Monday, June 20, 2016

Wall Street is trying to pressure Hillary Clinton into not making Elizabeth Warren her VP. Which is exactly why Hillary Clinton needs to make Elizabeth Warren her VP.

Wall Street's against me? I'm so surprised.
Courtesy of Politico:  

Big Wall Street donors have a message for Hillary Clinton: Keep Elizabeth Warren off the ticket or risk losing millions of dollars in contributions. 

In a dozen interviews, major Democratic donors in the financial services industry said they saw little chance that Clinton would pick the liberal firebrand as her vice presidential nominee. These donors despise Warren’s attacks on the financial industry. But they also think her selection would be damaging to the economy. And they warned that if Clinton surprises them and taps Warren, big donations from the industry could vanish.

“If Clinton picked Warren, her whole base on Wall Street would leave her,” said one top Democratic donor who has helped raise millions for Clinton. “They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.’” 

Most big donors don’t want Warren on the ticket because she is the most accomplished anti-Wall Street populist in the Democratic Party. But many also think her presence would drive a potential Clinton administration too far to the left, poison relations with the private sector from the start and ultimately be damaging to the economy. 

Now that is music to my ears. 

So now here is the box that Hillary Clinton finds herself in.

If she doesn't choose Warren as her VP, everybody will assume that Wall Street owns her and that she really is untrustworthy.

If she does choose Elizabeth Warren, and Warren declines, everybody will assume that Warren thinks Wall Street owns her and that she is untrustworthy. 

In other words Warren is now is an incredibly powerful position which, knowing what we know about her, means that she will be making some very specific demands of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party.

However since she has been such an aggressive and outspoken advocate for Hillary as of late, I think those demands have already been met.


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Dang! I was hoping EW could say in a speech at the Dem convention that she would be the first Native American vice president, but there was one named Charles Curtis.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Very threatened by her. Huh,

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Only when she does her war cry lol.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      When is the last time she has been on the rez and hung out with her people?

    4. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Buttheads. Leave us Native Americans out of your toxic bullshit. Haven't you done us enough harm?

    5. Anonymous3:23 PM

      I have never lived on a rez and I am a First Nations member.

    6. I'm not Native but I'd like to suggest to my fellow white skins. STFU about her or anyone else's heritage.

    7. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Well 4:08, she is the one false claiming it, why should she not be called out on it? Now that is ludicrous.

    8. Anonymous5:09 PM

      4:20 - have you seen her DNA test?

    9. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I'll just drop this here...

    10. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Typical Bernie Bro racist.

    11. Anonymous6:00 PM

      @anon 4:20pm
      You don't have to be a registered tribal member to carry Native American blood.

    12. Anonymous6:15 PM

      While I know you rarely censor anyone's posts, I do know that as a Native American I would appreciate if you would censor outright racist posts like 2:48pms

    13. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Why don't you read the link at 5:56 and learn something, instead of incorrectly calling people racist simply because you don't like the truth 6:15? You should read it too 6:00 and 5:59.

      I would say Warren is the racist frankly.

    14. Anonymous8:26 PM

      7:14 - so you're "native-splainin'" to us? I am a native woman; I don't need you to explain racism.

    15. Anonymous8:41 PM

      7:14 - we have debunked aspects of that 2012 article many times here on IM in the comments. Search "Dawes rolls" here; maybe that will help explain it to you. You don't have to be in a tribe in order to claim native heritage. Her blood quantum may be low, but that does not mean it's not true. Many people her age from OK have mixed race backgrounds. Both of my parents, born in OK, do, but there is only federal documentation on one side. Yet my parents have the same blood quantum amount (from different tribes each). There are many people like that. I am a member of an arts group focused on irs native members; we know that many refused to be counted by the federal gov't as a protest, so if someone's family was not on the rolls, it may mean they were protesting the US on behalf of their tribe! It is very complicated, and anyone who wishes to continue such accusations against Warren may be surprised to learn how little they know about US history and native genocide, and even why some families hid from the census takers in the 20th century, as well as the cruelty of residential schools, and how they destroyed native families.

    16. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Who gives a crap what you think, or that you claim to be 'native' woman 8:26, whatever the importance of that is supposed to be. This isn't about you. No offense of course.

      8:41, you don't really hear Warren talking about her claimed Native American heritage anymore do you?

