Monday, August 09, 2010

The attention that Homer's Kathleen Gustafson's encounter with Sarah has received has brought Palin's Facebook writer out to do a little damage control.

 (Here is Sarah totally NOT rolling her eyes!)

From the word processor of Sarah Palin's Facebook ghostwriter:

While filming the Alaska documentary in Homer, I had a brief discussion with a local lady (She can't even bring herself to acknowledge Kathleen Gustafson's name!) who , in typical Alaska style, decided to give me her two cents worth about my political leanings, American politics in general, and much else besides. It’s what makes our politics so uniquely democratic: two people discussing the things they care about, even though they respectfully disagree about just about everything (you can watch a brief video of the encounter here). (Mad props to RAM for linking to the video.  That is pretty, if you don't mind my saying, ballsy of you because when people actually SEE it they are definitely NOT going to buy your version of this exchange.)

The LSM (Oh God, now we are abbreviating "Lame Stream Media?") has now decided to use this brief encounter for another one of their spin operations. They claim I – wait for it – “appear to roll my eyes” when the lady tells me she’s a teacher. Yes, it’s come to this: the media is now trying to turn my eyebrow movements into story lines. (Maybe that’s why Botox is all the rage – if you can’t move your eyebrows, your “eye rolling” can’t be misinterpreted!) (Holy crap!  Can you believe that RAM mentioned "Botox?" By the way I don't believe that they Botox eyeballs do they?) If they had checked their facts first, they would have known that I come from a family of teachers; my grandparents were teachers, my father was a teacher, my brother is a teacher, my sister works in Special Needs classrooms, my aunt is a school nurse, my mom worked as a school secretary for much of her professional life, we all volunteer in classrooms, etc., etc., etc. (NO, we checked all of that out.  Doesn't change your response though does it?) Given that family history, how likely is it that I would “roll my eyes” at someone telling me that they too work in that honorable profession? (May I?  VERY likely, thanks for asking.) Stay classy, LSM.

One good thing to come out of this little episode, though, is that it helps to remind people once again that Alaska is a great state full of independent-minded people. I look forward to introducing you to some of them in the forthcoming documentary series on life in Alaska! The show will remind you to get outdoors, breathe in God’s creation, and taste the freedom! (Did she just turn this embarrassing encounter which demonstrates what a nasty piece of work she is into a commercial for her crappy reality show?  Is THAT how YOU "stay classy" Ms. Palin?)

- Sarah (Well actually I am really Rebecca Mansour but I SOOO want to be Sarah!) Palin


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    If she is so sure that she didn't roll her eyes, why didn't she attatch it so that everyone could see for themselves?

  2. This is the third time I watched it. Her eyebrows moved.............try again, Sarah. Her eyes and mouth moved as well as her head. In body language terms, it said loud and clear to her smart ass daughter......"Teacher, obviously, what can you expect from them ?" Spin it all you want for your followers, this is a "gotcha moment".
    It is never your fault, Sarah, is it?

  3. nswfm3:56 PM

    How many colleges did she attend?

    This video may just be her waterloo moment. The CA Governator dissed nurses, cops, firefighters and teachers and everything he supported in the next election went down in a huge defeat. I hope she goes to the bottom of the water to watch the halibut get hooked.

  4. Forgot to add, I wonder why she didn't blame the person taking the video. Yeah, he probably did wonders with photoshop. What a pathetic whiner. She lambasts President Obama every chance she gets but a sign can make her become unglued. Sarah, get out of the kitchen, your botox will melt.

  5. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Thank you for a terrific job! There are so many lessons to be learned. Hasn't the video showed up in HD yet? Btw... which Palin daughter was that? Why isn't Bristol working on more important matters?

    Good news for the right wing baby mill.
    Puberty Hits Girls As Young As 7

    It is important that anyone who is sincere in their concerns for young girls and pregnant teens is out doing their work. Not taking time off to help reality show productions or hiding who knows where. Bristol will be in more demand than ever.

  6. Anonymous4:08 PM

    It's the snottiness that gets me about her.

  7. Anonymous4:09 PM

    She's come undone. She didn't know what she was headed for. And when she found what she was headed for, it was too late.

  8. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Stay Classy? Is that what you call it when you allow your teenager to call someone an a-hole while trespassing on their land??? Reading the Fictionary again instead of the dictionary? My parents would never have allowed me to get away with something like that!

  9. Anonymous4:13 PM

    The story has garnered approximately 7,000 comments on HuffPo so far. Gonna be a rough night for the "Quitty Young Thing."

    Popcorn at the ready...

  10. Anonymous4:16 PM

    "I'm a teacher."

    "Oh, how interesting. Let me thank you for your work. It's so inportant in shaping the future of young minds and the future of our country, too, also."

    Did Palin say anything like that? No! If Palin had so much as muttered a mere pleasantry, her stupid face and unpleasant gesturing would not be under discussion.

    Palin's handlers get a better grip on her each time she blunders over to a camera unprepared. Each of these little adventures cements the fear in Palin's brain. Eventually, she'll cease to even resists her shackles and become the ideal political puppet.

  11. Anonymous4:23 PM

    For some reason nothing I've seen of Sarah, and I've seen a lot, has shaken me like this video. It's just frightening. I didn't expect this. I mean, the one thing Sarah had going for her was that people she met thought she was nice and/or down to earth. This just smashed that to pieces, and not only her, but Willow. Willow, my god.

