Thursday, August 02, 2012

Sarah Palin on Fox News: Same shit, different wig.

Click the roadkill covering her head to play video.
The interview starts off with Palin patting herself on the back over the recent Ted Cruz win in Texas. She also gets a chance at a little payback by claiming that Cruz's opponent, David Dewhurst, employed a consultant that worked for one of her opponents during the 2006 Governor's race in Alaska:  

"And Dewhurst's campaign was full of these expert consultants who, by the way, have lost race, after race, after race recently. In fact one of them I know well, through reputation, because he worked for an opponent of mine as I ran for governor. And I beat him back then too." 

So apparently the Grizzled Mama believes that Cruz's victory is HER victory as well. Gee I wonder if all of the other folks who endorsed him are taking credit for his win? Don't you love how Palin can NEVER let an old foe get away without twisting the knife a little if the opportunity arises?

After Palin finishes congratulating herself for Cruz's victory Bolling asks her about a possible invite to the GOP convention in Tampa.

Palin, referring to Romney says the following:

"You know some of his people have talked to some of my people, quote unquote, the staff that I still have at the political action committee. I just want to help. And my PAC, we just ant to help and sometimes helping means you step aside and you don't, certainly you don't invite yourself into a leadership, or speaker-ship type role in a convention like this. You try to work with a strategy that the campaign has in place. And evidently Romney's campaign has a strategy that they will implement. And whether I'm there or not as a speaker I'm comfortable either way."

Okay if ANYBODY believes this, I have an Alaskan bridge to nowhere to sell you. I love the part where she says "all I want to do is help." Apparently this kind of help involves spending thousands of dollars of her PAC money on "postage" (ie plastic surgery), and screeching at crowds that it is time to replace almost ALL of the current Republican Senators and Congress members with her hand picked Constitutionally ignorant Tea Party candidates. Oh yeah, SHE has been a lot of help so far!

Bolling then goes on to mention that, in his words, Obama had "buried the hatchet" with Bill Clinton and had given HIM a huge speaking role in the Dems convention. And Elizabeth Warren as well. Going on to ask why Romney would not give her a "high profile spot."

This is her reply:

"Well, I know speaking personally there is no hatchet to bury, or olive branch that needs to be passed between Mitt Romney and myself. We have a good relationship, and I have great respect for Mitt, and I am so thankful that the GOP has a strong candidate who understands the private sector, and what it takes to get the economy roaring again. That he will be our candidate. So I can’t speak though for their strategy and who it is that they will choose to be participants in the convention. 

I will tell you though. It’s crackin’ me up watching what the Democrats totally, this idiotic strategy of theirs to have Elizabeth Warren who has almost confessed to her Marxist views. These views that replicate failed European countries about redistribution of wealth and all these failed policies, and she is going to be the face of that message in the convention. I think it is very risky of the Democrats, because there are a lot of good Reagan Democrats, a lot of blue collar, hardworking, working class Democrats, Blue Dogs, who don’t want to see that type of message being reflective of their entire platform, because it is a ridiculous and failed plank in a platform. These Marxist views."

"Marxist views?" Who the hell does she think she is, Joe McCarthy? It is one thing to believe the other side has their priorities wrong, but quite another to claim they are Communists.

Apparently the shit in THIS bat has reached critical mass!

After this exchange the Newsweek cover, declaring Mitt Romney a wimp, is brought up allowing Palin to slip back into her regular attack on the "lamestream media." Though she does make a funny when she claims, after that huge helping of word salad she just tossed on the air,  that the conservative side does a better job at getting their message out because they are more "articulate" and use "commons sense." (Oh the irony.)

Like I said most of this is nothing new, however Palin's increased frustration at NOT being given a speaking role at the convention is clearly pissing her off, despite her claims to the contrary. If Mitt does not throw her some kind of bone she may end up hiring a bus and driving it around the convention honking her horn and inviting the people inside to come to the REAL convention at her strip mall location.

Or perhaps she well just knock Lisa Ann off the stage to do her OWN political pole dance again. (After all THAT is where most of the movers and shakers of the Republican party will be hanging out, don'tcha know?)


  1. Yes, she said speakership.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      I wish someone would take her just like that pic above and sew her fucking lips shut.


    I hope to see all you chiks tomorrow!

  3. melissa10:44 AM

    In other Palin news Sarah's been featured on Blind Gossip again!

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      [Star Magazine] Which political diva was overheard bitching about her famous reality-star daughter at a Bevery Hills event? The controversial brunette told a celebrity father-to-be that she’s glad he’s having a boy because “girls are a nightmare – from toddler to teen and beyond!”

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Nick Lachey's wife is expecting a boy...

      "You see him in sonograms and you feel him move -- you just want to meet him!" Nick told Us Weekly at the Television Critics Association press tour on July 24.

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Hear that Willow? You're a nightmare according to your mother. Time to spill the beans about babygate. You'll make millions I promise.

    4. Anonymous11:16 AM

      At the Television Critics Association press tour in Beverly Hills July 24, the TV host's husband, Nick Lachey, 38, gave Us Weekly an update on how they're prepping for the arrival of their first son.

    5. Anonymous11:35 AM

      why do we care about Mr. Lachey, and how does it relate to Granny Grifter?

