Friday, August 06, 2010

Maybe there IS a job in politics for Sarah Palin. Okay stop shaking your head and just read the post. Sheesh!

Right after Palin was plucked from the wilds of Wasilla and deposited lipstick first into the whirlwind of presidential politics there was a lot of criticism about her lack of experience with foreign leaders.  So in typical GOP style she was offered up to a number of foreign dignitaries in a kind of diplomatic speed dating.

One of the dignitaries she met was newly elected Pakinstani President Ali Zardari who simply could NOT contain his excitement at meeting the person who would soon be Alaska's biggest embarrassment.

Here watch the meeting for yourself:

Wow! Just look at how uncomfortable Palin was in that clip!  She looked like she wanted to get away from the Pakistani President just as fast as her skinny little legs would carry her.

So here is my idea.  Why doesn't Obama appoint her as our ambassador to Pakistan?

It would finally give her a REAL job so she could stop milking the old ladies and shut ins that keep contributing to SarahPAC AND she could finally get out of the country and start working on her foreign relations experience. You betcha!

Plus Zardari would be so infatuated with her that he would agree to just about ANYTHING we asked him to do.

Yeah I know what you are thinking "Gryph she could sabotage the President's plans by using her charms to seduce Zardari into ignoring Obama and instead attacking Iran or something!"

Highly doubtful.  Sarah doesn't even let TODD touch her anymore. I really don't think she would let the Pakistani President play with her Mama Grizzly teats just to derail Obama's hopes for establishing peace in the Middle East. Plus she would be working under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and in a conflict between the two of them who do YOU really believe would come out ahead?

Personally I think the idea is brilliant!

Well okay, maybe not brilliant.


  1. Olivia10:16 AM

    Aren't there, er, ah..(ahem) 'brown' people over there?

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Ship Sarah to a prison in Outer Mongolia is my wish.

  3. I prefer Palin do a photo op w a hungry Polar bear.

  4. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Yes, Gryphen, it IS brilliant! Truly. The only problem is, she would never agree to work for/under "That One."

  5. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Interesting idea but she seems to have a little problem 'touching', 'talking', 'having friends' or even remaining in a state (Hawaii) with people with darker skin tones then her.

  6. Facebook Lurker10:44 AM

    I'm with Olivia..Sarah couldn't handle the Asians and naive Hawaiins in college, so I give her less than 24 hours in Pakistan. She looked freaked out like she was gonna catch something from the guy.... clearly uncomfortable around the brown people

  7. Why do you hate the Pakistanis so much that you would want to visit this horror on them?

  8. Anonymous11:15 AM

    What Clarissa said...

  9. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Maybe not a brilliant idea, but certainly funny.

  10. angela11:24 AM

    I loved that clip when I first saw it. You know she went screaming into the bathroom to scrub her hands afterwards. Then she dropped down on her fundie knees and prayed that she wouldn't turn muslim or brown that night.

  11. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Gee gyph, thinking about this prospect makes my head hurt.

    Frankly, I'd like sowah to stick around till the ak repub GOP primary. So shipping her off to Pakistan, right now, wouldn't be feasable. Sowah has got to stick around to help Joe-he who throws moose horn, get down to some nasty campaiging at the last minute.

    I like popcorn.

  12. Tyroanee11:50 AM

    Every time I watch that clip... I see her wiping hers hands after shaking hands- much like Bush did when he went down to Haiti.
    Sad really, but then having The Royal Blood of an Ida-ho-ian, well sometimes you're just more pure than that of the other 'little' people.

  13. Enjay in E MT11:51 AM

    Personally, I prefer some isolated inland African country where there are lots of Witch Hunters. She can assist in rooting out the evil locals and send them packing down the road. Much like "not in my back yard" we do in the states.

    Perhaps with that proclaimed knowledge of Oil & Gas, the half governor can sniff out the fossil fuels and whip up another $500 mil pipeline.

  14. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Wow, Gryphen. You should really watch the snark. Sometimes you come pretty close to seeming like a chauvinist/petty, chubby fellow who can't score with the pretty ladies. Please no more cracks about Palin's love life...