    I thought I was watching a scene out of Goodfellas, or maybe Jersey Shore or something, I'm not even sure. All of them outnumbering her, ganging up on her, pacing around, all in her face, it was frightening. Todd (that was Todd, right?) walks past the teacher, shoves into her arm with his body, (did you see that?) and then the other guy actually walks and stands literally behind her (what, to strangle her with a piano wire??). How uncomfortable was that for this woman? What woman being threatened like that would allow a burly man to stand behind her and not turn around? This teacher has nerves of steel, I'm so amazed.

    And Willow...all getting up in their business, when she has NO right to cut in, waves her hands in an intimidating way and is nasty to this woman, who honestly is a lot older and more educated and deserves at least Willows respect. How does a young girl treat an adult like that without getting slapped?

    If Sarah travels with goon squads like this in her comfortable, home turf of Alaska, imagine what she has with her when she's in our towns. Any journalist or blogger who confronts her, or for that matter any citizen, should be prepared with their own security force. Give Sarah a little of her own lock and load.

    Seriously though! Sarah is a bully! I never realized that before, never before now.

  12. Anonymous4:23 PM

    They're frantically deleting posts critical of their queen.

  13. Anonymous4:24 PM

    My guess is that she rolled her eyes at finding Kathleen is a teacher because in her mind, it somehow connects back to you, Gryphen. Maybe that you put her up to it.

  14. On her facebook page, she listed everyone in her family who was associated with the educational system. When she was speaking with this lovely teacher, she didn't jump in and say;"Oh , my father was a science teacher, what do you teach and where?" They didn't connect with an occupation until commercial fisherman was mentioned. Sadly, it will not be Sarah's undoing but every video helps.

  15. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Let's be brief... The Swag-Hag and her ghost writer are BOTH IDIOTS!!!

  16. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Palin absolutely did roll her eyes. Moreover, she had that "yeah, right" expression. And the shakey-fakey, oh, so you wanted me to be your governor! As if.

    I love how the bully she's packing and the otherwise effeminate Toad are keeping the celebrity from being filmed. Hey guys, if God opened the door, why are you trying to close the blinds?

    How did we elevate such low-brow people?

  17. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I'm sure the only "real Alaskans" we'll be meeting in Sarah's program will be the ones willing to kiss her ass.

  18. The facial expression of disdain is clear, but even clearer for me was her "Ohhh, okay, hmmm" that she SAYS as she makes that face and tilts her head back and forth. She is evil.

  19. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Just watched this on Countdown..she definitely rolled her eyes. WTF was Todd and the other dude doing trying to walk in front of the camera to block the person from filming? She could not even hold an argument, just rambling the same old talkin points. FAIL!

  20. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Sarah got on so well with the woman that she ripped her sign down.

    Stay classy mother of four.

  21. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Take her down Homer! Dissing Teachers indeed...

  22. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Unrehearsed moments of the Sarah. Always a fail, nothing's changed.

    She is so junior high - to have to respond on FB right away! Hahaha, another classic by Sarah.

  23. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Is the sister who is supposedly works in a Special Needs classroom the same bitch that watched from the staircase while her autistic son was tasered too freakin lazy to walk down the stairs to protect her son? Is the aunt a school nurse who refused to report the abuse to authorities? What about the grandparents who knew for years about the incident never kicking Wooten's ass or reporting him? Should any of them be anywhere near kids?

    His mother was upstairs yelling at them not to do it, the boy said.
    As Bristol remembered it, the jolt knocked the boy backward, the trooper report says. She said she was afraid.

  24. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Geez, not only did she roll her eyes, but her petulant feral-teen/gangsta-wanna-be/drinkin'and'breakin'enterin' kid of hers is over the top rude. This is not going to end well for sister sarah.

  25. Anonymous5:12 PM

    And not one mention of her obviously snotty daughter in the video, which is pretty apparent. She really thinks we are all of us that stupid.
    M from MD

  26. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Spin FAIL, Team Sarah. You can't refute the video. It's gone viral, like it should have and Sarah's facial expressions, body language, her menacing goon squad, her juvenile mockery of Kathleen and her idiot daughter are all enough to nail her to the wall - even WITHOUT the eye-roll.

  27. Anonymous5:22 PM

    How anyone can defend her after this is beyond me, but if you want to see something really depressing, go over to her facebook page. Once you see the support she's getting from her fans, you will be truly astonished.

  28. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Right on cue Sarah.

    It's a rare moment but I actually BELIEVE some of "Sarah's" facebook hissy fit. But only in the sense that I believe her when she suggests she wasn't rolling her eyes in a condescending sense. I think she just felt intimidated by the woman, and anyone can perceive reality knows that Sarah is a horrible communicator on her feet (not to mention behind a script). I think she was just intimidated and in an awkward moment without anything to say in response to her comment about being a teacher.

    -- Malachi

  29. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I wonder if we're still going to hear about her being a "political" genius...