    6. OH SNAP! Beefy and Wallow if you two tramps are reading this...Baldy done did y'all WRONG! Time to pull out those secret diaries and get them to a publisher!

      Strike while the iron is hot girls...that means sell your diaries to the highest bidders dummy's! LOL!!!

    7. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Maybe $carah is just repeating what her mother said about the Heath girls?

    8. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Who gives a F about Nick Lachey! I want Sarah to have a speakership at the RNC and I think we need to start a petitition to send to Romney!

    9. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Willow, all your praying and such got you was a spot at a hair school and a tiny apartment.
      You should kiss this ungrateful family goodbye and sell a book that will really be a best-seller, about everything you know -- hell, make it two volumes. You'll sell enough to make quite a bit of money, you can have your own reality show, and you don't have to be disparaged by Sarah and Bristol ever again.
      Who are they to dump on you so often? Get a good advisor who's independent, and looking out only for YOUR future.

    10. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Methinks Baldy better take a life ins. policy out for herself after dissing Darth Vader...just sayin'...!

    11. Anonymous1:01 PM

      OT: G here is a AWESOME Alaskan Story! Doesn't involved the dumbassed palins in any way!

      Check it out!
      You just know those guys didn't vote for HER!

    12. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Nick Lachey connects the "blind" to Sarah

      Celebrity father-to-be who is expecting a boy = Nick Lachey

      Stars Earn Stripes = Nick Lachey and Todd Palin

      Television Critics Association press tour in Beverly Hills July 24 = Nick Lachey, Todd and Sarah Palin

    13. Anonymous1:24 PM

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I would LOVE to hear what Elizabeth Warren's answer is to this lunatic with her "Marxist" accusations. I happen to think Mrs. Warren is a beautiful woman, well educated, smart and just a natural beauty. No plastic surgery, no winkin' and tongue flickin' needed. So confident she does not need gimmicks to articulate her views. Palin could only WISH to be even a smidgeon like Elizabeth Warren who has class to spare. When will Faux kick her to the curb?

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      You are so right. Elizabeth Warren has such class.
      Palin is paling by comparison.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      And Warren's what? fifteen years older than Sarah? (Not to be too petty.)

      Eliz. Warren is speaking in terms Palin can't even understand, but the speaker's bureau has told her to repeat "Marxist" as many times as possible -- oh, and something about those disrespectful Europeans while she's at it -- and maybe some of it will stick.

    3. Anonymous11:48 AM

      I was just thinking the same thing. I would love to see the two of them debate or discuss US politics, but as we know, Palin doesn't venture from her comfort zone. All she knows how to do is attack. She can't handle an intelligent discussion on anything more substantial than the latest BOGO sale at Payless Shoes.

    4. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Elizabeth Warren (like the president) no doubt doesn't even pay attention to such things.

    5. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Warren= Marxist dawgy dawg. Sarah = HAWT & 2013 brainy president. Big plan coming. H 8 ers will cry

    6. Anonymous1:23 PM


    7. Anonymous1:51 PM

      12:39- Hi Piper Diaper!

    8. Anonymous12:39 PM

      You got that right "AlphaNumbnuts"...Baldy is definitely "HAWT"...a HAWT ass mess that is! LOL!!

    9. Anonymous2:50 PM

      2013 is the actual year of inauguration.
      So that's what she/ he means I think

    10. RE: Anon @ 12:38's moronic comment, I think the RWNJs drop these little nuggets every so often just to see if we make them take a time out. Sorta like Tripp and the F-word.

    11. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Emaci8 ur$elf From mental $lavery

    12. Anonymous6:23 PM

      YES...Baldy is "Emaciated" and "mental"...thanks for pointing it out
      "AlphaNumnuts" really do get us here! LOL!!!

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Wow, I just love how she includes "the workin’ folk" in her little fantasy. It shows so well how little she understands history and Marx in particular. If my grandfather, who was born in 1896, were alive he would be shocked at the ignorance of Sarah Palin.

    1. I was born in 1956 and I'm shocked at the ignorance of $arah Palin!!! ;-)

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      @Deni 11:21

      Given Sarah's complete lack of self-awareness, there's no way that she'll ever be convinced of her own level of ignorance. Her stupidity is exceeded only by that of her "fans" who, to their own detriment, will likely never know any better themselves.

      Look, if it took 6 years and 5 colleges and Sarah only got to the point where she is now intellectually, I can only imagine how helpless those 6-figure consultants must have felt after her PAC paid for them to tutor her. They finally gave up and just wrote the stupid articles and editorials FOR SARAH under her name. None of Sarah's "writing" were even written in her voice with her Junior High writing style. For a glimpse of Sarah's "best effort" in writing, here's her "Who's Your Daddy?" OpEd that she wrote about Creepy Chuckie (link below).

      No REAL English professor would've given this effort a passing grade, and certainly not a "communications Major". Sarah is either certifiably "slow" (80-85 IQ), completely lazy, or some combination of the two.

      In any event, Sarah's a fraud.

  6. Anonymous10:48 AM

    And in People magazine they put down Bristol Palin and her being on DWTS because she is popular with the fans? WTF?