      ""There's a running joke in Indian country: If you meet somebody who you wouldn't necessarily think they're Native, but they say they're Native, chances are they'll tell you they're Cherokee," said Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, a spokesperson for the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma""

    17. Anonymous9:34 PM

      9:20 - so what? There are many of Cherokee heritage in OK! I'll bet you don't know anyone who is Cherokee from OK. Am I right? And yes, Warren does still claim it -1/32. I know someone who is 1/64 Cherokee who won a native contest last year in the arts. She is not in the tribe federally, either. Educate yourself.

    18. Anonymous9:47 PM

      To the dumbfuck trolling about Sen. Warren. When she went to the university, she was asked, as EVERYONE is, to mark ALL ethnicities that applied to her. That's all she did, same as me and millions of others who went to college. She didn't get a scholarship or financial aid based on it. She didn't get job opportunities based on it. You are so fucking stupid, you Fox News tool, that it hurts.

    19. Anonymous10:12 PM

    20. Anonymous10:47 PM

    21. Anonymous7:05 AM

      It is hillarious. The hypocrisy.

      The Palins can't even have a fart without the IMers demanding a good sniff, and DNA testing, and a doctors deposition proving it is their fart and even then you don't believe it.

      But Warren, well she has nothing, but she said so, and that is good enough, because she reminds us of our fun loving lesbian aunt.

    22. Anonymous8:41 AM

      7:05, eewwww, the Palin's farts. Gross. Haven't we suffered enough? But getting on topic. I don't mind that Elizabeth Warren has Native blood. Sure our men get one in every now and then, and the women love a good white man, and black man for that matter. There are mixed races in this country. Bound to happen. But just stop with all the demeaning comments. There's so much prejudice in this country and there's no solving the problem of it any time soon because we are all right, we are all smart, we are all superior, our god is better than yours, our brain is better, our way of life is better, out guns are bigger, and on and on and on. Get over yourself, America. We act like a bunch of two year olds on a bad day. Let us do the hard thing and learn to live among one another and not go back to the caveman days. Please.

    23. Anonymous8:56 AM

      She doesn't have native blood 8:41.

      If she did no problemo, but she doesn't. She lied about it and has no proof.

    24. Anonymous10:13 AM

      8:56 - wrong, dear. In native communities, family stories matter. For all the reasons at 7:14, 10:47, and beyond. Just because you cannot cite articles that show any comprehension of the complexities of native genealogy in the US (and the genocidal reasons why) does not mean that Warren has no native heritage--she's only claiming 3% anyway!

    25. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Um, where is the proof for your claim? And while you're at it, what is your definition for someone to be considered to have native blood? Put up or shut up.

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Joe Smilin Biden

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    The difference between a serious campaign and a silly one -

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      "Lewandowski was escorted out of the building by Trump security." As one dRumpf adviser put it to him: “The real lesson here is everyone is expendable except for the kids. It’s tribal.”

  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Although I would love to see Elizabeth on the ticket, I am not sure having two women running is going to go over very well with some small minded people.

    The US finally entered the 21 century with the possibility of a woman president, do we go for broke and have two women on the ticket or play it safe?

    It also bothers me that there are many young women that don't think Hillary as the Democratic candidate is a big deal. They need to be reminded that many things they take for granted,have only come about in recent history.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      On the other hand, those small-minded people probably wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton anyway.

      I'm not going to concern myself with whom Hillary picks for VP, I trust her judgment 100%.

    2. Caroll Thompson2:45 PM

      The small minded will be voting for Trump. It is time for two women on the ticket. Warren is the most qualified to be the VP, she should get the nod.

      And the young women who don't think Hillary is a big deal need to think again. If Trump is elected, it will put equal rights back 50 years.

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      How WE got here>

    4. Anonymous5:21 PM

      "Warren is the most qualified to be the VP"

      How do you define 'qualified'? She had no political experience prior to this, her first, current Senate term. What is her foreign policy experience? She's passionate about consumer rights and holding Wall Street accountable but that qualifies her more for a cabinet position that VP and 2nd in line to the presidency.

      I like him less but would say Tim Kaine has more applicable experience.

    5. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Those small minded people are tRump voters.
      If my 95 yr old white male Dad thinks it's a great idea then anyone who doesn't is a misogynist and isn't going to vote for Hillary anyway.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I still think Warren can do more "damage" to Wall St as a senator than VP.

