Friday, November 18, 2016

Sean Hannity wants this picture of President Obama stepping on the Constitution to hang in the Trump White House.

Hannity then responded to that tweet with this:
I guess we can all hope that Donald Trump has too much class to actually hang that disrespectful garbage in the White house, but that is a challenge because you know.....Donald Trump.

This blog is a public forum so I cannot say what I would like to do to Sean Hannity if I ever met him, but as you might imagine it would undoubtedly earn me some jail time. 

(H/T to AOL News.)


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    LOLZ Putin's Pussy likes only portraits of himself.

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    And you know he'll have a portrait of Melania done that will be amazing, the best ever, etc.

    That painting is so freaky. All those pale white guys looking like a herd of Walkers.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      He can hang it next to that creepy portrait he bought with his Foundation's money.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      It'll probably be an O'Keeffe inspired piece called "Melania's Flower"


  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    OT, but Tis the Season!:

  4. Anonymous2:21 PM

  5. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Hannity is, of course, an ass. So much of what he spews makes no sense, and neither does this painting. How he thinks Obama stepped on the Constitution is beyond me. Somehow, Obama did this and it hurt the poor white guy who looks dejected on the park bench. Whatever!

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM


    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Hannity is a jerk! What in the world does he think Our President did that stepped on the Constitution (I don't see "stomping" in that painting, but regardless is is so insulting and low class). If anyone wants to put that on any government land, they better include a long list of wrongs done by Mr. Obama. Otherwise is is just another illustration of Opinion with no fact to back it up -- just what Fox News does 24-7. I think they should loose their license and be thrown off the air. They do so much damage. Or, maybe they should be made to REPORT NEWS, not just opinion.

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      That poor white guy and his kids have insurance due to President Obama. Likely, he also has a job since the unemployment rate is down drastically under President Obama. Oh, he's sad because he can't use his religion to discriminate against others. Jackass.

  6. Anonymous2:29 PM

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    North Pole:

  8. Anonymous2:54 PM

    So, its is a painting of an apparently able-bodied individual on a park bench feeling sorry for himself and blaming government for his problems even though there is money laying around that he just needs to reach out and grab. And instead of helping the guy (if he really needed any help), they're all just blaming Obama. Seems pretty uninspiring to me.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      And the repubs have it, as shown with healthcare withholding money so our premium went up.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      "Thanks Obama!"

      God I hate these people.

  9. Sharon3:01 PM

    I think Sean wants to be in charge of communications or press briefings? His nose is so far up Trump's ass I wonder how he breathes, but then slime doesn't breathe.

    I dunno but his cabinet picks are getting more outrageous everyday...I really wonder when this is going to blow up. It is too bad the Trump voters are too stupid to know what is happening to us, it's like they voted for cancer and we all have it now.

    1. I've thought all along that Hannity wanted Press Secretary.

  10. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I am sick of this hate. I have to work. I don't like this stress. My wish is move it all to nyc and dc. Trump would love to see all you haters doing this at his door step as well as his cabinents doorsteps. I thought I had a loving town, now it's torn apart. Whine .

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      It's not the election that changed your town, people haven't changed but Trump's lack of decorum is being emulated by the baser elements of our society. Speech and actions that used to be kept hidden are now being displayed publicly.

      At least it makes it easier to choose with whom we want to be friends with and weed out the undesirables in our own families.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      At least it makes it easier to choose with whom we want to be friends with and weed out the undesirables in our own families.

      Yes, they've outed themselves. We need to fight back!

  11. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Watch This>

  12. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Seriously? his painting is supposed to be patriotic? What if the person sitting on the park bench was a disheveled Native American or a chained and whipped African slave? That painting means nothing to me. And Sean Hannity is a brainless, racist ass.

  13. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Poor Sean, bless his heart. It must really fucking suck to have such low self-esteem that you have to whore yourself repeatedly to get people to pay attention.

    Oh, and fuck Mitch McConnell.