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      If they put her down it might be because her mother's crazed supporters revealed the flaws of the DWTS voting system such that the format was immediately changed, so that no more untalented, lazy, surly contestants could "win" for all the wrong reasons

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      What fans?

  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The woman is nuts.

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Palinspeak word of the day: embracement.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      funny, since the noun form is embrace

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Jesus, she looks miserable.


  10. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Uhh nice glasses Lou Sarah? Hahahahahahaahahhaha. Someone's trying too hard to look like Elizabeth Warren. Creepy and sad.

    1. Jeanabella1:47 PM

      Not sure but I think it was a Time mag. article or A&E but the writer mentioned Palin's rimless glasses and how "passe" they are, and voila! Palin wears rimmed glasses!
      She's got her name on google alert for sure!
      such a puppet!

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Elizabeth Warren is better than Sarah Palin. Pathetic Palin is trying sooo hard to get noticed by her, but Elizabeth will ignore her.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Warren has class and smarts. Palin not so much.

    2. Mebbe she'll next appear as a blonde with short hair. (Remember the Oprah hairdo?)

  12. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Yes Sarah, the Romney campaign strategy is "Keep that lunatic bitch away from the convention or you're fired!" You aren't even good enough for the GOP ...ooohh that's gotta hurt! They told you to sit down and shut up and like a good little puppet, you obey.

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    You can't "almost confess" to something Sarah you imbecile.

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    And the new boobs look matronly.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Po$itive! Yeah!

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Looks like "AlphaNumnuts" is stuck on stupid! Just like Gryphen post says...

      "Same shit, different day"

      I'm "positive" that you post this same stupid crap tomorrow too! "Yeah!"...LOL!!

  15. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Why does she look so Skanky?

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Oohh oohh I know I know!!
      'Cause she's a skanky skank!
      Where's my sticky star?

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      1 Luv

    3. Anonymous6:24 PM

      You said this shit yesterday!! Is your keyboard stuck dummy? LOL!!

  16. Anonymous11:10 AM

    She's not getting invited to the convention because she's too cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!

    It doesn't help her cause that every time she appears on fox she reminds people of the angry cat lady at the end of the block. The one with a sea of 2 ft. dandelions for a lawn and a son living with his underage girlfriend in a van in the backyard.

    1. I'd have you know that Shelly turned 16 on Sunday. And it's not a van. It's an ice cream truck.

  17. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Sarah ..hope the clam bake you held the day Mitt announced was worth it.

    Mitt will NOT forget you trying to steal his DAY!

    Mitt says .. Fuck you Sarah

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Exactly right. Rmoney remembers that day well. She intentionally stole the headlines from him while she was out on her 'family vacation' in the RV paid for by her adoring fans.

    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      And said she was invited to a clambake that, it turned out, SarahPAC paid for.

  18. Psssst, Gryph, I think I've found Willow's secret to hairstyling for her mother:

  19. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Holy Cow! Did she pull those glasses off an old geezer from the coffin? She looks bedraggled..

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Oh I like that word...bedraggled. It's a perfect description of her.

  20. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I wonder if there is a plastic surgeon somewhere whose last name is " Stamps" ? That would explain the astonishing postage expenses.

  21. SweetCookie11:17 AM

    Gryphen, Gryphen Gryphen..tsk tsk give it up already you KNOW Governor Palin is fixing to take Tampa by storm with her millions of followers in tow while the global media follows her every move and ignore poor Romney and Co.
    Bless your and your readers envious little hearts.
    There is hope though, abandon your futile attempts at taking her down you only make her stronger with each new post, to begin making amends donate to SarahPac today.
    If you choose to continue your useless attacks on Real America's Sweetheart all I can say to you and your readers and commenters is, may God have mercy on your souls.
    Also too-Chik Fil-A or Bust!

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      SweetCookie, are you perchance related to our own Beldar () () Conehead?

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Oh bring it ON! Nothing could be better than to See Sarah(TM) Throw a Flame into the Rethug Convention. I'd just sit back and watch her special kind of poison seep through the crowd, before Romney, a guy who put the work in while Sarah sat her lazy ass in front of Fuxx News cameras, bury her with all he's got. And when he's done, every other candidate who went through the primaries and debates will **ss on her as they walk by.

  22. Anonymous11:19 AM

    What she is actually telling us, 'No, they haven't invited me and they won't, and the way I can help them is by listening to them in telling me to stay as far away as possible. But, you know how I always like to insert myself into the conversation, which is why I have a rented spot at the mall, that is if anyone can walk far enough to reach me with the high temperature and humidity Tampa generally experiences in August. My only goal is to not let anyone threaten my in flow of money."

  23. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I agree with Anon 11:07, she does look God awful and those glasses are one ugly pair of glasses. They have wide temple pieces, which is probably why she got them in order to hide the wrinkles around her eyes. But her skin also seems to lack color especially after showing up at the celebrity party looking all tan. Maybe it was just a spray on tan that several people mentioned.

  24. JenniferinVA11:32 AM

    That wig is awful! She's not putting out much of an effort with her hair lately and it just keeps getting bigger and uglier. She looks like a run-down, low-rent C&W singer who's fallen on hard times.
    Her nastiness is just a sharp as ever and her need to make everything about HER hasn't let up a bit.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Her wigs are probably filthy. She probably never washes them.


