Sunday, March 30, 2014

More classy promotions for Sarah Palin's new "Jackass for Rednecks" show.

Courtesy of the Sportsman Channel's Facebook page: 

Naughty or nice, just make sure you watch. That’s our advice. 

Amazing America with Sarah Palin premieres April 3rd at 8 PM E/P.

You know not to nitpick, but wouldn't it be more impressive if the living embodiment of "whup-ass" drove her own dog sled?

Same damn thing as always, she talks tough but when you get down too it, she needs to have everything challenging done for her.

Load my gun Daddy, send me the questions before the interview Fox, write my Facebook page for me RAM, run my city while I pretend to be mayor John Cramer, research and write my books for me Nancy French, etc., etc., etc..

And the same is true this time as Palin has not just one co-host, but two.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    None of this matters.I don't know anyone who even gets this channel,,However I wouldn't watch iy even if I did.Any channel with sarah palin and ted nugent on it is must not see tv.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      I read that the viewers for this channel are 24,000.

    2. We already know that,because you and other's like you, that voted for the Illegal Alien Usurper Obama,can't stand the truth.If you could,you would do everything in your power to remove that fraudulent BC your king has posted on the WH web sight. Evidently you can't stand the truth either,because you voted for the impostor not once,but twice,knowing full well every time his lips are moving, most of the time,he's lying.Pray tell ,why do you support people that lie to you like that,and chances are he's not even an American to boot.The man's whole life has been one great big crock since birth.

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "whup-ass"? Anything with that in a trailer description would turn me off completely.

    And isn't it "woop-ass"? Can't these rednecks get even the redneck words right?

    1. Anonymous2:49 AM

      All the legitimate home skoolin' christianistas object to the use of the word ass.

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      I thought it was whoop-ass, but I don't use the expression so I could be wrong.

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    ha, I meant "whoop-ass". I think. Heck, I'm obviously not rednecky enough to know either.....

  4. Anonymous4:48 PM

    She and that worthless sports channel have got to be fucking kidding. Americans are NOT that ignorant!

  5. Anonymous4:57 PM

    This is just getting more and more embarrassing to witness.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Ain't that the truth

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    What does that even mean?

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      that she's an idiot and anyone around her becomes stupid as well?

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      If I want to know about Alaska I'll read this blog & watch the new HGTV show "Living Alaska". Those are real things, not some twit pretending she's "outdoorsy" as she continues her endless quest for attention & grubbing $$.

  7. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Oh Sarah, there you go again, riding the coattails of exceptional people and somehow taking credit for it. Dee Dee Jenerow should be experiencing some buyers remorse for singing up for this gig - even if she felt it'd "progress" her stick-to-it-tiveness

  8. Anonymous5:10 PM

    "Naughty or Nice, just make sure you watch. That's our advice."

    I don't even understand this ad campaign...what are they trying to say? So it's like Santa Claus? ("The only present on this sled.....")
    Why are the huskies hooves pink? The dogs look fake, like they were superimposed on the trail. And the shadows don't match up with the landscape.

    What is a Can of Whup-Ass? I have never, ever heard these expressions. I am baffled, and this will fail epically, as everything Sarah Palin touches turns to a pile of moose shit.

    She has really lost it this time. The funds must be very, very low, and this creative team was all they could afford. Ouch.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      5:10, I don't get the present reference either. But the pink "hooves" are booties to protect the dogs' feet on rough ice.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Maybe they meant a load of DUMB ass??

    3. Sarah is, as always, behind the times. My daughter's BFF, back in 7th grade, used the phrase, "Opened up a can of whoop ass."

      My daughter- and naturally, her friend- are now 35 years old. Probably the last time Sarah was capable of learning anything, 22 years ago.

      I like the pink bootees on the dogs' feet. I know it's to protect their feet and improve their grip, but it cracked me up to see those dogs, out in the wilderness with the independent and all-ammurrican Sarah Palin, we wearing pink bootees.