  14. Anonymous3:29 PM

  15. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Nothing surprises me anymore. We have lots of books to read during the next four years and a collection of good dvd's when our eyes tire of reading. But I am sorely saddened by election day 2016. If I feel this bad today I can only imagine how I'll feel at 12:03 pm on January 20, 2017.

    Racists have now taken over our country, lock-stock=and-barrel. Nixon's Southern strategy has reached its apex. And, because they're Republicans, they've not done it legally, what with voter suppression and probable vote tampering, but we're stuck with DJT and his ilk for a while yet.

    The entire country and world have all benefitted from having a president in the White House since January 2009 who truly treasures the Constitution. JDT may be even be worse than George W. Bush who infamously said that the Constitution is just "a piece of paper." I don't think that either JDT or Bush ever read the document because it requires some skill. It's certain that neither of them understands it. George W. was the president who trod on the Constitution. Sean Hannity may not recall that incident; being a Republican and a Fox News host, he's not very interested in facts or history.

    My husband says we now live in a banana republic. He's right but it prove to be even worse.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      I feel your pain, Beaglemom. I also believe that this is just another time of unraveling and undoing. And I believe that I can endure four years of anything. The U.S. Constitution has endured for 200+ years, it will survive this.

      This is a quantum physics universe and what I (or you) believe, affects.

      Oh, and fuck Mitch McConnell.


    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      It is indeed a scary time. My faith in humanity has suffered dearly and my Trump-supporting friend can't figure out why I don't really feel like hanging out with her frickin' racist self. I knew she hated Muslims and blacks, I had no idea that half the country feels the same way.

      Death to America, brought to you by the GOP

    3. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I just keep watching Idiocracy and my favorite cartoons. I'm going full head in the sand for this one.

    4. Anonymous6:37 PM

      5:15 - if you can put racist and friend in the same sentence, I think you need to re-examine YOUR values and moral compass.

    5. Anonymous7:03 PM

      no no no! Two years, we need to take back the house and senate! We can do this! We survived other insane Rs, we can survive this! Fight this nonsense! Give Trump a splotch on his presidency!!

  16. Anonymous3:47 PM

    First of all, Mr. McNaughton knows as much about spelling as he does about painting.
    Second, what are all these WHITE dudes doing hanging around, pointing at the dejected guy on the bench? How, exactly, has eight years as President sent this guy over to the bench? Is his job in Mexico? Why doesn't he retrain?
    Are his stocks at an all-time high? Is unemployment at a 20-year low? Or is he out of opiod prescriptions and his red state governor won't cover adequate rehabilitation facilities?
    Did the black President who won BOTH TIMES with a MAJORITY (more than 50%) of the popular vote of all the votes in the country somehow damage the Constitution? Or are they arguing that some of that was done by the Judiciary? The way Samuel Alito is now whining that all future Supreme Court rulings should remember the sainted ghost of that fat reprobate Antonin Scalia and do only what the wigged men 240 years ago would do with their muskets and slaves?
    Where are the minorities in this picture?
    My family came to this country in 1638. We're as "American" as you can get, but we took away land from the Native Americans and we owned slaves, who were worth only 3/5 of a human in the original Constitution.
    Is Andrew Jackson, famous for The Trail of Tears, back there in the gaggle of white men angry at Barack Obama?

    If you've seen pictures of Trump's lairs, you can be sure he'll think this is FINE ART. He'll also be sure to put Winston Churchill's bust back in the Oval Office, not recognizing that Churchill was a racist who hated the Asian Indians (what will Trump do when the Indian Ambassador comes to call?) and that Churchill was responsible for the wholesale slaughter at Gallipoli (same for when the Australians drop by). To the people who've seen a few superficial patriotic movies, Churchill is a saint, so they'll put in the bust of a foreign politician over one that's an American born and bred.

