Monday, August 09, 2010

Is it an actual requirement that Teabaggers be a little bit nuts?

From GQ:

The strangest episode of Paul's time at Baylor occurred one afternoon in 1983 (although memories about all of these events are understandably a bit hazy, so the date might be slightly off), when he and a NoZe brother paid a visit to a female student who was one of Paul's teammates on the Baylor swim team. According to this woman, who requested anonymity because of her current job as a clinical psychologist, "He and Randy came to my house, they knocked on my door, and then they blindfolded me, tied me up, and put me in their car. They took me to their apartment and tried to force me to take bong hits. They'd been smoking pot." After the woman refused to smoke with them, Paul and his friend put her back in their car and drove to the countryside outside of Waco, where they stopped near a creek. "They told me their god was 'Aqua Buddha' and that I needed to bow down and worship him," the woman recalls. "They blindfolded me and made me bow down to 'Aqua Buddha' in the creek. I had to say, 'I worship you Aqua Buddha, I worship you.' At Baylor, there were people actively going around trying to save you and we had to go to chapel, so worshiping idols was a big no-no."

Nearly 30 years later, the woman is still trying to make sense of that afternoon. "They never hurt me, they never did anything wrong, but the whole thing was kind of sadistic. They were messing with my mind. It was some kind of joke." She hadn't actually realized that Paul wound up leaving Baylor early. "I just know I never saw Randy after that—for understandable reasons, I think."

Damn, what kind of pot were they smoking?

Youthful indiscretions aside, kidnapping a woman is a pretty serious charge, and personally I don't think I would want somebody who felt that such a thing was permissible to represent my state in the Senate.

Of course being the father of a twenty three year old daughter might make me a little bit more sensitive to such things.


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    They were also drinking. No one just stoned would actually get in the car...they might talk about it but it takes alcohol to take action!!!

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    We do not want Randy. He is our $p. Jack Conway is going to win.

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I had a friend who was a NoZe brother--Brother Dashadow Noze. I have a copy of "The Rope"--their parody newspaper. (Baylor's student paper is "The Lariat".) The headline? "Rapture! Still Here?"

    For those of us from this era (class of 81), this actually doesn't sound as weird as it does today.

  4. We did stuff like this when pledging for sororities; we did weird things to pledges (and had strange rituals put upon us when pledging) but it was all same sex antics and everyone knew what they were in for when they pledged.

    Not saying it was right, but a girl could have been seriously freaked out by having those actions taken against her by men.

    This sounds like what would happen to unsuspecting girls who had to much to drink at a frat house. Saw it happen many times and actually removed some friends from potentially bad situations when they were way over the top with drink.

  5. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Why won't anyone in Alaska request anonymity and tell how the Palins party?

  6. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I am pissed. Clearly Paul and Randy hoped the young woman would do drugs with them and become their docile plaything.

    I wish she had channeled a little Lisabeth Salander and held them accountable for toying with her.

  7. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Who is this Randy guy?

  8. Anonymous5:40 PM

    The answer to your question is obviously yes. No wonder Rand Paul is their kinda guy. No worries, since he has an (R) after his name, there will be no ramifications; this "youthful discretion" will be ignored by the MSM.

  9. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Baylor University is a Baptist institution located in a dry county. Do they drink at frat parties there? Did they in the 1980's? Am I naive?

  10. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Baylor University is a Baptist university, but it is not in a dry county. They don't have official fraternity and sorority houses there, but there are lots of "unofficial" houses and tons of parties. I attended in the late 80s-early 90s and went to many alcohol-related parties. I didn't see any drug use firsthand, but I know it was there. My brother was there later in the 90s and there was a pretty pronounced drug scene at that time. The administration turned a blind eye, because it was a negative aspect of campus.
    Although administration pretended it didn't exist, campus police looked for parties and there were a lot of unofficial rules in the fraternities and sororities to try to protect the organizations (making sure pledges didn't drink too much, not wearing your letters at a party).
    As much as I loved my time at Baylor, there were some weird things going on there - so this story could definitely be believable. OTOH, I just spent the weekend with a friend and her old college roommates (state school) and they had some crazy stories as well.

  11. Anonymous10:51 PM

    If you think about it I bet you'll see that large amounts of drug use is why all of them ARE so fucking crazy. I have a feeling Sharon Angle, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and the rest have all done more than their fair share of drugs.


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