    4. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Sooooo.... Just WHEN was this part filmed???? If I recall correctly, there was not enough snow this year, so the Iditarod was taking place over bare ground, and the sleds had to have some kind of wheels or special runners, so the dogs could even pull them...

    5. Anita Winecooler5:09 PM

      Sarah looks so petty in pink. I guess pink is to sportsmen what red is to bulls?

  9. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Here is a loyal Sportsman Channel viewer, not happy his huntin and fishin channel is being messed with; he hasn't a clue what crzy is coming with palin on board now!

    Doug Morrow just like we thought. because of the palin choice this page has become a political bs exchange.....lib said, rino this, and conservative that......can't we keep it to hunting, fishing, and shooting? so many good choices for host but we got this????? bad for business I'm thinking

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Welcome to curse of the palin.

  10. Anonymous5:15 PM

    When she flashes that goofy, toothy grin she looks like she just escaped from the laughing academy. She needs someone to help her with everything because she's so fucking STUPID. Phoniest person ever.

  11. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Even the dogs are trying to run away from Sarah ... as fast as they can.

  12. Anonymous5:33 PM

    OMG, she is so not Iditarod! Let me assure you non-Alaskans, Sarah Palin is an Anchorage 4th Avenue Mall walker, not in any way a winter outdoorsman, (well, maybe a snowmachiner, but not anything beyond that!). The publicity machine is in high gear and straight up deluded. Just like our Sarah!

  13. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Whats with all the pink palin? trying to grift off cancer awareness you despicable low life bitch.

  14. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Dee Dee is an evangelical Alaskan. Wise up Jesse! Learn about the players!

  15. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Watch "Jesse Ventura Destroys Sarah Palin on CNN" on YouTube
    Jesse Ventura Destroys Sarah Palin on CNN:

  16. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Why is the person behind her wearing her old winter coat? It looks as if someone mixed up the 'heads' so $creech would be front and center. Also, too, the sled runners are throwing up some snow but not the dogs?

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I'm pretty sure Palin is behind the driver, riding the sled.

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      oops! That is the Tundra Turd herself standing straight up, hanging on with both hands, and wearing a shit-eating grin. The real Musher has goggles.

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I think that picture of shit for brains is photo shopped in there. The queen of the green screen.

  17. Anonymous5:50 PM

    It is supposed to be spelled Whoop-Ass not Whup-Ass maybe the Whup part is the redneck version?

    Urban Dictionary defines Whoop-Ass this way. " A phrase used to indicate that the target is about to be introduced to a whole world of pain" Now that makes sense because their target audience indeed will be introduced to a world of pain.

    They are having some fun with The Grizzled Mama and she doesn't know it. Anyone with an IQ above 60 who still thinks she could actually be the President someday is not living in reality can you picture the oppositions campaign adds? It would be like a Monty Python skit it would be hilarious the jokes just write themselves!

    She looks like a fool on the back of that sled, i bet her hands hurt from holding on so tight.Why did they hire her? well let's be honest whoever heard of The Sportsmans Channel until they got "Old Sarah" to do a show? they don't care if she sucks at it they have gained a ton of FREE publicity from it, more than they could ever afford or want to pay! It's not their intention to keep her but to use her.

    So actually the real fool here is Sarah who is so dumb and egotistical that she never saw it coming and i for one think it's a grand scam finally pulled on her.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      I totally concur! Look at the channel's FB page, and you'll see a close-up of her feet and ankles in those infamous shoes. Why didn't she at least wear some hose? Plus, all the promo shots are accompanied by the most blatant weirdness; I guess "humor", but perhaps, as you said; a scam being pulled on her.

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      I am trying to not be biased by my dislike of her. This promo seems to be a mockery. Or is it a creative fail to portray her mama grizzly persona to appeal to rednecks?