    1. It's all in the perception, as you said above: If she doesn't choose Warren as her VP, everybody will assume that Wall Street owns her and that she really is untrustworthy.

      Some call Hillary the best politician money can buy: she must prove them wrong by picking Liz. Also, Wall St. must be shown it doesn't own the Democratic party whose 1%er candidate has not received grassroots money like Bernie did, running a campaign on donations averaging $27 a piece from millions of people, young people.

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Bernie sure has a record on FEC violations!

    3. Anonymous4:39 AM

      If I understand you correctly, Barbara, you think that Warren must be sacrificed to get Hillary elected.

  6. Anonymous2:38 PM

    The heading , Gryphen, explains why Hillary is a flawed candidate. The fact that Wall Street even can attempt to influence her.....her foreign policy failure in the Middle East has displaced millions of people from their homes, created ISIS and has put many in Europe and here at home in harms way. Immoral judgement does not even begin to describe it.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Isis, her other child.

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Her response when interviewed about these failures and voting for war was dismissive, "That's why I called my book Hard Choices," ha, ha, ha. Not funny.

    3. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Oh, stop. Are you five years old? Do you know how many corporate sponsors St. Bernie has? NRA, Bank of America, Boeing, Amazon...

    4. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Hillary has been US President since 1992, right?

    5. Anon @ 2:38 - you need to venture out of the right wing media bubble more more often. Hillary did not create ISIS. George W. Bush signed a status of forces agreement to have out troops out of Iraq by December 31, 2011. Iraq would not let our troops stay unless they would be under Sharia laws while in Iraq. If we never went into George W. Bush's war of choice the Middle East wouldn't be on fire today.

    6. This is beyond frustrating. Aside from blaming Clinton for that, which isn't accurate, Isis is a benign Egyptian goddess. ISIL or the insult name Daesh would be the more accurate terminology.

    7. Anonymous3:58 PM

      2:38 PM Trolling, trolling, trolling though your words are folding, keep those trollies trolling go hide. Through rain, wind, and weather keep them trolls together, soon you'll be sulking far and wide.

    8. Anonymous4:20 PM

      you got that right, except maybe the word "benign">
      You go girl> you go HRC!

      Posted on Solstice! with a Strawberry moon rising! Time is NOW!

    9. Well done, 3:58!

    10. Anonymous4:40 AM

      You have a very poor understanding of the Isis and the Middle east.

  7. Caroll Thompson2:42 PM

    Unlike Bernie, I would welcome any demands made by Elizabeth Warren. Warren has shown herself to be a team player. She wants to work toward a goal, not threaten the convention if she doesn't get her way immediately.

    Bernie is a true loser. And he changed over the course of a year. It went from a campaign about ideas to a campaign about the candidate.

    So fart away Bernie bros and raise hell at the convention if you must. Once Warren is named as VP, not many will remember Bernie and the pain in the ass that he is.

    1. Bernie's entry has a lot to do with where we are now -- Hillary having to prove herself better than a piecemeal centrist and non-Democrat, really.

      Progressives want a party they can believe will make changes, esp. about the inequality in America which is ripe for revolution if it is not done peaceably. What is so wrong with taxing the rich even a little bit??

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Oh, please. Hillary has done far more progressive things than she is ever given credit for. I'm quite tired of it. Look at where she is on guns, and reproductive rights, for example. She is far more left than Bernie, who could not be bothered to filibuster last week. She was the only candidate to discuss reproductive rights for women and Planned Parenthood in a positive way! (Bernie said Planned Parenthood was the "establishment"!)

      Financial Inequality is not the only issue that matters today--not by a long shot. It is myopic to pretend it is, IMHO.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Bernie is nothing but an NRA shill.

  8. Anonymous3:15 PM


    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      HRC Response- 1 word

  9. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Gryph,put down the Alaskan Thunderfuck.
    Wall Street paid Hillary $21mil. over 2 years for "speeches" that she won't release the transcripts from.
    They're invested in Hillary BIG TIME.
    As VP for Hillary,Warren won't do shit to rein them in.
    Get real,or get lost.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Bernie's massive FEC violations

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      3:18 PM Are you still trolling here? Do you feel like a big boy posting your drivel?

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Are you disputing that Hillary banked $21mil. from WallStreet over two years for "speeches" and won't release the transcripts?
      Check the mission statement of this blog at the top left hand corner...