  15. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I know that you meant this to be a humorous post, but there is nothing funny about calling that dimwit Ambassador. Not even to the poorest country in the world. Not even to the country with the most minorities. No place.

    Pakistan has nukes. Pakistan is probably hiding Osama Bin Laden in a dangerous mountain region. A nut case like Palin could ignite the simmering feud between India and Pakistan. No, don't put Sarah anywhere nukes.

    It is pretty clear that Sarah doesn't want a career in politics, or she would finished her term as governor. You can't quit, and then claim that you have executive experience. What Sarah has is a record of quitting.

    If you really want to find meaningful work for Sarah, I suggest that she walk the walk after talking the talk. It is time for Sarah to enlist in the armed forces, put on that khaki t-shirt for real, load up the old rifle and head off to Iraq or Afghanistan. Then, she can claim another foreign country that she visited. She will get to wear the flag every day as part of her uniform. In fact, she can salute the flag as often as she wants.

    The job that Sarah wants is that of Mega-Diva-Celebrity-Star-Famous Person. She wants to travel first class, have bendy straws and adoring crowds, and most of all, Sarah just wants to make lots and lots of money. Let's see, cheesy clothes, tacky makeup, horrible hair style, people paying to see her in high high heels and a short skirt, yes, there's a name for someone who sells themselves that way.

  16. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Never mind those foreign-looking brown people! Mama Grifter seems to be particularly pale and sickly-looking this summer. Isn't she mowing the lawn anymore? Too cheap to buy her own tanning bed? Or is it true that she's preparing for a trip to Arizona?

    And how desperate must she have been to let that African witch doctor "bless" her political career? Nevermore!

  17. Anonymous12:16 PM

    One more reason Stupid doesn't need to be anywhere near a position of power higher than rat catcher.

    Pres. Obama has lived all over and is comfortable with people of all creeds and colors.

    Stupid Sarah? Not so much. She seems to have spent most of her time in places where the population is 98 percent white and the two percent of 'colored' people are completely ignored.

    I cringe at the thought of what a presidency would look like under her insane reign. Apartheid anyone?

  18. newmom12:27 PM

    wow, she must have been uncomfortable because she tried to pull her skirt down over her knees. usually her skirts are pulled up around her yoo-hoo.

  19. Anonymous12:34 PM

    She doesn't appear uncomfortable in a racist way. I see unease as he continues to shake her hand and pose for longer than normal. That's creepy. This is a woman who was once shy and unknowingly pretty. She downplays her looks (glasses and updos) even though most ppl think she looks better with glasses. How would you react if you were the veep candidate and a foreign leader complimented you on your looks and shook hands for 7 seconds? Give her a break on this one.

    I think she's one of the few americsans who has the panache to change the world.

  20. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I cannot believe how much she looks like Tina Fey on SNL in the skit where $P is meeting foreign dignitaries! LOL!!

    What an embarrassment...

  21. newmom2:26 PM

    oh, 12:34, i can feel you flutter from here! lol.

    sarah's always known she's pretty, did you forget the beauty pageants? as for dressing "down," it's the only way she thought she could be taken as a serious grown-up. no one could be sure if she looked like just a pretty soccer mom and they be convinced otherwise once she opened her mouth!

    sarah's changed alaska for the worse, she made a racist mockery of the last election, she insulted a man who had to work harder than she ever dreamed of, and whose family life she should, and probably does, envy.

    Are you rilly thinking she could change the world in a good way? Please.

    I'll agree that Palin has a certain style born of narcissistic confidence and extreme bravo, and if you want to call it panache, i'll agree that flamboyance and reckless courage describe her to a T as well.

  22. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Hey Anonymous 11:53....this post has nothing to do with Palin's love life, it is poking fun at her racism.

    Good thing cuz I'm betting YOU have her love life all taken care of, now don't you!

  23. Anonymous5:37 PM

    lol anon 10:23. i was signing on to ask if Outer Mogolia needed an ambassador and suggest perhaps Sarah could go there!!

  24. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Meanwhile, here's a story about racism that everyone seems to be ignoring:

  25. lilly lily6:29 AM

    But he is, he's Muslim?

    I have to shake his hand



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