      I recall publicity a while ago that the Palin family would also be on this show. Maybe this is Sarah's means to promote her kids as amazing vibrant living outdoorsman who don't take selfies hahaha.

      It makes to buy houses in AZ so they can fish for salmon, trout, have bear meat in the freezer, camp in the tundra or cabin. Golly, no other family in Merika does what whoop ass does and her kin!

      It is hilarious there are other hosts but they built this up as if it is her show. I'd wager her blueberry pies are also a myth. I am laughing recalling her deceit about McGinnis that she has a garden.

      Sadly, authentic people featured in this show shall be tainted by Palin BS.

    3. Anonymous6:17 AM

      There's no garden in her yard. There's plenty of trash though, just like any hillbilly's yard.

  18. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Sure looks like she is commercializing Christmas by bringing up the word present. I guess it's ok if she and only she does it. What a flipping hypocrite she is!

  19. Anonymous5:55 PM

    - "But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies. We're bound to by treaty," 
    -Sarah Palin

    What a fucking idiot.
    Nuff said

  20. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Actually there are 3 cohosts - Benny Spies is the field host.

    Sarah Palin taps Benny Spies as field host for Amazing America

  21. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Talk about overkill! The Sportsman Channel is plastered with Palin. Sick.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Not one of their programs finishes in the top 100 cable shows. Not one. I think that they are counting on Sarah for ratings. We all love to watch a train wreck.

  22. Our Lad6:03 PM

    Trust me on this, when she is gone, jail, institutionalized, or back living with Charlie Manson on the Spahn Ranch, we're gonna miss her. We piss, we moan, we wish her away but when she is gone a void is gonna appear in ALL of our lives, the Sarah Palin Canyon Of Gone. I enjoy this crackpot, and I hope she lives forever. Which, of course is fucking entirely possible.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Nope, not I. I will be thrilled when we don't have to keep watch over her dangerous bumblings.

      I have other things in life to do. Besides, there are plenty more idiots and crooks in the political system poised to take away our rights. The sooner this imbecile is gone, the better.

    2. 6:50 I'm with you

    3. Anonymous2:56 AM

      No way! We will have been vindicated when she is institutionlized back at the Klein institute.(Well, the adult equivalent as she is an adult now).
      I then plan to write a book about her.

    4. Anonymous6:23 AM

      I'll be satisfied knowing how her revival tent circuit is going or how she spends her days whilst incarcerated.

  23. Anonymous6:08 PM

    "I was engrossed in picking blueberries when the bear silently snuck up behind us."
    -Sarah Palin
    Miss Wasilla
    Republican Party Vice Presidential Candidate
    Two bit host of some red neck show


    So if a bear can sneak up on the seasoned Alaskan sharp shooter hunter Sarah Iron Jaw Palin while she is picking berries..... THEN WHAT FUCK IS SARAH PALIN DOING COMPLAINING ABOUT PRESIDENT OBAMA WHEN HE HAS TO DEAL WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD?




    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      The men had all gone out to hunt moose. Why didn't Sarah go along since she is such a great hunter? Oh, I forgot that in another one of the photos, she said that she was freezing.

    2. Anonymous2:48 AM

      7:18 Why didn't $carah go hunting with the guys? Doncha know, the moose KNOW how fantastic a hunter she is, they run for cover when she picks up a rifle. As often as she has been out shooting, all the animals in Alaska run in fear of her, everyone knows that silly. How in the living HELL did this scrawny skanky person get a reputation as someone to be feared? Afraid to show up on TV on any station but Fix, has to be scripted with no off the cuff questions. Yes, fearsome that woman is!! What a farce, the entire family. Nothing authentic about any one of them, it is all fabricated.

    3. Anonymous6:24 AM

      she is how hunting accidents occur...

  24. Anonymous6:10 PM

    What we are seeing is Palin entering the city limits of Illogicalville and how low the once mighty can free fall into the cesspool of political afterlife. All in the name of keeping her name being spoken. Way to go, Sarah, we thought you reached bottom of your celebrity grave but you're still digging further!