    For any other old LA Laker fans from the Magic-Kareem-BigGameJames days in the early 80's, you gotta remember Kurt Rambis, the only working-class stiff on the Showtime roster.

    Evidently, this is where Sarah picked up her fashion cues for "Rambis look" with her dirty wig, complete with the stylish glasses and also the "tongue thang", too.

    Evidently,Sarah has recently added the word evidently to her expansive vocabulary, evidently because she's short on "filler" words that she can use three times in the same sentence.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM


    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      I went to college with Kurt and he should never be mentioned in the same sentence or even article as Palin. He was always quiet, soft spoken, and a true gentleman; things Palin has never seen or even tried to emulate.

    3. Yeah, I liked Kurt because he played hard and would bang heads down on the block against Bird, McHale and the Chief in the Finals. I think I saw him square off to fight twice, I believe, but nothing major. Here was one that was almost a brouhaha in 84 in the finals when he got clotheslined by McHale in the Garden.

  26. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I just tried to watch the video. I can't do it. She is not just homely, she is downright ugly. How does she get her face into those contortions? Does she practice in front of a mirror or is it just natural for her?
    And, does she really believe the things she says? Assuming one can figure out what what she is saying or what she means when she says it. Does she have a clue about anything? People are laughing at her and making fun of her but she either is too stupid to know or is totally unaware or both.
    I will be so glad when this monstrosity that John McCain brought us, is finished, done and no longer heard from or of.
    The world is laughing at us, the USA, and it is embarrassing. Let's get rid of her. Ignore her and her spawn. It will drive her crazier than she already is.
    Rant over.

  27. Look at Baldy! She's a worn out MESS! Drugged to the gills...mental illness constantly on display...laughed at by the World...her crazy followers getting crazier by the minute!

    She will not be invited to speak or be at the matter how much she yells and screams...pleads or beg! She tore her ass with the RNC and Meh and she will be IGNORED! LOL!!

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Wrong! U wait see h8er! Dawgy dawg u.
      Go Sarah go. Tampa R U!

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Agreed! drugged, drugged, drugged! Both medicated and meth related! She's so cracked out she reminds me of the late Whitney Houston appearing on "Being Bobby Brown." Wig always jacked up and off center, screaming in that cracked out voice, "BOB-BAY!!"

    3. Anonymous12:36 PM

      STFU AlphaNumnuts!'re making my head hurt trying to decipher your tourette like writings!

      Baldy and the Pimp will be in Tampa alright...but it won't be at the Convention...she'll have her drugged out ass at the "Strip Mall" where she belongs! Nobody wants the stink of Baldy and the Pimp on them!

      "U wait and see" dummy! LOL!!

    4. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Open ur i's & Look with in R U $ati$fied w the live u r livin?

    5. Anonymous6:28 PM

      WTBumper sticker are you trying to say? I already told you....I DON'T SPEAK...

      Teabagger gibberish! What part of that do you not understand dummy?? LOL!!!

    6. Hey RAM, you need to get Baldy to cut you in on some of the "diet supplemental nutrition" that she and Beefy are scarfing down and chasing with Red Bull.

      Hell, you might end up on DWTS and win the damn thing! With all them PeePondPals u got over there, you're a lock to get to finals with their votes.

  28. Anonymous11:44 AM

    She sure is making herself available to the press (well Fox News but what's new?) a lot lately. Is it an attempt to be seen all the time in order to pressure the Rmoney campaign to invite her to speak? Because everyone she talks to asks her about it. I think it's a set up by Fox News.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Last gasp. She's being left outside in the parking lot for the GOP national convention, for crying out loud. You know, the one where she was the star last time?


    I don't think we have to worry about Lisa-Ann being mistaken for Sarah and her no-ass in either the rear or side-views.

    Hell, you won't mistake them from the front either.

  30. Anonymous11:47 AM

    If you know someone well, through reputation only, is that not relying on heresay and gossip?

    The very same that she pretty much accused "Dick" of?

  31. Anonymous11:48 AM

    She looks like shit.

    1. Probably smells like it too! *SNICKER*

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Po$itive Vibration! Yeah! Po$1t1ve!

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Oh "AlphaNumNuts" is "Vibranting" like Baldy! LOL!!!

  32. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Shs is not invited to the big shin dig in Aspen either. She is out of the Aspen league, she is only good in shopping center parking lots. She looks like shit, is she bald underneath?

  33. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Every time Palin turns up on Fox news she looks more haggard in her appearance. If she is deliberately trying to look more manly, she is definitely succeeding. She needs to stop calling herself a "common sense" conservative because she doesn't seem to have enough common sense to hire an experienced hair and make-up professional. Hell, she doesn't even have enough "common sense" to look in the mirror before the camera starts rolling. Hey Sarah, it should be obvious why they're just not that into you. But since you don't have enough "common sense" to figure it out own your own, I'll give you a hint... You're just not that attractive anymore.

  34. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Those are some ugly-ass eyeglass frames! Are they to cover the eye left puffiness?

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM


    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Are her eyebrows AWOL? Are the frames filling in for them?

  35. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Sarah has met her match w/Mittens. He lies and makes it a practice to 'coverup' things as much as she does. Neither will trust the other, that is for sure!!! Couldn't happen to a better pair of idiots and frauds!