    Sean Hannity is a fool. But we are now living in a Confederacy of Dunces.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      All the "WHITE" guys are the previous Presidents -- sort of poorly rendered, but I can ID Nixon, FDR, GWB, Carter, LBJ, etc. So, those are supposed to be our Presidents, and I am guessing that they are supposed to be pointing to the poor man on the bench and at Mr. Obama, as if to say, "see what you did to that poor man" -- and maybe they see the man on the bench as "the entire population", but of course he is white because that is the only part of our population they care about.

      To me this is the most UN-patriotic piece imaginable. Just absolutely disgusting. It is a "middle finger" not only to our great President, but to everyone who voted for him and everyone who voted for Hillary. So dismissive. So racist. So Republican. Like everything else going on now it makes me want to cry out of disgust, sadness, fear, you name it.

      It is now my greatest hope that Trump will do something to get himself impeached and FAST! But, I fear we are stuck with the nasty nation we have turned into thanks to Sarah and Donald and all their minions. How can they be put back in the box now that it is so open?

      And, Trump is planning a Victory tour where I am sure he will lap it all up and rev up all the hateful rhetoric again. Why should taxpayers foot the bill for that? Has any other president every been so grandiose with taxpayer money?

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I didn't vote for Don't, and I hope he's never impeached because Pence, JMO, is much more dangerously unhinged.

    3. Anonymous4:22 AM

      Yes, Mike 'holy pious and righteous' Pence may honestly be worse than Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee put together with a dash of Newt Gingrich.



    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Trump really knows how to pick um doesn't he? What an ass! I hope he goes down w/our country due to his dictatorship!

  17. Chenagrrl4:08 PM

    Well clearly PBO is the only guy in the bunch to hold the Constitution down so it won't blow in the wind like the other scraps of paper.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM


    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      now that sounds like a good interpretation to me.

    3. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Me too! Perfecto! Thank God we had President Obama and VP Biden leading our country these past two terms.

      There will be no comparison between them and the two taking their oaths in January, 2017!

      We are in huge trouble, America! Get ready, hang on, protect your money and protect our American neighbors and friends (minorities and Muslims!).

    4. Chenagrrl10:26 AM

      For some reason the guy who looks like Mel Brooks seems to want PBO's shoes. For symbolism, it is weird. All the Hannity favorites are on the left while PBO et al. are on the right. Whatever is the illustrator trying to tell us?

  18. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Trump chose a man to counsel him on national security who has questionable relationships with foreign governments and may have violated the law by working as a foreign agent and not registering with the Department of Justice.

    President-elect Trump’s nominee to be Attorney General is already facing intense pushback for his racial views, and now the man Trump picked to advise him on national security could find himself in legal trouble. The potential for corruption among those involved with the incoming Trump administration is striking.

    These conflicts of interest and illegal acts are serious red flags that would normally bar a person high-level public service, but the Trump administration potentially illegal acts and conflicts of interest appear to be job prerequisites.

  19. Add Jeff Sessions to the Drumpf racist administration. He's be nominate for Atty. Gen.

    The question is, will that prick Chuck Schumer "work" with Drumpf to approve his nominees or will he obstruct?

    We need a "Hell No" Democratic unity in the Senate.

    I'm with THEM.

    "Democratic leaders in Congress said this week that if they can find common ground with President-elect Donald Trump, they’re willing to work with him. But at least a few House Democrats say they won’t work with Trump on anything, or that they’re close to taking that hard-line approach.

    “There’s nothing there,” Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) told The Huffington Post on Thursday. “He doesn’t use power properly.”

    Gallego said Trump has caused too much damage with his hateful rhetoric for him to be able to work with or trust him. Even collaborating on Democratic priorities would only empower the president-elect to do other things that Democrats firmly oppose, he argued.

    “While we may be able to pass an infrastructure bill, he’s going to use that power to push his racist, bigoted agenda on the other end,” Gallego said.

    He said there are others in his caucus who plan to refuse any cooperation with the president-elect, but he wouldn’t name names or say how many. “More than you can count on one hand,” he said."

    Apparently none of them read.