  25. Anonymous6:18 PM

    It won't take long for this channel to learn the mob of palinbots is nothing but a bunch of fake accounts.

    TeamSarah has quietly faded away.

    It's become fun watching the stragglers squirm.

  26. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Madison Rising??? What, was Hooker Fucking First Dude taken for a band name already?

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Well, that and Ted Nugent wasn't available.

    2. Anonymous2:51 AM

      Maybe Nugent was paid 1/2 his fee to GO AWAY. Having both these low-life ignorant people on one channel is over kill. This is no Fix News, where stoopid is most welcome.

    3. Anonymous6:26 AM

      well you know the mayor of that texas town is a racist & since nuge has such a repertoire of African music they wouldn't allow him to perform.

  27. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I actually believe Sportsman Channel is making fun of her. "A can of Whup-Ass"? What in heck is that?

    ah....ha, ha, ha-ha, hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....BWA-HAHee-Haw-Hee-Hawwwww!!

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Urban Dictionary: can of whoop-ass
      noun - figure of speech meaning "act of violence" generally employed as "open up a can of whoop-ass," meaning to cause large amounts of pain
      If I don't get my way, I'm going to open up a can of whoop-ass.

      So, does that mean that Sarah is coming to beat us up? Maybe it is a S&M type show. Will Sarah be dressed in black leather, brandishing a bull whip? Then, she will be able to whip your ass.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      "can of whup-ass"? Where are the rest of the cans, are they what $carah throws at Toad to dent the refrigerator?

  28. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Mushers here have tandem sleds at the start of the race in order to add weight, because the dogs are so revved up and there is a sharp turn in the trail soon after the start. The second sled is dropped off down the trail a bit.

    She should be driving alone or be in the sled with Toad driving.

    And the sled should be full of supplies, also, too.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      So you are saying that Sarah isn't driving the team of dogs, the musher is-- in the front sled, and Sarah is just hanging on behind her, coming along for the ride. When she tried crashing the Rolling Thunder motorcycle ride in Washington DC (2011), Sarah didn't have a license to drive a motorcycle, so she had to ride bitch, which is what they called it when she rode behind an experienced bike rider (who happened to be a woman).

      So, once again, Sarah is riding bitch. She also was too scared to drive the big bus so they had to sell it. Never mind that she probably didn't have a license to operate a bus.

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Ha ha Sarah is riding biotch

  29. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Can someone ask the creators of this show why the refer to her as a 'present' and a 'can of whup-ass'? It makes absolutely no sense, none, nada.

    A present? Like a gift present, wrapped with a bow? For Christmas (naughty or nice)? What does that have to do with the amazing Americans that put serious effort into these adventures? I thought Sarah was supposed to highlight these great people?

    Funny look on her face on that promo ad, she standing on the back sled. Looks like the cat who swallowed the mouse.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Some reason why you can't email them?

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Sarah is a present because she is the gift that keeps on giving. She jinxes the people she endorses. When she weighs in on a political issue, it is always good for a laugh. And this new venture is going to be another great gift from Palin, the gift of laughter.

  30. Anonymous7:06 PM

    "Load my gun Daddy, send me the questions before the interview Fox, write my Facebook page for me RAM, run my city while I pretend to be mayor John Cramer, research and write my books for me Nancy French, etc., etc., etc.."

    Add to the above, "give me a DS baby so I can pretend to be the mother", pretend college education, pretense of being religious but never seen in church, pretend piety but uses crude and vulgar expressions at every opportunity, pretend glasses, Belmonts, wigs ... what about Sarah is real? Nothing about her is real or genuine.

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      A good friend has a friend who is a hunting guide and he was hired to go on the SP's Alaska Show hunting trip.. He shot the caribou...not Sarah and not Chuckles. Fake, Fake, Fake.......

