Thursday, August 02, 2012

Pepper spraying UC Davis officer no longer has a job. About damn time!

Hey remember this guy? Yeah, he is now among the ranks of the unemployed.

Courtesy of News 10:

The UC Davis officer accused of pepper spraying 11 student protesters in November no longer works on the police force. 

Spokesperson for the UC Davis Chancellor Barry Shiller said John Pike's employment ended on July 31, 2012. Shiller released the following statement: 

"Consistent with privacy guidelines established in state law and University policy, I can confirm that John Pike's employment with the University ended on July 31, 2012. I'm unable to comment further."

Nine months seems like an awfully long time to still be employed at a university after pepper spraying peaceful students, even though after the incident he was immediately put on leave.

I only hope he is not hired in any other law enforcement capacity. The guy simply does not have the proper temperament.

I mean the guy would pepper spray just about anybody, for just about anything.

Okay that last one I'm kind of okay with.


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I hope he never works again and is forced to beg for pennies on the street. His whole family deserves to be homeless and bankrupt. Maybe that will teach the other pigs that there are consequences for their actions.

    1. Leland8:47 AM

      Sorry, 6:25. I cannot agree with your "sins of the father" judgement. HE is guilty. NOT his family.

      Throw HIM out on the street. Or better yet, throw him in prison for assault and battery and let the prison population take care of this ass.

      But take it out on his family? No. That just puts you in the same league.

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      I agree with Leland, his crime was not nearly as serious as you try to make it out to be and the punishment should fit the crime. No one was permanently injured and in fact most of them probably didn't fell any effect the next day, if that long. And what's the reasoning for punishing his family? As far as I'm concerned that's ridiculous as it would be to punish any criminal's family for any criminal.

    3. Leland10:41 AM

      Anonymous 9:35? I never said his crime wasn't serious. In fact, I believe he should have been arrested and tried for assault and battery on each one of the students. We DO, after all, have a right to peaceful demonstration in this country and he violated that right severely as was stipulated in the study/report that was done on this event.

      Were I one of the students involved, I would have already filed suit against him.

      And if you think that what he did WASN'T serious, then you need to re-examine your point of view. Abuse of power is abuse of power. Period.

      As for "not feeling any effect the next day", have you ever been hit with that stuff? The strength of the stream he hit those students with was potent enough to have affected them for weeks and some studies have said permanently because of what it can do to the tear ducts.

      Try getting hit with the stuff before you say things like that. What you said is as stupid as President Bush claiming that water boarding is NOT torture! Every civilized nation in the world recognizes it is.

      Serve and Protect? Yeah, right! Vicious and unnecessary is more like it. I said throw HIM out on the street and I meant it. I did NOT say what he did wasn't a serious thing!

    4. Anonymous11:55 AM

      anonymous 9:35
      Is English your first language? If so, you need to consult a dictionary or maybe just reread your comment before you hit publish.

    5. Leland12:18 PM

      9:35? I said: "HE is guilty. NOT his family". I also said: "Throw HIM out on the street." How in HELL do you get my saying what he did wasn't serious from that?

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    He'll be on Fox News throwing his whine-fest/pity party in 3...2...

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM


    Meanwhile, the ghost of Sarah Palin continues to loom over Romney's decision. Only two days ago, former veep Dick Cheney, 2008 loser John McCain and La Palin herself engaged in a mud-slinging ménage a trois over whether or not Palin was up to the task of riding shotgun on the Republican ticket four years ago. The ever-dour Cheney asserted that she was not. Ya think? McCain, who will forever bear the Palin stain on his political legacy, played Sir Walter Raleigh-on-Geritol yet again and bashed Cheney on her behalf. The half-term governor, who now appears as a bobblehead doll on Fox News, tossed an incoherent (and duplicitous) word salad in her defense, reminding the world yet again why Cheney was right.

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    If only that last one had really happened. It would have been nice. hahahahaha

  5. Anonymous7:56 AM

    OMG. He pepper sprayed Moses and Thomas Jefferson, the shame.

    I like that he sprayed Bachmann.

    1. It's Adam and God on the Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco (The Creation of Adam). So he's spraying Cod . . . . (Art history major many decades ago.)

  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Oh, I'm certain he'll be hired on somewhere Arizona.

  7. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Someone updated the West Side Story song "Officer Winski" to the Occupy version and the new lyrics are about the John Pike-like policemen in the Occupy movement....

    One line fits this post: "there's work down at Walmart, if you'll man the door, so type your resume and join the poor...."


  8. Before the pig-headed po po retires his pepper-spray canister for good, he needs to visit one of Ms Bachmann's fellow House members and give him a little "attention-getter". King is just another crazy bagger that has sneaked away recently from his 24/7 pysch nurse-supervised padded room.

    Steve King Defends Dog Fighting Comments In Bizarre Diatribe
    By Scott Keyes on Aug 1, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    Yesterday, ThinkProgress reported on Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) comments that “there’s something wrong with” outlawing dogfighting when “people fighting” is legal. King has since tried to backtrack from the claim, arguing that while his words were “distorted,” he still believes that “we’ve crossed a moral line” by “elevating animals up to above that of humans.”
    In explaining himself, King argues that animals have more rights than fetuses, and suggests that liberals have so devalued life, that a man can rape a young girl, kidnap her, force her to undergo an abortion across state lines, and then “drop her off at the swingset….and that’s not against the law in the United States of America.”

    Other than saying Steve King has some serious issues, I'm at a total loss of words to describe his behavior and rationale.

    You can see the video on the page linked below.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:16 PM

      What a vile man, he projects his warped logic onto "liberals" and equates animal rights with "fetal rights"? And he has three dogs?
      Someone needs to rescue the dogs, and if he has kids, someone needs to rescue them as well.

  9. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Well, well, well...

    [Star Magazine] Which political diva was overheard bitching about her famous reality-star daughter at a Bevery Hills event? The controversial brunette told a celebrity father-to-be that she’s glad he’s having a boy because “girls are a nightmare – from toddler to teen and beyond!”

  10. We don't know that he's unemployed.

    It could be it took so long because he was looking for other work and found it. They didn't fire him. His contract was not renewed.

    I can see him being welcomed into the sheriff's depts in certain counties in Arizona.

    I have no doubt certain right wing police forces would gladly hire him.

  11. I understand that he's been hired as a security consultant at the re-thug cornvention in Tampa ??? Given the COMPLETELY Useless information coming from the RNC about anything, could be the truth.

  12. Anita Winecooler9:25 PM

    Put a uniform and a weapon in a yahoo's hands and he'll feel superior and use it against those he's supposed to protect. What a man! Assaulting women peacefully assembled to protest. What law did they break?
    While I find the photos somewhat funny, I'm mildly offended they're based on the real crimes depicted in the first photo.

  13. Anonymous9:08 AM

    While I agree with some of the comments, I myself cannot agree with the officer being unemployed. Citizens do things everyday that aren't exactly within the law and they don't lose their jobs very often. While Law officers should be held to a higher standard of conduct, Doctors, lawyers, and private citizens in general tend to be a bigger problem than law officers. If not there would be no need in having laws or law enforcement period. We are a free country to peacfully protest, but when told by an authority figure to leave and you refuse, you get what comes with your actions. Being free to choose your actions makes this Country unique, but you will also have consequences for those actions, be it good or bad. You make a poor decision and you will suffer in one form or another. Good decisions usually are rewarded. Theie were some poor decisions on both parties and each suffered in one way or another.


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