  36. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I bet Sarah was told she was not welcome to attend or speak, just like in Game Change at the end when Schmidt had to tell her several times she would not make an acceptance speech.
    The only people approaching her are not important enough to invite her to anything. Her sources are some dingy TPers in Washington who probably won't attend the convention anyway.
    McCain knows she does not take no gracefully.

  37. Anonymous12:15 PM

    She is so pissed about the convention! I love it!

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      She is and it really comes through in all her 'unscripted' interviews. But you know, she wants to 'help' so of course she'll be in Tampa in her space reserved at the strip mall. That is so freaking pathetic. She's going to look so desperate.

  38. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Sarah loves the fact that people thought she was beautiful four years ago. That time has gone and went. She is haggard, ugly and old now. Her looks will not work for her anymore.

  39. Anonymous12:17 PM

    She is UGLY-inside and out. It must be so awful to live in her skin.

    1. "skin"...what must it be like to live in that giant pumpkin size head!

      All that buzzing must be hecka annoying!


  40. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Everyone in Hollywood wears a wig or hair extensions. But Sarah, I know you read this blog, so here is some help:

  41. Anonymous12:23 PM

    She is a very sick individual. Not many people can stand her. She sounds like a moron. The same old tired and ignorant talking points only speak to the lowest class of trash in the country!

  42. Sarah wants a "speakership" at the convention?? Not likely after the NH clam bake distraction on Mitt's big day.

    Slightly OT - is anyone else getting excited about the Dem convention? They've got an all star PROGRESSIVE lineup including the mayor of San Antonio who is called the white Obama, and he's an Hispanic. Mark McKinnon thinks he'll be the first Hispanic prez.

    Meanwhile, Tampa is shaping up to be a clusterfuck! How can Romney ignore Bachman, Gingrich, Cain and Palin? He's already trying to make Americans forget Bush and Cheney!

    After this overseas trip, I think I figured out what's wrong with Romney - he's dumb. Just dumb. It explains so much...

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      The only folks who are excited are the adult club owners, the hookers, and the drug dealers. Everyone else wishes they would just not show up.

  43. I said this on another site, and I'll say it again.

    Warren is smart, accomplished, popular and attractive (not that the last matters to anyone with a brain). Palin is none of those things.

    Palin doesn't give a rat's ass what Warren's views are on anything. What Warren has done that is unforgivable in Palin's jealous little skull is to have the audacity to be everything that Palin likes to think she is, but is not. How dare Warren be asked to play an important role at the convention?

    I didn't watch the video, but even on paper you could see Palin's vicious lashing out at Warren. For every reason but the reason Palin claimed. It is just pure, petty, high-school jealousy.

  44. Anonymous12:32 PM

    How can she be attractive in some recent photos and then look like a dog in this one? Does she have makeup and hair artists when she speaks and no one at home? Her hair style is outdated, she needs a bob or something.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Her so-called hair style is actually a bad wig- or rather many bad wigs.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Ive seen pics of her going to or leaving from a salon after arriving to locations for speeches.

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Ive seen pics of her going to or leaving from a salon after arriving to locations for speeches.

      Uh huh....sooooo...why does she still look like boo boo on a stick for her appearances? Does she sweat out the hairstyles and makeup due to the Hot flashes or does she get in a Ike and Tina Turner fight with the Toad in the limo on the way to her events?

      And that's why she ends up looking like a hooker who stiffed a john when she gives her "speeches" then?

      You seemed to have inside knowledge on Baldy's hair's up?

  45. Her dithering completely incoherent jabbering word salad and the careful parsing of "his people talking to my people" make me wonder if while she's trying to spin this crock of crap like a Ferris wheel, she's also sweating that someone from the campaign is going to publicly spell it out.

    "Yeah, our people told her people that she had better keep her stupid self and her stupid bus and stupid family the hell away from the convention center, or else!"

  46. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Was her contract with Fox renewed for another year?

  47. hauksdottir12:36 PM

    I'd invite her to sing the National Anthem.

    No speaking before or after: the singer just lifts her voice above the music (that ought to be easy for her), and the Republicans wouldn't have to worry about incitement to violence, offending world leaders, or too-obvious competition in grift. Palin would get several minutes in the spotlight, with EVERYBODY standing and looking at her. There would be applause.


    1. Why do you hate the National Anthem? That would be a hoot, though, because there's no chance she could remember all the words... "and the rockets red blare; it's a squirmish in air..."

      She could even dress up like a giant flag pin...

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Epic Fail! The bitch can NOT sing to save her life! Nice try though, unfortunately she would only embarrass herself, everyone else in attendance would be totally mortified.

    3. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Hey, she could play the national anthem on her flute. Remember the riveting performance she gave at the Miss Alaska pageant back in her glory days?

  48. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Just read at C4P that Palin has sent another PAC letter out begging for more money. She CLAIMS it is so they can take back the House and defeat Obamacare. She will be at a BBQ tomorrow night in MO for a T party candidate and then to Nebraska for another candidate.

    The fools over there are claiming the Chick-Fil-A day was all because of Palin when actually Huckabee is the one that started it.