  30. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Well, they (RAM) may be trying to sanitize the video because I can't get the Sarah Palin USA Facebook page to load, only the "I bet we can find 10,000,000 people who think Sarah Palin is an idiot" page. If they leave the video intact, I think everybody can see the snide eyeroll. I'm surprised they published a link to the whole thing. Maybe they've figured out now how to edit it :-)

  31. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I wonder the facebook whines are part damage control, and part of a way for Sarah to feel good again after such a moment when her true self is exposed like that. I can easily picture her reading all the adoring comments from her gullible worshippers, trying to get her sense of self worth refueled. What a dope. It's because of the "LSM" that she has the celebrity she so desperately seeks,

  32. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I'm a teacher and come from a family of teachers going back several hundred years (yes!) and I'm not so nearsighted (or delusional) that I can't see and interpret for myself Palin's marked facial contortions at the mere mention of the woman's profession.

    On being called a "celebrity," Palin said she was honored. No, Ms. Palin, being a celebrity is not anything to be proud of in itself. Countless celebrities contribute(d) nothing of value to culture or society.

    And I am alarmed by her militaristic remarks (coupled with her fanatical backers).

  33. $arah can say whatever she wants about the video but that won't change the content. The fact that this woman is a teacher is what prompted the sarcastic look between mother and daughter and the eye-rolling from $arah. RAM is so worried about her quitter queen that she has to jump to defend her despite the fact that there is absolutely NO defense for these actions. Hey, Willow, stop being a brat and grow the f*ck up! This isn't the first time Palin's kids have either said something or given dirty looks to anyone who they think is on the opposite side of their mother. Yes, we know you have relatives that are teachers, however, $arah, you have shown nothing but contempt for education with your actions and words. You're such a disgusting piece of trash, go back to Wasilla and leave the rest of the country in peace.

  34. Anonymous5:39 PM

    You see her followers try and spin it that the woman was uppity, confrontational, fat and ugly? Willow so called it with the "jealous" comeback. . .

    They are also trying to say that Sarah was uplifting, smiling and amenable to all of this, gracious enough to say that they had so much in common!

    I think what we should learn from this episode, but what I wish but know Sarah and her brat daughter won't - is that despite many commonalities of women and mother's - not all of us common, real hard workin folk are supporters.

    What Sarah should realize is that thousands of Alaskan women do not consider her our contemporary. She's the crazy wing-nut lady that we collectively roll our eyes at.

  35. Aussie Blue Sky5:42 PM

    No, Gryphen, I can't believe she referenced Botox. This is more evidence of Mrs Palin's mistake in hiring an over-emotional and politically-inexperienced wannabe like RAM to speak for her. If RAM isn't fired soon she will take Mrs Palin down with her. THAT would be great reality TV!

  36. Anonymous5:56 PM

    If this video is so innocuous and Sarah comes out smelling like roses, then why were Todd and the security guy (LOL) trying to block Mr. Sullivan's video? Why were they lurking over Kathleen?

    Sorry, Sarah, we have eyes and ears and functioning brains. No dice.

  37. CNN claims in their online story that Bristol was there, not Willow. There is another story out today that SP is in GA with Willow and Trig. It makes a little more sense to me that, as you said, this was Willow in Homer. Alaska WTF has stated that Bristol went to Seattle. Maybe she took Tripp with her and she is still there? It makes sense that, if Bristol was with SP in GA, Tripp would have been mentioned. Any further news on any of this, Gryphen?

  38. Palin doesn't even say that she didn't roll her eyes!

    Spin, Sarah! Spin!!

    NSWFN, you are absolutely right. This could be Palin's waterloo moment. This video and FB spin speaks volumes about Palin's thoughts about teachers and other public servants.

    Palin truly didn't think that anyone would be able to videotape this. Why did her handlers even let her go over to Kathleen? And Kathleen was sooooo cool with all of the Palins. That woman was unflappable.

    I am thrilled that the video made it on Keith Olbermann tonight!

    Palingates has a new video of this:

    The video is excellent, with a close-up and slow-mo of the original video.

  39. Anonymous5:58 PM

    You don't need a Ph.D. in reading macro and micro expressions to see the overt disdain and utter incivility Sarah Palin showed to a teacher. How did she ever get elected to anything? Unbelievable.

  40. angela6:05 PM

    Anon 5:22
    That's not depressing. That is her base--who are crazy. Haven't you heard that they delete most of the anti-Paylin posts after a few minutes? She gotta keep the message of idiocy on point.

  41. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I haven't heard anyone discuss Willow's white trash behavior. She shook her hands at that woman while claiming her Mom "represents the US", which,is understandable that she doesn't know what her Mom does either, and then as the video ends, you hear the audio "asshole" which came from Willow. I was horrified watching this poorly mannered teenager who is clearly lacking an adult role model. It's stunning that she found this acceptable behavior in front of her paremts, actually with her parents, it's not. Sad.

  42. Is Levi really running for Mayor of Wasilla?

    Gigantic WTF!

  43. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Hey! She looks like a chipmunk there!

  44. Anonymous6:17 PM

    The chewy thuggish daughter was Bristol according to CNN.

    If that is Bristol and that is her recognizable personality she was a better actress than I thought. She has the body language and attitude like a Willow gang memeber. It looks like Willow learned the thug thing from her older sis. Track?

    @ 5:31 PM And I am alarmed by her militaristic remarks (coupled with her fanatical backers).

    That concerns me, too.

  45. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I'm sooooooooooo ticked at her!

    How DARE she belittle teachers...she who has the most need of them and the least use of them!

    On the other hand----maybe the eye rolling was an acknowledgment of how under paid, overworked, under appreciated and under recognized they are...naw! She's a celebrity!