    Drumpf is planning to PRIVATIZE infrastructure. You're going to have an ever expanding series of Toll roads, Toll bridges, Toll tunnels, TOLL everything.

    "Progressive groups are pressuring Democrats to reject Trump outright. “MoveOn to Democrats: No Collaboration With Trump’s Hate,” reads the subject line of a Thursday email with a scathing statement from the grassroots group, issued after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) signaled a willingness to work with the president-elect in some areas.

    “It is unacceptable for Democratic leadership to normalize Trump and collaborate with him so long as he continues his bigotry, hatred, and division,” said MoveOn executive director Ilya Sherman. “Requiring grassroots progressives to divert their energy to holding Democrats accountable would be a serious mistake.”

    Some progressive lawmakers are trying to keep an open mind. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who is running to lead the Democratic National Committee next year, said he’s willing to “take a careful look” at Trump’s ideas that help working families."

    Sorry, that puts Keith Ellison is my shit box. I don't want him as chair of the Democratic Party if that is the stance he is going to take.

    I want Howard Dean in charge.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      No kidding. There is seriously something very wrong with the old bloated rump.

  20. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called on President-elect Donald Trump to rescind the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to serve as the country’s next attorney general over allegations he made racist remarks.

    But should Trump proceed with Sessions’ nomination, Warren said the Senate must “exercise fundamental moral leadership” and block Sessions from getting the job.

    “Instead of embracing the bigotry that fueled his campaign rallies, I urge President-elect Trump to reverse his apparent decision to nominate Senator Sessions to be Attorney General of the United States. If he refuses, then it will fall to the Senate to exercise fundamental moral leadership for our nation and all of its people,” Warren said in a statement. “Thirty years ago, a different Republican Senate rejected Senator Sessions’ nomination to a federal judgeship. In doing so, that Senate affirmed that there can be no compromise with racism; no negotiation with hate. Today, a new Republican Senate must decide whether self-interest and political cowardice will prevent them from once again doing what is right.”

    In 1986, the Senate blocked Sessions from getting a federal judgeship over allegations that he called a black attorney “boy,” called a white lawyer a race traitor for representing black clients and suggesting the Ku Klux Klan wasn’t so bad. Sessions also reportedly called civil rights groups “un-American” groups trying to “force civil rights down the throats of people who were trying to put problems behind them.”

    A number of elected officials and civil rights groups also condemned Trump’s pick after it was announced on Friday.

    “If you have nostalgia for the days when blacks kept quiet, gays were in the closet, immigrants were invisible and women stayed in the kitchen, Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is your man,” Rep. Luis GutiĆ©rrez (D-Ill.) said in a statement on Friday."

  21. Idiotic painting. I bet Trump would rather have a painting of himself grabbing a model by the p****. Can someone paint that?

    On another note, looks like Trump slithered away from testifying in his lawsuit. But at least he's paying his victims to the tune of 25 million dollars!

  22. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Our wonderful President Obama in that painting - the only black man amongst a sea of white jerks!

    So glad I voted for him both times! He has done an outstanding job as POTUS - has high approval ratings in our country and is loved and respected across both oceans!

    Sean Hannity needs to be taken into a yard and the shit beaten out of him. He's truly a lowlife! Republicans are a sorry bunch!

  23. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I've always been partial to this animated excerpt from that painting:

  24. Anonymous5:15 PM

    And where are the women in the picture? Did Mr. Hannity forget that they make up more than 50% of the population and were given the Constitutional right to vote?
    This is a white-man's wet dream fantasy, of a world in which they think existed at one time, when they could subject anyone weaker than they to abuse, discrimination, and violence. They still cannot believe that their "south" can't rise again.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      The men are the former presidents. No woman is a former president. All were white men except for the great Obama.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      "The Great Obama". yep.

  25. Anonymous5:23 PM

    It doesn't even look like POTUS. Hannity obviously has more money than class actually paying money for this fucking Thomas Kinkade-looking political shit show, but hey, it will fit right in with the design flair of our new "dear leader".