    She just keeps milking those suckers and they continually buy it hook, line and sinker...dumber than dirt.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Take back the House? Don't they already have the House? Isn't that why Congress is such a useless and ignorant place these days?

  49. Anonymous12:43 PM

    It is just killing the skank that she is being ignored by the GOP. Best move they could ever make, but they need to put a stop to her shenanigans completely.

    I agree that looks like shit and she looks dirty too.

  50. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Is speakership a word?

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM


    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Actually, I think it is used when referring to the Speaker of the House. makes no sense.

  51. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Even the most conservative people I know are growing weary of the negativity, the extremism, and the craziness of people like Sarah Palin. Americans are for the most part centrists and optimists. The turning point for many was the Supreme Court ruling, which legitimized President Obama's signature legislation - the one he believed to be so important that he was willing to have a one-term presidency in order to accomplish it. Many people just want to get on with problem solving, get underway with action

    Sarah is out of style and out of date in every way.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      I agree. I was at dinner the other night and she was mentioned. This one woman had originally been a big supporter of hers and she said she is now sick of her crap and how all she does is attack Obama and complain.

  52. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Too bad we can't have a betting pool, because you know Sarah's going to pop a cork before she lets this opportunity slide. What will it be? The bus idling in the parking lot, handing out free Chik Fil A nuggets? A party with Ted Nugent playing over at the rented storefront in the strip mall? I know! A gun show!

    Because she will be heard, by golly. She'll show them!

  53. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Looks like a mugshot.

  54. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Willard and the RNC will cave and give this Idiot a speaking slot at the convention. She will finally get to give her losing speech from 2008, that McCain refused to let her do. She will ultimately stab Willard in the back, and try to make the convention all about her.

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      I think the wimp will cave too especially with her practically begging every chance she gets.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Good, then he'll get exactly what he deserves. There is no pandering that Mitt can resist, dontcha know?

  55. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Hell yeah!

    Pew: Obama Expands National Lead To 10 Points, Romney Image Wanes

    A new poll from the Pew Research Center shows one of the biggest national leads for President Obama since the general election campaign began in earnest — a 10 point lead, 51 percent to presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s 41 percent. Pew registered a 7 point lead for Obama in their June survey.

    The bump for Obama seems to come from Romney’s stumbling — Pew picked up a downward trend in the former governor’s favorability rating, which has long been a struggle for Romney.

    “By a 52% to 37% margin, more voters say they have an unfavorable than favorable view of Mitt Romney,” Pew wrote. “The poll, conducted prior to Romney’s recent overseas trip, represents the sixth consecutive survey over the past nine months in which his image has been in negative territory. While Romney’s personal favorability improved substantially between March and June - as Republican voters rallied behind him after the primary season ended-his image has again slipped over the past month.”

  56. Anonymous1:26 PM

    That's the most she's ever sucked up to Romney. Now they're friends?? Girl wants to be in Tampa.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Yeah now they're friends? Who is she kidding? She upstaged him all last summer while on her One Nation family vacation bus tour, has never endorsed him and went out of her way to push for Newt and a brokered convention. Suddenly, they're bosom buddies? I hardly think so.

  57. Ratfish1:27 PM

    And she got the ugly glasses again. They don't make her look smarter, that's for sure.

    1. Those are her S.E. Cupp glasses. They don't make S.E. smarter either.

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      There have Never been ANY glasses made that could faux woman look smart.

  58. Anonymous1:28 PM

    The "BBQ and Picnic with Governor Sarah Palin" will take place in Cleveland, Missouri, less than an hour outside of Kansas City.

    It will be Palin's first campaign appearance with Steelman since the former Alaska governor endorsed her some two weeks ago. Since endorsing Steelman, Palin has appeared in a campaign commercial.

    "Sarah is an economist who defends our tax dollars – like a mama grizzly defends her cubs," Palin says glowingly of Steelman.

    "I am so grateful to have Governor Palin's support, and very excited to say she will be coming into Missouri to participate in this BBQ," Steelman said in a statement. "I know she will excite folks to come out and take a strong stand against the status quo."

    As the candidate invited "everyone to attend," her campaign noted in a release that both Steelman and Palin "will be serving the food as a way of saying thank you for all the support and encouraging people to get out and vote."

  59. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Is the language Sarah speaks Pig Latin, Gobblygook, Ob or what? For sure it's not English- not even kindergarten English. She has a serious learning disability yet she thinks she's a sage. When, oh when will we see the last of her?

  60. Anonymous1:30 PM

    From Geoffrey Dunn on the HUFFPO:

    "Meanwhile, the ghost of Sarah Palin continues to loom over Romney's decision. Only two days ago, former veep Dick Cheney, 2008 loser John McCain and La Palin herself engaged in a mud-slinging ménage a trois over whether or not Palin was up to the task of riding shotgun on the Republican ticket four years ago. The ever-dour Cheney asserted that she was not. Ya think? McCain, who will forever bear the Palin stain on his political legacy, played Sir Walter Raleigh-on-Geritol yet again and bashed Cheney on her behalf. The half-term governor, who now appears as a bobblehead doll on Fox News, tossed an incoherent (and duplicitous) word salad in her defense, reminding the world yet again why Cheney was right."

    Mr. Dunn nailed it, as usual!