    4. Anonymous4:26 PM

      4:14 - let me guess. You're also still protesting the Vietnam War?

    5. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Actually it is called Matanuska Thunderfuck and it was the good shit in it's day.

    6. Anonymous5:20 PM

      And the Vietnam War has exactly what the fuck to do with Hillary banking $21mil. from Wall Street?
      Her being besties with Henry Kissinger?
      Get your shit straight...

    7. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Thanks for the correction?
      Toke on....

    8. Anonymous5:47 PM

      5:20 - let me guess. You're also for Hitler's Defeat? You're also protesting Chairman Mao?

    9. Anonymous6:54 PM

      So 5:47pm

      You are saying that if enough time passes between the present and the misdeeds perpetrated by someone that we should all just forget and move on?

    10. Anonymous8:24 PM

      6:54 - let me guess. You're also protesting against Stalin? Or no?

    11. Anonymous9:43 PM

      I don't give a rat's ass who she gave speeches too. If someone were willing to pay me 100K to talk to them, you bet I would do it. As for the transcripts, dumbfuck, she was perfectly willing to release them if the other candidates would release the transcripts of their speeches. Did you miss that, sweetie? Bless your stupid heart.

  10. Anonymous3:23 PM

    "If she doesn't choose Warren as her VP, everybody will assume that Wall Street owns her..."

    Who is 'everybody'? I think the 'everybody' of whom you speak is a minority of the population, being the Sanders Brigade and the Donald Trump train, made louder with the megaphone of the horse-race media.

    If Warren does run as the VP candidate, 'everybody' will still say Hillary is owned by Wall Street. They'll say Hillary took her out of Senate where she'd have more influence over legislation. A president can easily keep a VP under wraps.

    Some variation of the Wall Street smear will be levied during the campaign no matter what. But there's reason to think the smear won't matter to the needed majority of the voting public. The Democratic Party gave Clinton the nomination in spite of knowing about her Wall Street ties and the Dems are to the left of the general voting public. We elected Barack Obama to the presidency twice even though he took campaign donations from Wall Street.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I'd say 21 million bucks in Wall Street speeches goes a long way towards owning someone. She's not right for America now, even with Warren attempting to temper her.

    2. Anonymous9:52 PM

      If it was okay for Obama, then why not for Clinton?

    3. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Such stupid Fox News memes: the speech transcript meme, the $21 million for speeches meme, the Benghazi meme, the personal server meme, the expensive clothes meme and on and on...... All stupid and without merit. Learn to do some fucking research, Trolls.

  11. Anonymous3:32 PM
    Only listed 6-6-6

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Hours after the Orlando shooting, Florida Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis found it appropriate to post this on Facebook:

      “The entire city should be leveled. It is void of a single redeeming quality. It is a melting pot of 3rd world miscreants and ghetto thugs. It is void of culture. If you live down there you do it at your own risk and at your own peril. If you go down there after dark there is seriously something wrong with you.”

  12. Tell Wall Street to pound sand. Their recklessness tanked the economy and a government bailout kept them afloat. The American people are sick of them. If Hillary taps Ms. Warren, they can sit on their money. She'd pick up donors that hate Wall Street.

  13. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Hey,guess what?!
    As has our POTUS,Tim Canova is doing an AMA on reddit right now.

  14. Anonymous3:51 PM

    After the vote today on guns in the Senate I don't understand why you want to take Warren's vote out of the Senate.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Because we'll replace her with another Democrat. Got it yet? So says Harry Reid.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      The GOP governor will appoint a replacement until a special election. There's no guaranty a Democrat would be elected to finish her term and there is a guaranty there would be a Republican in her seat casting votes for, at least, part of the time.

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      But Sen. Reid says it would only be for 2 months, @5:29. Warren would resign in November 2016, and the Special Election would be in Jan. 2017. The Democrats think they can get a candidate ready to win in Jan. 2017. So says Harry Reid!

  15. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Who is it who doesn't already know enough about the Clintons (and Blue Dog Democrats in general) to have doubts about who owns them? The core philosophy of the Dem party since the Neoliberals gained power in the early '90s has been to compete with the Repubs for corporate $. If you do have doubts, just tally up the number of Wall Street fraudsters prosecuted by the Obama administration.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Wow, you don't know what a blue dog is. Anyone who uses the term "neoliberal" gives himself away.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      4:28 WTF is the point?