  46. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Willow's just pissed off because she can't be a breakin' and enterin' any houses this summer.

  47. Anonymous6:22 PM

    What politician in their right mind would want this unflattering video linked from their web site?

    The "mentally unstable" discussion described in "Game Change" is being to look even more idiotic. Surely it was clear even in 2008 and getting clearer with each facebook post, Palin is mentally unstable.

  48. What's all this about Levi running for mayor of Wasilla? Is it true? If it is it's an awesome idea.

  49. Anonymous6:26 PM

    If you need even more evidence (cause you can't believe your lyin eyes) consider Kathleen's reaction AFTER the Palin eye-roll and the nasty smirk: Kathleen is actually SHAMED for a moment and she stutters something about doing other jobs. As if she was made to feel that being a teacher was not enough.

  50. Earmark Ulu6:28 PM

    Levi to run for Wasilla mayor, for reality show...


  51. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I totally believe Willow got drunk/high and trashed someone's home. Oh, yeah.

    She's not just some kid defending her grizzly mama. She knows the crap her mom pulls and what really happens at home. She's just a rude, ill-mannered little wench.

  52. Anonymous6:30 PM

    There is no question the posture and facial contortion at hearing the woman was a teacher said 'O kaaaaay....that would explain her liberal viewpoints'.

    There was something distinctly disturbing about this clip and the agitation and snarky responses from Palin and then from her daughter.

    No surprise that she then follows up with her classic 'common-sense, constitutional talking points'. The more she puts herself and her family out there the more opportunity there is for these events to happen. She clearly cannot handle them on her own.

    I love that this is going viral so quickly! And that FOX has a seat with the WH press corp doesnt that make them the "LSM" as well???

  53. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I am relieved that camo head is Bristol. I really can't handle Willow being preg at her age.

  54. Rationalist6:33 PM

    My two cents: I think she was being facetious about "celebrity." How crazy that someone would call l'il Sarah a celebrity! She's just an average American mom made good!

  55. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Why was the video edited? Where's the missing footage?

  56. Well, how nice. She says: "two people discussing the things they care about, even though they respectfully disagree about just about everything," but in the post written prior to the release of the video, Palin's Facebook ghost-writer characterizes "them" (the protesters) as yelling "quitter!" at her and being irrational "leftists."

    She's got a short memory.

    And my lord, if this is how she behaves at the sight of a relatively tame sign, how the heck would she react if confronted with a difficult foreign policy or diplomatic situation? Thanks to Kathleen Gustafson for helping expose Palin's total lack of temperament for elected office.

    I can only imagine that Todd and her handlers will take even greater pains to prevent her from being exposed during unscripted moments.

  57. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I hope more folks will start recording the banshee and her ilke so the rest of the world can see what she's really like. She must be so proud of her daughter ha ha, trashy dingbat. This is just a little sure has gone viral :-)

  58. angela7:18 PM

    i wouldn't watch Sarah Palin on television even if I was being held hostage by most of the GOP who tend to be chinless, inbred and hostile. I think there should be designated people to watch her documentary and make fun of her--then tell us about it. I wouldn't want to give her the ratings. This crap will continue until she has been wiped off the landscape and sent back to her bat cave in Wasilla.

  59. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I told this story on the radio!!! In Los Angeles, one of the largest conservative talk radio stations is KFI. The announcer was saying that he thinks Palin’s stupid but charming. He felt that at the end of the discussion with the teacher, Palin had brought the teacher around to her viewpoint. I called in to say that I cheerfully yet firmly disagreed because the video was only a fragment of the story.

    I went on to say that the blog that broke the story, written by Shannyn Moore in Homer, gave the whole tale — that after Palin repeatedly stated that she was fighting for the Constitution, she then trampled the teacher’s First Amendment rights by having her people tear down the banner.

    The host was focused on trying to get people to discuss whether or not Sarah "silenced" the teacher. So, in answer to my comment, he tried to steer me back to his main point (not a direct quote), "But don't you think she handled the heckler smoothly?"

    I answered that the teacher quit talking, but that didn't indicate agreement. Then, using his own word I said that the only way the teacher was "silenced" was by Sarah's people taking down her banner.

    He had a lot of calls waiting, so that was the end. Honestly, I was glad that he stopped there, because I was soooo nervous.

  60. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Honestly though, if someone came up and started giving MY mom crap, I would have said a whole lot worse than Bristol or Willow or whoever.

  61. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Just when I think I've become immune to Sarah's cocky, nasty, sarcastic whine, she manages to surprise me! And Willow is a chip off the old block! Sarah has trained her children to be attack dogs to protect her.

    I'm not surprised there have been no Bristol sightings. I'm sure she is well hidden away until Sarah announces Bristol's pregnancy a couple months from now. Another example of Sarah's wonderful mothering skills!

  62. Anonymous7:51 PM

    @7:26 - Would you be a bully like Willow and Todd were? If so, you need some help. Fast.

  63. Anonymous7:57 PM

    The peezoo started the spin sat afternoon after Shannyn's 1st tweet. Before they kenw how long the video was.