    2. Anonymous10:35 PM

      9:14 :I wish there were some pictures to prove that! (I actually believe you, because we all know that Tundra Turd did not hit that tethered moose...)

    3. Anonymous2:58 AM

      "what about Sarah is real?" Not a thing, it is all illusion, every last statement about her being a Mamma Grizzly, a hunter, a good mother. All fake. Take away the lies, and there is NOTHING there. The next part of her illusion will be as a religious word-spreadin' preacher on the lines of Elmer Gantry only MUCH better doncha know?

    4. Anonymous2:59 AM

      your friend has a name? He should go on Sarahs FB page and say "HiYa"

  31. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Sorry to correct you, but there are three co-hosts because Sarah just cannot carry a half hour show by herself. Who are they? (Half hour show - about 20 minutes of actual program)
    1. Jerry Carroll, rural farmer turned comedian He was traveling around the country last November interviewing people for the show
    2. Benny Spies, funny man with his own Sportsman Channel Show, Gun It. Acts as a field host
    3. Mark Christopher Lawrence, actor and comedian
    And, Carroll has not met Palin, although he said that he is looking forward to meeting her during Season Two. (Season Two? We haven't seen what Season One looks like-- especially since they had to hire 3 comedians to help Sarah appear on this show. Actually, Carroll describe Sarah as an emcee. Will Sarah be shown between commercials, like Todd was on the Iditarod show?) Other than Sarah meeting the Iditarod racer, the comedians seem to have been the ones to actually meet and interview the amazing people who run with the bulls, crash cars and shoot stuff.

    1. Anonymous10:36 PM

      So, this show is actually supposed to be a COMEDY SHOW???

    2. Anonymous6:30 AM

      the intro to each show will be the saggy ass hag twerking whoever is the star of that particular show & then they'll move on.

  32. Proud Palinbot7:14 PM

    What's up with all this commotion?

    Everyone knows Governor Sarah could win the Iditarod wearing a tight skirt, high heels, and a Chick-fil-A t-shirt.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      And be 8 months pregnant leaking amniotic fluid, too! Ha ha

    2. Anonymous2:59 AM

      Eating a crunch wrap supreme also, too!!

    3. Anonymous6:31 AM

      with an inch of spackling on her mug and her double DD breathing apparatus strapped on.

    4. Anonymous7:19 AM

      While sucking Glenn's pee pee.

    5. Anonymous3:14 PM

      ...and giving Toad a handy with 2 fingers

  33. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hate to spoil their fun, but Santa drives reindeer, not dogs. And I bet it isn't' even Sarah under all those clothes.

  34. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I thought that the Iditarod was supposed to celebrate the heroic run of the musher and his dogs, delivering life-saving serum to Nome. They seem to be mixing that story up with Santa who brings presents. Yes, Santa also drives a sled (sleigh) but it's not pulled by 8 dogs. It's pulled by 8 reindeer (or 9 if you want to count Rudolph). That's the best explanation I can think of. In Alaska, Santa brings presents by dog team instead of having reindeer, and instead of presents, he's bring some mean bitch who is going to beat you up-- because Whoop Ass or Whup Ass, no matter how you spell it, means that you're going to feel some pain. And, they are right. Watching and listening to Palin is sheer agony, torture, awful. No wonder they had to bring in the clowns.

  35. Anonymous7:35 PM

    why must they always go overboard on describing anything the Heaths/Palins do? We get it, they have said from day one that they are hard working, have God on their side, awesome, hunters, athletes, cooks, educated, rich people with or without titles. . .it's true until it's proved it isn't.

    1. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Everything about this person and her family is a myth. Little Johnny Mac should retire, go hide his face somewhere after cursing this country with this load of moose crap.