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Meanwhile, the ghost of Sarah Palin continues to loom over Romney's decision. Only two days ago, former veep Dick Cheney, 2008 loser John McCain and La Palin herself engaged in a mud-slinging ménage a trois over whether or not Palin was up to the task of riding shotgun on the Republican ticket four years ago. The ever-dour Cheney asserted that she was not. Ya think? McCain, who will forever bear the Palin stain on his political legacy, played Sir Walter Raleigh-on-Geritol yet again and bashed Cheney on her behalf. The half-term governor, who now appears as a bobblehead doll on Fox News, tossed an incoherent (and duplicitous) word salad in her defense, reminding the world yet again why Cheney was right.

      It should be clear now to anyone paying attention that both the Republican establishment in general--and the Romney campaign in particular--are trying to distance themselves from the lingering stench of Palin and her candidacy

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Palin is - I believe - finally getting the message she is tainted goods. She is only useful for stirring the pot now and again. This is very hard for her to understand though. I think she rented that space in Fl so she would be available at the last minute to ride in on a polar bear to save the party. It would seem Romney is doing everything possible to keep her at arms length. That is going to be a very entertaining Repub convention.

    3. Anonymous8:04 PM

      I love it! Thank you, Mr Dunn.

  61. Anonymous1:41 PM

    If she keeps getting more work done, those eyes are going to look like the dog in "Morher Goose And Grimm."


  62. ibwilliamsi1:43 PM

    Why doesn't Willow TELL her that the wig is on sideways?

  63. Anonymous1:50 PM

    If you haven't read this, Gryphen, you might enjoy doing so, I know I did. Love our PBO.

  64. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Romney gets called out by author of book he mischaracterized to slam the Palestinian people's culture.

    Romney Hasn’t Done His Homework

  65. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I doubt anyone in Texas in that district gives a rats ass about what SP has to say, and that is including Cruz's supporters.

  66. Anonymous2:03 PM

    They would never, EVER trust that bitch to speak at the convention. They know she is unpredictable. They might possibly let her read a statement they wrote for her, but only if she agreed to wear a shock collar.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Bitch? Do you have mommy issues?

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM


    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Stuck a nerve huh? LOL!!

    4. Anonymous3:29 PM


    5. Anonymous7:02 PM

      $hout! $hout! Let it all out!

    6. Anonymous7:02 PM

      This isn't church sweetie....that part of the internet is thataway -------------------->

    7. ibwilliamsi11:20 PM

      She is the thing I can do without!

  67. Jeanabella2:03 PM

    Since Cheney smacked her down there have been many other negative remarks about the witch. She is fit to be tied!!!
    Willow admitted on the Tripp show that she does her mother's hair!
    There is no way she will get a "speakership" at the gop conv. because she is a "rogue".
    No, sorry sister Sarah, you're out! How far she has fallen is amazing.

  68. angela2:04 PM

    I'm sorry. Palin is a cow. And not in a good--- gives milk or will one day become a steak way. That is all.

  69. London Bridges2:19 PM

    Today's Pearls Before Swine comic strip explains Sarah's problem perfectly:

  70. PalinsHoax2:46 PM

    OMG !! Is Ol'$cary now sporting a "five-o'clock shadow" on her face? Sure looks like it above her upper lip.

    Her deteriorating metamorphosis from a passable looking woman in 2008 to a creature eligible for the circus sideshow cage in 2012 is jaw dropping.

  71. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Scarah is definitely on drugs during these past few interviews. She looks like a bedraggled matron. The wigs need an airing out. I would imagine she is taking some of RushBo's fave along with heavy tranquilizers. Her pupils & facial contortions are a dead giveaway.

  72. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sarah skank is hitting the botox again. Her upper lip is totally paralyzed during this interview. What is going on with her very obvious eating disorder? She has become such an international joke and american pariah/media whore that her lifelong insecurities have ramped up to a crescendo & are emaciating her via her bulimia. I would guess sexual abuse in her childhood is THE key to her totally warped self image. Clearly she is heading for a breakdown. Her weight is a mere 98 lbs & she is wasting away before our eyes. how predictable that following a comment about her trademark rimless & totally unnecessary specs (used to distract from her strabismus only) she ditches them immediately. Anyone notice that Wallow has the same left wonky eye??

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Yes, WALRUS has that same left WONKY eye, and she was Pregnant.

  73. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Yay, Helen speaks again...

    I morally object to being morally objectionable to Republicans.

    ...But while the Olympics will be over in a week, the Republican war on women rages on. The Affordable Care Act is finally making birth control, paps smears, breast exams and even breast-feeding supplies at least as affordable as Viagra. But Republicans were already putting forth bills to reverse that action. While the rest of us were watching the American women’s gymnastics team win gold, Denny Rehberg, a Republican Congressman from Montana, released a labor, health and education spending bill that would defund Planned Parenthood, block the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and allow any employer to deny women birth control coverage for “moral reasons”. It would also increase spending for abstinence-only education. And then there is Missouri Republican Senator Roy Blunt who has a bill to allow insurance plans to opt out of the requirement on contraception coverage if they have moral objections.

    An insurance plan can have moral objections? So corporations can vote and insurance plans can find me morally objectionable. What’s next? Fast food companies can make kids gay? No wait. I’m getting confused. I’m old. It happens.