    “Shannyn appears to be referring to an incident that occurred today in Homer. Our sources tell us that some people were standing near the location where the governor and Todd Palin were filming for the TLC series. These people were protesting and holding a large
    sign criticizing Governor Palin. She went over in an attempt to politely talk to them and perhaps reach some understanding. They refused to even shake her hand or listen to her explanation for why her resignation was necessary and the best thing for Alaska. Instead, they just kept yelling “quitter.” Ironically, when the governor asked them, “So does that mean you wanted me as your governor?”, they said, “No!” (Just the sort of logic we’ve come to expect from the Left.) Finally the governor just walked away. There is no reasoning with hateful people who have never been “in the arena” themselves or have had to put it all on the line in public office. As the governor would say, it’s so much easier to tear down than to build up.

    I’m not a constitutional scholar but I don’t think what the governor did is in any way a violation of anyone’s First Amendment rights (or “1st Ammendment Rights” if we go with Shannyn’s version). In fact, it would seem that Governor Palin was just exercising her own First Amendment rights. She’s a private citizen, you know. She has the right to counter-protest.”

    now we have 2 different stories. The original, Sarah's & Sheyas's from "our sources say" which is a classic fox news " some people say"
    & Sarahs (RAM'S) version Vs. The video.
    I think most sane people who watch the video will see, They are all lying, and Sarah and Willow are spoiled snarky Bitches.
    Pics don't lie. The peezoo in the ultimate EXCUSE (excuses are like assholes and everyone has one) are trying to claim Shannyn's video is cut. Good one. You can see there are 3 different versions of spin and ONE video!

  64. laprofesora7:58 PM


    Kathleen Gustafson did not give 1/2 term Paylin "crap". She voiced her opinion as an Alaskan to the woman who bailed on her oath to the people of AK. Kathleen was actually far more reasonable and respectful than Paylin deserved. And Willow's interference in the encounter was extremely inappropriate, obviously a Paylin family trait.

  65. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Palin need a 24 hour a day damage control coordinator on her payroll. Not just RAM, but someone who can squash these kind of stories. She's not quite bright enough to know when there is a camera rolling, you best be on your best behavior. Todd & the bodyguard weren't too subtle in their approach. The reason for the stoppage of footage, is with a hand over the lens it's hard to take a movie. I'm glad this has gotten out. Palin treats everyone like this when they don't agree with the Snowbilly from Wasilly. Either agree, or she'll go postal on your sign.

  66. Anonymous8:18 PM

    The Palinbots are already attacking Kathleen Gustafson, saying that she "...lied about being a teacher...that she's really a tech at the Homer HS...and that she sings in a drag queen band".

    SO? What if all of that is true? Does Mrs. Gustafson not have the right to put up her sign? Does that excuse Madam Palin's making an ass out of herself again?

  67. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame blame!

    Above all else, BLAME!

  68. Anonymous8:20 PM

    @7:26 PM
    That woman didn't give Sarah crap. That woman was just standing there with a sign. It was SARAH who initiated, it was SARAH who escalated, it was SARAH who was being rude and disrespectful. That woman was obviously flustered by the confrontation. SARAH was the one making a big deal out of it.

  69. Enjay in E MT8:30 PM

    Update on Palin FB Page -- less than 1100 comments and about 4500 Likes

    for a 7 hr posting.... HuffPo was doing better business !!!

    one comment from FB - no doubt to be scrubbed & banned
    "Cannot find my previous comment..fact is..Sarah DID roll her eyes and looked at daughter like "well that explains it.." I don't care how many people in her family are teachers...her response blatantly was 'OHHHH that explains it...I agree with the woman. She let everyone down who elected her when she quit as Gov."

    10:30PM Mtn Time

  70. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Deceitful old witch.

  71. What was it that Willow did and said at the book signing at Elemendorf AFB (same weekend Palin, Todd, Trig flew to Hawaii the next day then suddenly left because it was the same weekend Willow was accused of being in the party that trashed a house) .. she was sullen, and she made a nasty comment to someone?

    That is the same look/behavior we see evidenced in this video.

  72. Rationalist9:04 PM

    @7:26 - that's my impression too. It was Palin who walked up to her and initiated the conversation, instead of noting the sign and ignoring it.

  73. Anonymous9:05 PM

    6;52, no, that's where billy sullivan was trying to get a better vantage point because todd and the hired good kept blocking him or putting their hands up. but you knew that already.

  74. Oh, yes. That was some blatant eye rolling. Right after she mentioned she was a teacher. In fact, her head followed the arch of the roll as well.

    Her entire demeanor was flippant and condescending. What was she trying to do? Get the woman to take down her sign? Why didn't she just go somewhere else. I notice the bodyguard or whoever kept trying to get between the camera and Palin.

    Most of the teachers I work with have a master's degree on top of the credential which requires an extra year beyond a bachelors. (I have two masters and three credentials).

    Could it be Palin is just defensive because she feels so inadequate compared to the average teacher? (Okay, I'm leaving that one open. Have fun.)

  75. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Why don't the Palinbots know what a "theatre tech" is? Don't they know how theater is taught? Have they never heard of the musical (and film) HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH, which was famous around 2000? Are the Palinbots so functionally and culturally illiterate that they don't count the arts as valid school curricula?

  76. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I think there should be hearings on possibly changing the 14th Amendment to revoke the birthright citizenship of Sarah Palin and spawn. Those aliens are a blight on us real citizens.

