Monday, June 06, 2016

Bad news folks. David French says David French is not running for President.

Warning link goes to that rabid Right Wing National Review website: 

I’m not the right person to challenge Trump and Hillary, but the path remains open for others. 

Here is a sentence I never thought I’d type: After days of prayer, reflection, and serious study of the possibilities, I am not going to run as an independent candidate for president of the United States. 

Wait, so the guy that nobody ever heard of, is not launching a campaign that nobody would ever care about, for an office that he is incredibly unqualified to hold?

For purely comedic reasons I am quite disappointed.

Boy that Bill Kristol sure can pick them, can't he?

Well it looks like Bristol Palin's ex-ghostwriter is NOT going to the White House. So I guess she is free to crawl back to the Palins with her tail between her legs and beg for her old job back.

Or perhaps there is some OTHER daughter of a D list celebrity whose identity she can adopt?


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Bill Kristol batting a reliable one hundred percent.

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    The story about David French was that nobody knows who he is. So now a person nobody knows isn't running for POTUS. Whoopdidoo!

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Palin curse!

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM


    "convicted of: Assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated or unconscious person. Sexual penetration of an intoxicated person. Sexual penetration of an unconscious person." Daddy dearest enabling affluenza.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM


      Under the expanded curfew order issued on Monday, all Navy personnel are forbidden from drinking either on or off base and are required to be on base or at home except to perform “essential” activities such as commuting.

      "The order was not the first curfew or drinking restriction issued by the United States military in Japan, but it was the broadest in a number of years."

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      The father's statement about imprisonment being "a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action" was very chilling. I hope there are no daughters in that household and that the wife has left for good. The victim is scarred for life because of his son's "20 minutes of action." Had I been the judge that statement would have sealed the deal and I would have given the rapist the maximum sentence. Obviously the men in the rapist's family have no idea how onerous they are.

    3. Anonymous3:27 PM

      20 minutes ? Bet he's more of a "2 pump chump".

  5. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I guess he figured out that even with God on his side, he didn't have a prayer (snowball's chance in hell) of winning.

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM

    What is wrong with this guy that he ever considered it? He'd have tough legal ballot battles and would have to raise hundreds of millions at the last minute n a name no one knows. The mere fact that he thought about it shows how little self-awareness this chump has.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      This David French has all the right credentials and is dumber than a fucking box of rocks.


  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    OT? Black and beautiful>"“As a woman in the United States Army, I think … we are just as tough as men. As a commander of my unit, I’m powerful, I am dedicated,”
    "Barber said she plans to use the pageant’s spotlight and her title to support veteran’s causes and tackle the issue of suicide and post-traumatic stress disorder among military members."

  8. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Oh, good, now Nancy can go back to writing Bristol's blog and Sarah's Facebook rants.

    1. But can SarahPAC continue to pay the bills?

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      @9:03 Maybe someone will buy the big bus or the big Arizona palace. Sarah doesn't seem to have much of a cash flow any more.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    "I have heard reports that Secretary Clinton has said it's all going to be over on Tuesday night," Sanders said. "I have heard reports that the media, after the New Jersey results come in, are going to declare that it is all over. That simply is not accurate."""Any objective analyst of the current campaign understands that the energy and the grass-roots activism of this campaign is with us, not Hillary Clinton," Mr Sanders said in San Diego Sunday night.

    This too>

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Bernie hasn't met my mom and her 80-yr-old plus buddies who are rabid for Hillary. Her grass roots support some mighty experienced women.

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Another California cautionary tale: To this day, B1 Bob Dornan hasn't conceded his House seat. Guess what? He's not a member of Congress...whether he admits it or not.

  10. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Gryph the great time waster on nothing burger posts.

    Told you so.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM


    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Very strange. You 8:23, why the hell are you here on this nothing burger post? Why would you 'waste' your precious, oh so important time? "Told you so." Oh my, did you really? Did you also state, nuh uh?

    3. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Actually, #winning.

      Told you so.

    4. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Gryphen did not create the story fool

    5. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Uhhhh, yah 10:26, it is a blog, Gryph doesn't create 95% of his posts.... duh?

      But why pass on a bunch of obvious bullshit?

  11. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Oh no. I was hoping we'd have a First Lady who was forbidden from emailing men šŸ™„

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      David's might just be worried about the competition. Dude makes my gaydar go to 11. Wonder if he's a big old closet case.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM




    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Maybe he was afraid to leave that irrisistable wife of his alone, while he ran the country? He really should have her contact with the PayMe hos investigated. Birds of a feather flock together and all that.