    Yes. Not having sex is an alternative to taking birth control pills. But then again not eating fatty foods is an alternative to open heart surgery. Anyone have a moral objection to insurance companies covering Cheney’s bypass… es… what’s the plural for bypass?

    You know what? I have a moral objection. I object to the Republican party deciding that a separation of church and state doesn’t apply to their churches. Last time I checked, my church didn’t have a problem with birth control and wasn’t trying to force anyone to use it or not use it. If Blunt and Rehberg object to birth control they can certainly start abstaining anytime they wish. Something tells me their wives already have. I have yet to see any law passed by Democrats that forces Blunt and Rehberg to eat cottage cheese.

    Maybe it’s just me, Margaret, but I smell a rat.

    1. I had to share that one. Great blog post.

  74. Ho.My.God.

    The stills lately have been priceless.

    "Drowned Rat" is my suggestion for this piece of art.

    Love it!

  75. Anonymous4:01 PM

    This is right up there with the "snakes coiled" wig. Willow's been skipping school again.

  76. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Funny thing about all this to me was the fact that Palin's support of the anti-gay owner of Chick-Fil-A totally upstaged her endorsement of Cruz, for whom she made a very brief appearance at the Tea Party rally. You gotta love a bitch that comes in for ONE small rally and proceeds to take all the credit for the campaign victory. It certainly wasn't Palin's endorsement that secured Cruz a victory, it's the fact that most eligible voters only vote every four years during the Presidential election. Voting is a total pain in the ass so the majority of voters who turn out for these local and state elections consist mostly of paint chip eating tea baggers! They have all the time in the world to attend a rally wearing silly costumes. They have all the time in the world to wait in line to vote for every local, state, or national election because they don't have anything else to do with their miserable lives.

  77. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Remember in 2009 -- in that sliver of time between the election and her resignation -- when some magazine did a list of the most beautiful women and they ranked Michelle Obama above Sarah Palin and there was an outcry over how ridiculous that was because OBVIOUSLY Sarah was more attractive and there was even a report of one of Sarah's little cronies snarking it up about Michelle's looks?

    Gryphen, maybe you should post a photo comparison of recent pictures of Sarah and Michelle and we can vote on who's more attractive?

  78. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Maybe if she had done something over the past 2 years besides her tired retoric "tea-paty good, Obama bad" and lame reality shows the GOP would take her seriously. She has become a tired joke and within 10 years will be a caricature of herself. Enjoy the ride Palins!

  79. Anita Winecooler9:37 PM

    Poor Sarah, all dressed up and nowhere to go but down (and not in a good way)
    Is she thinking of the Marx brothers or Karl Marx? Either way, she's off her rocker.

    Liz Warren has shed skin cells with more brains than Sarah Palin, but that's one debate I'd love to see.

  80. WakeUpAmerica9:59 PM

    Oops, I put my comments on the wrong thread.
    WTF! If you watch the video full screen, it looks like she actually is wearing two pairs of glasses. Can crazy lady get any crazier. You can also hear her lisping periodically.

  81. Anonymous6:14 AM

    In other words, Bristol has been confiding in Mitt's friend, Nancy French, for about a year.

  82. Anonymous9:50 AM

    It is same frack. Establishment, status quo, reformers, back on ... and Fox pays her what? Riles/Riley? dude your money is just going in the trash. Hahahaha. What a moron. She can't even clean her greasy hair either. or is it wig? Complete ignorant human. Riles you'll get more ratings with Glenn and Shailey!!!! Come on do it.

  83. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I love him? ewwww. gadar.

  84. Anonymous9:51 AM

    She probably never even heard of Marx before this interview. Hahahahaha!!!

  85. Anonymous9:54 AM

    And she never ever quotes the bible!! Have you ever noticed this, nothing, nota, none. I have Christians and nerds who are not who quote the bible all the time. seriously.

  86. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Leadership? hahaha no way sp. hahaha

  87. Anonymous10:04 AM

    yeah she has no class of this massacre, remember Gabby? sp is full of st!

  88. Anonymous10:05 AM

    There she goes with her evil mean girl "can't wait to eat those waffle fries and greasy chicken..." oh braaa ther! Lifting those new girls. hahaha what a joke!

  89. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Great article on

    How can any politician from Alaska, Republican or Democrat, put on a straight face and claim to be the epitome of conservative ideals? How can the governor of a state absolutely up to its hips in federal loot and absolutely dependent on said loot claim to want the government out of the lives of her fellow citizens? How can any Alaskan politician decry socialism and the redistribution of wealth while not making any move to stop the sanctioned redistribution of wealth that has been going on for decades in Alaska?

    It also seemed particularly strange to hear Sarah Palin decry socialism and the redistribution of wealth when Alaska is the home of quite literally the only state-sanctioned wealth redistribution program in the country. Every year, Alaska citizens receive checks from the Alaska Permanent Fund, which takes oil revenue money and divvies it up amongst the citizens. Every Alaskan citizen, whether hard working or slothful, whether he’s a neurosurgeon or the guy that runs the Zamboni at the ice rink, gets around $1000 every year for simply living there. To quote Joe the Plumber, “That sounds like socialism to me.”


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