  77. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Palin really CANNOT handle unscripted situations. She must have thought she'd look commanding and gutsy in front of the TLC crew by confronting the protestor. In the end, she just established that she's the mental and emotional age of her rude little teenage daughter.

    The whole tape is an embarrassment.

    Worst Governor Ever.

    Worst extemporaneous speaker ever.

    Worst Parent Ever.

  78. SME13110:13 PM

    All I can say is everyone in Homer that got an illegal pat down by Palin's goon needs to press charges. I think it would be hilarious to see palin and her goon arrested for assault.

    I showed the video to a few people who think I am way too hard on the phony bitch. 5 of the 6 people were completely appalled at her in that video. They all said that is a side of her they had no idea existed. Let's keep this video in front of everyone.

    I also looked at her facebook page today, there was a comment at the top saying how stupid she is, it lasted all of 1 minute and was gone.

  79. Anonymous10:36 PM

    "She's representing United States"

    That remark and the gestures must be discussed at length. It says a great deal.

    Bristol take classes in summer school, don't hang with grifters. Where is your abandoned son?
    TLC is freak TV, like the circus side show was in another time. You and Grizzly are tabloid celebrity. Your whole family acts like small time delusional punks. Your family quit on Alaska and aims to destroy all that does not fit into your fantasies.

  80. Anonymous11:11 PM

    She wasn't belittling teachers with that look, she was having a snotty, sarcastic "meeting of the minds" with Willow, as in; "Wow, can you believe this crazy lady who doesn't think that I'm Hot Stuff is teaching the young minds of America?".

    The weird thing is that she has the same thought processes as her vandalizing smarty pants 15 year old, and would actually display in public that she and Willow "Think Alike".

    The creepy thing is that they went as a group with two large men to purposely intimidate Ms. Gustafson.

    The best part is that after she told Ms. Gustafson that she "supported her right to free speech", her goons destroyed the banner!

  81. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Here's MY Alaska!

    Discovery Channel, pack it up and go home.

  82. Anonymous12:56 AM

    how did paylin know the sign was about her?? isn't parnell the gov now? Sign didn't have a name on it!!!

  83. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I'm not sure Chuck Heath is a probably credentialed teacher. Time to check into that, if Sarah's gonna spank people with that stick.
    Too many conflicting stories. He graduated from Eastern Washington when he was already employed as a teacher in Sandpoint, Idaho. And according to Sarah's own book, he'd "already served a stint in the military."
    He himself reports one year; the EWU alum magazine a different year.
    All accounts seem to agree on high school graduation in Sandpoint in 1956. From there, the math just doesn't add up.
    He was a TEACHER in Sandpoint starting Fall 1960. That's exactly four years from HS graduation. But he did all these other things in between, like a stint in the Army. And like Sarah, switched schools several times. A Sandpoint magazine proudly published an in-depth article:
    "In the spring of 1959, Sally Sheeran was a nineteen year
    old freshman transfer student at Columbia Basin College in
    Pasco. Chuck Heath was a twenty-one year old sophomore, one semester away from graduating with his Associates Degree, bound for another two years to finish up at Eastern Washington."
    By this account, in 1959 he was at least two years away from a teaching degree. But he was hired to be a teacher the next year.
    And when he moved to Skagway after teaching for 3 years, he got his Masters! HOW?
    That's a long way to commute to university in Fairbanks. There was no distance education back then. And he worked for the railroad in the summer.

    A long long time ago, Alaska (and other states as well) "credentialed" folks to be teachers when they didn't actually hold degrees.

    Anyway. Something that makes you go 'hmmm...' and roll your eyes.

  84. Anonymous1:53 AM

    I'm glad this got out. Granny Grisly unscripted is always a disaster..Todd and co trying to intimidate the woman and Willow's behavior is disguising.

  85. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Someone posted that a radio person was trying to say Sarah silenced the teacher. She didn't silence her, if anything, from this video, it seems that Sarah was silenced. After she spewed out her commonsense constitutionalism militaristic nonsense, and the teacher said what she does for a living,...really, Sarah had no response. No response at all. The teacher had to them pick up the conversation again. Sarah couldn't paint this good person as some kind of extremist and had no idea what to do next.

    As far as the other stuff, the conservative commentator trying to claim there was a group of people all "heckling" and refusing to talk to Sarah, that is an obvious lie because the video shows that's not the case. The teacher even says at the end it's an honor or pleasure or whatever to meet Sarah.

    This video has got to be spread around.

  86. Anonymous3:45 AM

    I would surmise that Palin's disdain for the teacher community comes from their family's personal experiences with their own children and their schools ... items like involving the parents regarding the student's truancy, student behavior, missed homework, grades, ... all the normal stuff teachers do in a day's work are probably viewed as harassment and an inconvenience to the parents.

  87. BAustin3:49 AM

    Actually i dont believe that Kathleen was disagreeing with palins politics (As sarah claims in her Facebook post). I think she was holding palin accountable....and palins don't do accountable. I don't even understand how anyone can watch that video and not see the extremely obvious eye head, and neck roll.

    Also blatant is it that sarah/ram reads.....wait for it ....the blogs.

    Ugh....we should start. poll on what will undo her first: babygate, family drama, stupidity, ego. meaness, thin skin, or her insatiable need to get even.