  36. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Being from the first 48 ( forgive me but I am not that excited to be considered lower than skank) I am in no way an expert but is this not correct-
    Santa drives a sleigh
    The sleigh is pulled by reindeer

    Iditarod races use a sled
    The sled is pulled by dogs

    So if the above is true and we are four months into the new year so nine months from Xmas-why the hell is his add a really bad play on Xmas and santa and his sleigh?

    It must be skank's idea or the marketing people at the sc are a match made in hell for skank!

    What a feckin idiot!

  37. Anonymous8:19 PM

    The only present on this sled is a can of Whup Ass (Whoop Ass). That means that Sarah is coming to beat you up. All these years, you guys have been shooting things, acting tough, crashing your cars, talking tough, and now Sarah is going to punch your lights out, smack you upside the head and Whoop your Ass. Are you man enough to watch this Mama Grizzly bite your head off? Yes, that's advertising to the crowd who must watch Sportsman Chanel. They don't think. They react emotionally, from the gut. Sarah has sunk to the lowest layer in the swamp. I think that she has finally found her home.

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Wearing a tough PINK parka to boot.

    2. Anonymous6:33 AM

      don't forget she'll punch them in the throat..

    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Sarah Palin is too short to punch anyone in the throat.
      If she wears those 6 inch hooker heels, she would fall down.

    4. Anonymous12:24 PM

      If I see this bitch heading my way, she better bring more than a threat because I will stand my ground. Since she's already threatening bodily harm, I'll be locked and loaded, ready to bust a cap in her bony ass. She's not going to take my gun away from me because 2nd Amendment and Freedumb and shit and whatnot. I await her visit. :^{)>

      ~Scope-Eye, Jr.
      Field & Stream Subscriber

    5. Anonymous12:55 PM

      12:24 You wouldn't need a gun! If you ever are in close proximity to the bitch, all you'd have to do is utter unpleasant words to her, yank off her wig, or knock her upside the head! She's run like crazy and so would her purse handler!

    6. Anonymous7:25 PM

      12:55 PM We saw how *courageous* Sarah and Todd were, running away from the Veterans' demonstration
      in Washington D.C. last year. They are both Cowards.

  38. Anonymous8:25 PM

    The field-host comedians are the ones out in the field, interviewing the majority of the Amazing Americans. Sarah just narrates, back in the studio with the green screen. This show is going to be so awful. In fact, Sarah couldn't just react to the Amazing Americans. It had to be scripted for her. Yeah, she's coming to whoop our asses.

  39. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Oh I get it. This ad was written by Sarah so that she can tie-in her war on Christmas book since sales are down.

    I can't think of anyone else that would come up with something so stupid (naughty or nice what is this the porn channel), if they did they should be fired.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

      Ho Ho Ho!

  40. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Hey Bristol! You on tonite??

    nailed her! again.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

      Thanks for the link. She's shaking in her boots eating gallons of ice cream with tears rolling down her chin. What's the matter, Bristol? Truth hurts??

  41. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Are we still playing "pretend Sarah Palin is a bad-ass?", media? Like she's Sarah Connor or something. We KINDA all realized years ago, that was a part she was playing...and she didn't even care enough to play it convincingly on her FIRST shitty reality show. So why are you morons giving her another? What a joke these networks are. Who hands these fools their money? Not me, I know that!

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Don't tell us that - we already know it! Write your same words to the channel that gave her that idiotic show that will fail BIG TIME!

  42. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Gays And Lesbians More Popular Than Evangelicals Among Voters, Poll

  43. Anonymous1:56 AM

    So who is the pregnant Palin in the lighter pink coat?
    On the Guns and Ammo website she clearly looks pregnant in this shot. It's the "keep growing family involved" question.

  44. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Hey America:
    That pink parka is the one and the same parka that Amazing Sarsh wore when" 8 months preggers" (not!) with Tri-G. And it zips up flat the same now - at 100 pounds - as it did in 08.