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      There is zero comparison between the above work and that of Thomas K! I have a K hanging in my home and am looking at it right now! Zero/nada comparison! You, 5:23 PM are an idiot and/or have no artistic ability!

  26. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I looked up this McNaughton fraud. He compares himself to Norman Rockwell, whose studio and museum are a few miles from my home.
    Norman Rockwell, who grew up in Harlem, and who had a long and complicated life, was a champion of civil rights and civil liberties. McNaugton is a cheesy "patriotic" imposter in comparison. Also, he's a lousy artist.

  27. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I subscribe to a British weekly called The Spectator (published since 1828, it's pretty venerable.)

    Their cover when Trump won was an illustration of Donald grabbing the Statue of Liberty by the p****, she looking utterly shocked and horrified.

    Pretty appropriate, I think!

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      In reality he would have something nasty in his hand. He's a pig.

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      I so wish newspapers across America would publish that same photo on their front pages!

      There are many, many Americans that totally agree with its depiction! And, they are the ones that did not vote for Trump and gave Hillary Clinton the majority popular vote for POTUS!

      Does anyone have access to it? Why would it be considered illegal (if it would?) to publish and show in America? They are 'not my president's' own words and they can be proven!

  28. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Fuck you Sean hannity.

  29. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Sean Hannity is a dickbrain of the highest caliber and an abject coward. Also too not very bright.

    Give him a hard right cross for me, Gryphen. I'll see you're bailed out asap and have an excellent lawyer.

  30. Anonymous5:49 PM

    HaHa, Rachel MaddoW and her reporting on FLYNN. HEEHEE

  31. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I would prefer a painting of anyone grinding a farmyard boot into Hannity's face (or T.Rumps.)

  32. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Jesus that makes me want to retch violently.

  33. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Gee, I assumed Sean Hannity would have bought this to have something to jack off to every night.

    This painting is the ultimate wet dream for the tea-baggers and the alt-right douchebags

  34. Well, Trump can certainly hang it in his bedroom if he wants. I believe the private residence can be decorated to the occupants' taste, within reason and budget.

    But they can't do anything to the public rooms of the White House. So no, that painting will not be on public display in the White House.

    President Pussygrabber is more than welcome to hold his breath until he turns blue.

  35. Anonymous2:23 AM

    So in other words, the deplorable people have the machine guns and the USA citizens are being held hostage.

  36. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Really sad and pathetic a foundation of bullies decided to cause a nasty chapter in history.

  37. Anonymous3:48 AM

    What causes this type of human to hate? what happened to them to cause this behavior? Some say it is the first few years of life that form the personality. It is a cold existence to not know how to respect humanity. Teach your children about humanity, respect, compassion, kindness, manners. Creating compassionate children will create a compassionate world.

  38. They could hang it right next to our new First lady's official portrait:

  39. Anonymous7:23 AM

    McNoughton has a very narrow-minded and simplistic view of the world like most modern republicans. I suspect he sincerely believes that democratic presidents will end up in hell while republican presidents will automatically go to heaven. In other words, this simpleton has a very limited moral code that only those that agree 100% with his views are righteous.

    He has a moderate talent as an artist but it is a shame he wastes it on this drivel. Obviously, not many artists are willing to pander to the right and alt-right crowd, so his notoriety as an artist has far exceeded his talent due to their adoration.

  40. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I love how McNaughton claims people either love, hate or don't understand his art.

    I certainly don't love his art. But I don't hate it either. I just laugh at its stupidity and the simplistic childish morality depicted.

    And how can anyone not understand it? One has to be more stupid and immature than McNaughton to not understand what he is trying to convey. And that would be an extremely small group of people.

  41. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I would prefer a photograph of President Obama standing on Hannity's face.

  42. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I'm waiting for the gold plated framed dogs playing poker on velvet painting to hang in the oval office.The man is such a jackass that President Obama offered to take his own time to show him how the job is supposed to work.


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