  88. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:12 AM

    I haven't read all the comments here, but we're forgetting the braindead lemmings who are Sarah's base. "Hey, I really rolled my eyes towards Willow, and not only that, it's caught ON VIDEO, but if my Facebook page says I didn't, then I didn't! So there!!"

    And the maroons will believe Saint Sarah. Remember, edumacation and thinkin' is the Devil's work according to this small but mouthy faction of society. You must conform and blindly follow Queen Esther over the cliff.

  89. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Sarah's description of President Obama's lectures has always been an indication that she has no respect for higher education. Her inability to have stirred the desire for higher education in her own family indicates her disdain for education in general. The body language and the rolling eyes in this video just reinforce what has been evident for a long time that she relishes in ignorance.

  90. Anonymous5:11 AM

    This is what this bratty Palin daughter has learned under Sarah's tutelage: Anyone who practices free speech that is critical of her mom is an "asshole." But you can say any lie you want about our President. You can carry signs that call him a Nazi, or that he is a Muslim terrorist, or that he is not a native American. You can open-carry guns to those town hall meetings that discussed health care reform for the purpose of intimidation. But you can't do those things when "Mommy Dearest" is filming her garbage TLC program. Ok, I understand the rules now. You have been well-taught, young lady.

  91. Anonymous6:38 AM

    One thing Palin succeeded at in the video is creating confusion which daughter it was. We know it was Willow, with her face and head, especially her widow's peak, mostly covered so it's hard to tell which girl it is. Anyone think that wasn't deliberate? That Willow was just cold? Enough people think that was Bristol to help the Palins hold off on the "where's bristol? Is she pregnant again?" rumors.

  92. Given that family history, how likely is it that I would “roll my eyes” at someone telling me that they too work in that honorable profession?

    That video has been all over the MSM on the TV $arah, and "the series of tubes".

    Everyone has SEEN you do just that, over and over again.

    But since you obviously think that, THAT didn't make you look foolish enough, I'll answer your question.

    Given that you attended 5 or 6 colleges ( I've lost count), where no one remembers you, to obtain a degree that no one has seen, given those FACTS $arah, it only stands to reason that:

    Educators who speak the English language, insist on reason and logic from their students, should cause you to deflate like a balloon, but your defense is to roll your eyes like the petulant child you are.

  93. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Where's the missing tape? Why does the picture stop right after Palin say, "Here's the deal.."

    Signed, Shirley Sherrod

  94. Anonymous9:44 AM

    If this is an example of what will be seen on her new reality show, maybe TLC actually wants to show an ignorant and stupid person posing as an intelligent educated person with her family following in her footsteps. Wouldn't this be a hoot? Maybe they will have a success with everyone watching to see how very stupid she really is.

  95. Anonymous10:15 AM

    What is all the garbage out there on the right wing blogs that Kathleen isn't really a teacher? Can someone clarify what Kathleen does and where she works?

  96. I think she was more surprised that someone who initiated a "discussion" with her by trashing the Bible, and trying to simultaneously both insult and commend her governorship was actually a teacher! (Actually Gustafson is NOT a teacher; she is a drag queen bandleader, a "theater tech" at a school, and an activist for Planned Phood. ) So....maybe just maybe Sarah-of-the Family-of-Teachers was justr a little bit surprised that such an idiot could actually be a teacher. Kudos for Sarah's gut on this one, hey?

  97. Anonymous10:25 AM

    To further insult teachers, it appears the right is insulting Gustafson to the nth degree by calling her a drag queen and a Shannon Moore plant, who isn't really a teacher. I suggest that those involved, copy and save everything from those sites to use in a future lawsuit against those writing that drivel. Supposedly, many are already deleting the links to the more extreme sites spewing hate about Kathleen.

  98. BAustin @ 3:49 am said:

    "Actually i dont believe that Kathleen was disagreeing with palins politics (As sarah claims in her Facebook post)."

    EXCELLENT catch! Palin assumed that Kathleen disagrees with her politics simply because Kathleen is a teacher with a "Worst Gov Ever" sign. There wasn't any discussion of politics.

    Based on Palin's reaction, I think she is pretty pissed that this video has gone viral.

    I know that some are confused as to which daughter it is mouthing off to Kathleen. If you go to Palingates, you can see from their screenshots that it is Willow in the video. It is pretty clear; they have a clear face shot.

  99. Anonymous10:49 AM

    An even bigger story is developing. Several right wing blogs ran stories or linked to some right wing website that tried to discredit Kathleen as a drag queen and not a teacher. Typical Karl Rove tactics.

    It is easy to check out Kathleen at her school district...
    Type in her name and her email pops up immediately.

  100. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Read how far the right wing will go to try to discredit a teacher...
    This is so sick and twisted.

  101. Anonymous10:52 AM

    11:11 PM said..."She wasn't belittling teachers with that look, she was having a snotty, sarcastic "meeting of the minds" with Willow, as in; "Wow, can you believe this crazy lady who doesn't think that I'm Hot Stuff is teaching the young minds of America?"

    Yep, I totally agree. It wasn't about teachers. It was a direct personal comment aimed at and delivered directly to Ms. Gustafson.
    Her witty reparte followed, then and later on Facebook, with validation of herself by listing the many family teachers. The "message" there was that Sarah is pre-emminently qualified to judge worthiness of a teacher.

    She's too self-involved and undisciplined to see that her adolescent 'one-upping' snippy behaviour might be interpreted as a criticism of all teachers.

