on the floor where they landed.

    5. Anonymous5:28 PM

      And I ask you again why NOT. NO one dares stand up to him? BULLSHIT.

    6. Anonymous5:53 PM

      5:28, the media should be calling him out, and the GOP. I worry that his stink bombs will be lost in the frenzy of another twitter war. Warren, and all Dems, should be going on tv and calling him out, not twitter.

    7. Anonymous7:27 PM

      The twitter war is fine. It seems to have made the stubby-fingered vulgarian back off a bit, thinks he's the only one who will be heard but got powned by Warren.
      Warren does need to come up with a really, really catchy nickname for that dick of a Donald, however.

    8. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Exactly right, 5:53 PM, but the media is bought and paid for. It is all sensationalism; there is no investigative journalism anymore.

      They should have called Palin out in '08 for Trig alone, but response was "Can't Touch This" MC Hammer.

      At least the dummy was smart enough to know they wouldn't. "Lamestream" was the one and only thing she ever got right, and she, and her family, have rode it to riches.

      Christians? HAH!

  18. Anonymous4:30 PM

    No Way will USA elect 2 women at same time esp with H's baggage, mostly undeserved, lets get one female in there to begin, she is heads above Drumf, needs strong VP from a swing state

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Yea, 4:30, seeing how the US has never voted for two people of the same gender on a Presidential ticket. Wouldn't be good to try something so new like that. smh

  19. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Hillary is not willing to share her place in history with another woman, especially with one who is more likeable than she is.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      " more likeable than she is"

      *unparalleled honesty and principle
      *really does give a fuck
      The superlatives never end with Warren and she TOWERS over Hellary in every category.

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Aw, Warren loves HRC. She said she was glad that HRC was running for president as early as 2014.

  20. Anonymous7:02 PM

    ...In conversations with other top Democrats and close advisers to Clinton, it’s clear that Warren’s stock is rising. One Clinton adviser, who described himself as part of “Team Warren,” said that the idea had plenty of internal support and that the assumption Clinton doesn’t like Warren personally is incorrect.

    “Having been around Hillary when Elizabeth is talked about, there’s not much — she doesn’t have bad feelings toward Elizabeth. It’s more that she’s frustrated that people don’t realize that she’s been championing these issues her whole life, too,” the adviser said.

    Moreover, the timing of Warren’s attacks on Trump is being interpreted as a sign that she, too, is interested in the gig. Warren notably declined to rule out serving as Clinton’s VP in a recent interview with Mic.

    “She’s been a totally good soldier,” said the adviser. “I understand that it’s to her benefit to stay out of the Hillary-Bernie thing — talk about a no-win situation — but you could say she’s already been auditioning for it a little bit,” he said.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      I thought that's what Warren was up to! Thank you!

  21. Anonymous7:29 PM

    " It’s more that she’s frustrated that people don’t realize that she’s been championing these issues her whole life, too,” the adviser said."
    More Hellary spin bullshit.
    Ass kissing malarkey.
    Warren talks the talk and walks the walk.
    Hellary needs to release the transcripts and let America decide.
    And oh yeah,as the head of the FBI says,it's an "investigation"

    1. You don't really know much about Hillary or you wouldn't say those things. About those transcripts ... WTF, no presidential candidate has ever been asked to release transcripts from their speeches. Why must Hillary be treated differently than any of the men who have run before her? Let's see Bernie & Donald's tax returns ... something of which is traditional to do so.

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Giggles 4:48

      Just looking at the facts we know, it is clear that Clinton and her aides have broken the law.
      Title 18 Section 1924
      "Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both."
      Title 18 Section 793
      (f) "Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both."

  22. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I agree with those who think a Dem ticket with two females would be risky. Also I think Warren would highlight Hillary's Wall Street connections with negative blowback she couldn't afford. I think the VP pick should be someone who has served in the military. Nearly all past presidents had military service (or fake military service) and it is one of the things that could influence moderate Republicans who might be on the fence about pulling the lever for the orange clown.

  23. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Biden/Warren was my dream ticket.
    I am STILL disappointed that Biden did not run.


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