  45. Anonymous5:15 AM

    So, basically, SP's Amazing America is going to be a cross between Jackass and the crappy 1980s show "Real People."
    Should be a huge hit with shut-ins and illiterate meth dealers.

  46. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Sally Furgerson > Sarah Palin

    4 minutes ago · What channel will Sarah be on... 

    Sally let's see. Not on ABC, CBS, NBC, or even FOX. Could be shown on the side of barns.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Don't the new programs debut in September at the beginning of the TV watching season?

  47. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Do they really trying to convey the message that sled doggers are so tough, they're even tougher than Santa Claus?


    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      The Ms. Santa Claus (who drives a Camry) that brings my kids toys could kick the shit out of that crazy meth-head ho-bitch, no matter what those voices inside Sarah's bobblehead "tell" her.

  48. Looks like ak does the most harm to wildlife and animals than any other state in the union. "Mushing" doesn't look like fun nor does it prove she is some sort of he-woman. The only thing he-woman is her manly face and her 12 yo boy body. Fucking clown always behind the times because the idiot is mentally and physically stunted. she is retarded like the shit-eating gop.

    Oh yeah, I don't believe anything when it comes from her herpes infected mouth from her addled. she was picking blueberries with Rev Al. the insufferable witch never had a original thought in her empty bone-dried head.

    the show will be another monumental fail. hahahaha

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Sarah insults her "fans" by thinking they can't tell the difference between her herpes lip blisters and her "having the blueberry pie all over her face". Sarah wouldn't know a blueberry from a dingleberry.

  49. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Since when has Sarah Palin ever had ANYTHING t0 d0 with d0g mushing? Her pathetic husband is a sn0w machine racer, true, but that is a "sp0rt" f0r pe0ple kn0wn as m0t0rheads that uses n0isy, stinky machines t0 abuse the natural envir0nment. D0g mushers actually have t0 have s0me skill, wilderness smarts, and ability t0 participate in their sp0rt. In any event, m0t0rheads like the Palins have n0thing t0 d0 with it. And it has been l0ng established that all animals fear and flee Sarah Palin anyh0w. It's absurd t0 think that she c0uld get 0ne d0g t c00perate with her, let al0ne a team 0f a d0zen 0r m0re.

    This w0man is an idi0t if she thinks she can f00l any Alaskans int0 thinking she kn0ws anything ab0ut d0g mushing, but I supp0se she can get away with f00ling 0utsiders and that's all it takes f0r her t0 get paid these days.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Dog mushers also take good care of their dogs throughout the year - feed them, train them, do practice runs, etc.

      Sarah Palin would not do the 'work' involved w/dog musing and knows nothing about it. Her husband has won, lost and quit the iron dog race - which is machines! Big, big difference!

      Sarah Palin is the biggest Alaskan fraud on the planet! And, she's a horrible embarrassment to Alaskans!

    2. Anonymous3:19 AM

      I remember being a bit sad about the training methods of the dogs. In 1991 I went on a sled dog ride in Wasilla!! The trainer guy said that they intentionally put out less food so that the dogs learn to be quick and aggressive in eating. During the race they need to eat quickly, so in training, the slower dogs go hungry or get weeded out. Makes sense I guess, but the race isn't even needed anymore. I wish they would find a different way to honor the first Iditarod..

  50. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Is that really Palin on the rig? It appears that she copied what a REAL female dog musher did on the recent race in Alaska - someone who REALLY had breast cancer and beat it! She put pink booties on her dogs for the big race.

    Sarah Palin NEVER has an original thought of her own. She lies, cheats and steals everything! What a friggin' fraud!

  51. Anonymous9:31 AM

    You have to question the intelligence of a person that brags about picking blueberries in bear territory, really think about it, obviously She Bear did not.

  52. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

    Oh, look! It's Santa Palin and her reindeer and the dude from "Driving Missus Crazy"! OR is that the flying bicycle scene from ET? Anyway, so glad for the dogs, they don't have to look at nor smell her.


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