    12:56 AM comment - that's exactly right! What led her to believe that the sign was about her?
    Frankly, if I was out anywhere and saw that sign, my initial reaction would be, Wow, what did Sean Parnell do now?
    The Governor is actively campaigning for reelection, um, er, reassignment?, or however you'd like to characterize this. His administration is creepy and weird. That's who I think of, when I see the word "governor."

    And I Know Bob Poe.
    Bob, come back...

  102. Anonymous10:55 AM

    To Gael: Sorry to confuse you with the facts but Kathleen actually is a teacher. Simply go to the following site and type in 'Kathleen Gustafson' to see her email address.
    Facts are such a useful tool. You probably won't find them here, however...

  103. Anonymous11:04 AM

    No success in shooting Kathleen, the messenger...

  104. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I don't think Chuck Heath has a degree in education from Eastern Washington University.

    Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' Act requires examination of Alaska teachers' credentials and academic history.

    Exactly when did Chuck Heath "retire" from the Matsu school district?

  105. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Gryphen, please follow up on this thread about Chuck Heath's credentials. This could be really big. It doesn't matter whether he's lying, what matters is that this is standard behavior for his Heath daughter. So, proving that he lied about a factual statement such as a teaching credential and graduate degree would go far in showing where Sarah learned to disrespect the truth.

  106. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Update: The Palin cult are going after Kathleen Gustafson hard.

    When school yard bullying isn't enough.

  107. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Re whether the little snot in the video is Bristol or Willow, you might want to consult a plastic surgeon.

    I think it is Willow for two reasons. First, the girl is slender and Bristol (whether from pregnancy or Crunch Wrap Supremes) is porky. Unless Bristol has been on a starvation diet, I don't think she could lose her porkiness that quickly (I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming she is just pudgy, not pregnant).

    Second, if you look at the stills from the video and look at the profile of the girl, she has a sharp pointy nose. Bristol already had her nose job; Willow is still awaiting hers. So I think the sharp non-operated on nose gives it away.

    But it would still be interesting to consult a plastic surgeon.

  108. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Sarah Palin understands that cameras can be running whenever she interacts with anyone in public. The person in Homer could have been Satan him/herself and it would NOT matter. Sarah Palin did not use the opportunity to make memorable footage that would NOT need a facebook "explanation". Instead Sarah Palin CHOSE to display her less than stellar side.

    Sarah Palin is a sociopath.

  109. nasty teen chew2:50 PM

    In passing I heard talking heads on a MSM news program in a serious discussion about the chew or gum smacker in the video from Homer. That is what passes for political talk now? They were also discussing Sarah's Constitution speil. It did not make either the Democrat or the Republican look too good. Too bad both think they have to review Palin as if she is a serious political campaigner. Don't forget the Discovery Channel spokesperson that came out and stated Palin's program is a campaign. Her family is actually filming campaign propaganda when they produce with Kate and the 8. All the filming is a political campaign first. Second it is a trashy Mark Burnett reality show deal. They will try to sell it to the public as a quality documentary.

    The Homer chew video and Palin's half ass talk about the Constitution while filming her campaign piece is actually worth air time and serious talking head conversation. They all agreed the nasty teen chew with bad attitude was BAD for Sarah. That kid is her ticket to a downfall. It is great the video is forever in the tubes. Her knowledge of the Constitution was laughable to both sides but the rationalizations for her standing in the GOP is intact. She is beating out the idiot Newt or something like that.

  110. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Everyone older assumes the Palin teen was chewing gum. Does anyone have proof it was gum? Teens chew more than gum these days. I don't have a list of all they chew but this is one possibility.

  111. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I can't tell if that is Willow or Bristol in the video. Willow is shorter and she has porked up some. Whoever it is, they don't look thin to me. They could be pregnant. It is hard to say why the face looks odd. If Bristol didn't have it removed, she did have a large mold on her left cheek. These people have manufactured public persona. With Bristol it was that she was a good girl. The Colony Girl pose and attitude is more like I know Willow to be. That does not mean that Bristol is not that way also. It would be nice if someone could give confirmation on who is in the video. The media is going with Bristol. If there is no verifiable confirmation the next best thing would be Sadie Johnston and others that knew her. Can Sadie let someone know her take? Also, Gryphen, what is your educated guess or knowledge on the matter?

    Is there a profile photo of Bristol's current nose? That does look like it is either Willow's nose or Bristol's old one, I haven't seen if it changed.

  112. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I am 99.9 % positive that its Bristol in the video.

  113. Anonymous1:24 AM

    I didn't notice any chewing. I don't know if it's Bristol or Willow. It's a Palin daughter. I don't care. I care about the behavior. That's just troubling.
    Jim and Faye must be so proud. That's why they stay far far away out of the public eye...

    Bob Poe for Governor - whether he wants to or not!

  114. Anonymous5:33 PM


    thanks for the mediate link. boy, those are some nasty and sleazy palin lovers commenting on that site.


  115. Anonymous5:39 PM

    gael at 10:25, you are high or plain stupid.

    as someone on another blog points out, "theater tech" isn't a job title, it's the CLASS SHE TEACHES. just like the teacher with "art" after her name isn't an "art" and the guy with "choir" after his name isn't a choir -- at least not all by himself.

    you people are unbearably, almost criminally, stupid.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.