    3. Anonymous4:48 AM

      Hillary isn't even close to being a blue dog.
      Neoliberals and tally up number of Wall Street fraudsters prosecuted by Obama admin makes no sense whatsoever.

  16. Anonymous4:08 PM has debunked the Sanders Secret Service story. Gryphen and everyone else who fell for yet another nasty WaPo Sanders smear demonstrated your colossal lack of understanding of accounting:

    "...anyone with a passing understanding of how federal budgets work knows that budgets are based on approximates, not line items picked on an as-needed basis. So, even if the claim is true as such—even if the $38,000 is in reference to monies needed beyond the Secret Service’s normal course of operation—it still doesn’t make any sense. Until the Secret Services asks Congress for additional funds, there is no money being added or taken from their actual budget, and thus no money being added or taken away from “the taxpayer.”

    Oh, and Sanders still has his SS detail.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Tell FAIR to write to the Washington Post, Slate, and all the other publications of record. I just saw the story on MSNBC, too. Try them, too.Thanks!

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      "...Gryphen and everyone else who fell for yet another nasty WaPo Sanders smear..."
      Yeah,they slurp that shit up here.

    3. Anonymous4:43 PM

      That is some kind of ignorance. Spending budgets are allocated based on projected use. Any money that is not spent is re-allocated somewhere else. So if Sanders is using it, someone else is not. I don't know how often budgets are reviewed for the SS, but when I worked for a government organization, it was quarterly. Any unused budget was re-allocated else where.

    4. Anonymous9:41 PM

      You took the words right out of my mouth. Basic supply and demand.

  17. Anita Winecooler5:17 PM

    These Bernie posts are a riot, and are working wonders for your blog's ratings! And the funny thing is, the post is about Hillary and Liz. Just my opinion, but I think she'd make a great addition to Hillary's Presidency in any capacity.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Why? How would her power be greater than as a sitting Senator on the banking and finance committee? I don't see it.

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Anita needs to put down the Winecoolers...

    3. Anonymous6:08 PM

      @anon 5:35pm
      Maybe it's because you aren't very intelligent? Maybe it's because you are under educated?

    4. Anonymous6:50 PM

      No one is going to vote for two chicks, but at least Warren is playing a long game and moving Hillary to the left.

    5. Anonymous7:46 PM

      6:50 - my mom and dad will vote for "two chicks." They are in their 80's. If they are ready, so are many more.

    6. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Dear Hateful Bitch/Bastard at 6:08.
      The case has not been presented other than to say, "I think...." The statement is lacking in support. Nice ad hominem attack though. That is the go to response of under-educated, low info people. Carry on.

  18. Anonymous5:34 PM

    She would only be a bigger threat as VP than as Senator to Wall Street if Hillary died in office. She has more power to affect change in the Senate rather than as a mostly non-voting VP over-seeing the Senate.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      That's your opinion but not hers.

    2. Definitely Warren has more power in the Senate than as VP. She is also close to Clinton in age. The position is better used to raise the profile of an up and coming younger Dem.

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM

      5:53 You don't know that..Warren is smart and keeping her thoughts to herself.
      Personally, I think she'd be way more effective in the Senate for now.

    4. 7:10 - you just made my point. We don't know Warren's opinion, but she has allowed herself to be vetted. That much we do know. I think Warren can make her own decision about where she can serve most effectively. Don't you?

    5. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Wow, somebody is a major panty-sniffer of Warren. Can't handle any other opinion without be rabid, can you? Well, well, well. I guess no one else is allowed an opinion different than yours.

    6. Anonymous9:39 PM

      OMG 5:53
      People aren't allowed to express their opinions here? Are you Gryphens thread police? Bite me.

    7. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Bite yourself, 9:39. No one else is interested.

    8. Anonymous4:51 AM

      Oh I think you are wrong there. You are the only one not interested, and yet here you are tapping away hatefully at your keyboard because your life is trolling IM. What a sad, little, ignorant troll you are. So precious.

    9. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Why accuse someone who disagrees with you of trolling? 4:51? You give yourself away.

  19. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Nope. Nope. Nope. Elizabeth Warren needs to become the Senate Majority Leader. The Leader of the Senate. She who decides which bill comes to order.
    Not a VP.
    President. In the future. Not yet.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.