    4. Anonymous10:29 AM

      8:53 If the shoe fits...
      Another fact about French we’ve learned in the last 24 hours is that he has a history of fighting LGBT rights. French served as a lawyer for the vehemently anti-gay legal group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) from 2006 to 2010. Carlos Maza of Media Matters For America writes,

      Both before and after French’s tenure there, ADF worked to defend domestic and international anti-sodomy laws that criminalize homosexual behavior. ADF is also the group behind the recent wave of anti-LGBT “religious freedom” laws and anti-transgender “bathroom bills.” The group has a history of fighting to limit access to reproductive healthcare, including testifying against Planned Parenthood and taking part in the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby case.

    5. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Let's show the world that the GOP does more than produce a bigoted liar like Trump. Let's nominate a homophobic lawyer nobody who's never read National Review has heard of. What could go wrong

    6. Anonymous12:54 PM

      8:53 here. You may have learned it in the last 24 hours, 10:29, but it's not news to a lot of us. French has been a major voice in anti-marriage equality and other anti-LGBT activities. He's better known for this than for anything else (which, admittedly, doesn't mean he's well known for anything, unless you've been active in LGBT rights circles).

  12. Anonymous8:28 AM

    HRC>" Hillary will continue his legacy, as though that’s some sort of indictment of her candidacy, only communicates that the person saying it fails to appreciate how much progress we’ve made under President Obama."

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Hillary Clinton: "Which part didn't they like, the peace or the prosperity?"

  13. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Bill Kristol needed to remind peeps he sucks. This French farce worked!

    Billy “little brother”

  14. Anonymous8:44 AM


  15. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Someone seems desperate to change the subject.

  16. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Someone seems desperate to change the subject.

  17. Crystal Sage8:58 AM

    O/T: Sunny Johnston has announced that she is closing down her personal Facebook account in order to concentrate on her photography business. I understand her decision but will miss seeing her beautiful family pictures, especially those of Tripp, showing him happily living a normal life.

    I so wish that Tripp could live permanently with his dad and family.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Bravo to Sunny! I hope this starts a trend. I rarely hear from my 30 something daughter and DIL because they sound their computer time on FB. My 86 year old mother fills me in! My son is very good about email and has NO FB account. I have one, but I allow no photos because people were posting to my page without permission. I don't get the whole "oh, I got up at 7, had eggs and the yummiest blueberry jam on my toast, and little Angie just used the potty for the first time! It's sunny here and we're going to story time at the library and then get some new picture books-she loves anything with animals in ti now.." Blah Blah Blah.

    2. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I wish Sunny the very best! Not only is she beautiful, but talented as well. I will miss the pictures of her and her family - they always made me happy.

    3. Anonymous12:27 PM

      When is her sil gonna bare her fake titties for everyone?

    4. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Sheesh, Bristol @12:27 - jealousy is especially ugly on you.

    5. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Calling attention to someone's slutty behavior is not jealousy.

    6. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I think that it is a good idea. If Sunny wants to share family pictures with close friends and family, she can use a private account. She was getting troll comments from the professional trolls, and she was getting a jealous reaction from immature people. Better to keep her family private.

    7. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Sounds like a dee-vorce is comin'.

  18. Anonymous10:19 AM

    That is so funny. A guy living in his own little bubble, praying about it, and all that. No one even knew he was in a quandary. Then to make a statement as if we were all in on his game. That's what I mean when I say these right wingers think they are the only one alive. But if Bill Kristol wants just anyone then he should run. Maybe it's time.

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Someone at the pee pond noted that nancyjanefrench commented on bsmp2's instagram picture of the halibut fishing trip

  20. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Well, Bill Mayer is certainly going to be disappointed.

  21. Anonymous2:27 PM

    The only thing this whole French Try foray did for me was reveal even more repulsive facts about David and Brancy and their ignorant and regressive values.

    I wonder who did the bridge-burning between Brancy and her Paylin payday? The lack of updates on the Brancy blog speaks volumes about the laziness of the daughter spawn. And Sarah's attempts to 'rite' on Facebook are pathetically funny.

  22. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Bristol is so disappointed at this news. She figured she had the Secretary of State job all wrapped up in a French administration.

  23. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    "After much prayerful consideration" translates, loosely, to "I got some skeletons in my closet and their rattling bones keep me up at night" Don't worry, Mr French, one door opens, two doors close.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Maybe there are, but the reality is there was never a consideration for a run anyways, this was all just to stir up a little attention.

  24. Anonymous8:30 AM

    French says that someone from the Trump campaign threatened his wife's family. Could it be a Palin?


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