Tuesday, April 01, 2014

You knew it was coming. With Chris Christie's reputation in shambles, donors actively attempt to draft Jeb Bush for 2016.

Courtesy of The Washington Post:  

Many of the Republican Party’s most powerful insiders and financiers have begun a behind-the-scenes campaign to draft former Florida governor Jeb Bush into the 2016 presidential race, courting him and his intimates and starting talks on fundraising strategy. 

Concerned that the George Washington Bridge traffic scandal has damaged New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s political standing and alarmed by the steady rise of Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), prominent donors, conservative leaders and longtime operatives say they consider Bush the GOP’s brightest hope to win back the White House. 

Bush’s advisers insist that he is not actively exploring a candidacy and will not make a decision until at least the end of this year. But over the past few weeks, Bush has traveled the country delivering policy speeches, campaigning for Republicans ahead of the fall midterm elections, honing messages on income inequality and foreign policy, and cultivating ties with wealthy benefactors — all signals that he is considering a run. 

Many if not most of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s major donors are reaching out to Bush and his confidants with phone calls, e-mails and invitations to meet, according to interviews with 30 senior Republicans. One bundler estimated that the “vast majority” of Romney’s top 100 donors would back Bush in a competitive nomination fight. 

“He’s the most desired candidate out there,” said another bundler, Brian Ballard, who sat on the national finance committees for Romney in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. “Everybody that I know is excited about it.”

Jeb Bush's name has been bandied about for some time now, but with Christie out, and other potential front runners defining the term "unimpressive," it looks like the Republicans may want to go with a brand name candidate.

The problem of course is that the brand was badly damaged by George Bush, who took a once proud family name and defecated all over it.

Jeb might not be his brother's keeper, but he is certainly splattered with the same mud that was slung at his W for taking us into two unnecessary wars, almost destroying the economy, and tarnishing the reputation of America around the world.

I remain unconcerned becasue in a contest between two political dynasties, the Clinton name stands head and shoulders above the one to which Jeb finds himself shackled.


  1. angela6:41 AM

    Let us not forget. Jeb was his brother's keeper. If W hadn't won the contested ballot in Florida (where Jeb was governor at the time) we would not have experienced the wasteland of a George W. presidency.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Exactly. And that woman now running in Georgia, Karen Handel, was right in the middle of that mess...she was in charge of elections, and let it be bungled into a mess that they convinced the Bush Court to sort out for Georgie. Yes, Jeb has far more baggage than any BENGHAZI they can throw at Hillary.

    2. In 2005, Florida Republican Gov. Jeb Bush signed the NRA-backed "stand your ground" law, calling it “a good, common-sense, anti-crime issue."

      Stick a fork in him - he's DONE:


  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I think you might mean that they want to draft Jeb for 2016.

  3. Come on G, you know the daddy and the son were fuck-ups. Both of those idiots won't be remember too fondly.

    Note. The gop are going around proclaiming jeb and hillary have a dilemma because her spouse and jeb's brother and father were presidents before them. They are making it seem like jeb and Hillary are on the same playing field. Ha! Couldn't be further from the truth.

    We don't need any more stupid bushes in the white house. NEVER! He looks and sounds like his dingbat brother. Yuck!
    Plus he's some sort of educational schemer. All bushes are crooked, their crookedness goes back to hitler.

    What a Joke.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Don't forget that horrible Dick Cheney being so involved w/the Bushes. He is the devil incarnate and mainly responsible for the USA going into war OVER LIES provided the American public. The Bushes cannot be trusted!

    2. Daddy Bush is the reason today's CIA is the pile of horse excrement it is today.

    3. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I'd like to see NO legacy candidates, on either side. We need fresh meat, both parties.

    4. Anonymous12:03 PM

      The big difference is that Clinton was, and still is, one of the most popular presidents who was in charge during one of our country's most prosperous times in recent years.

      GWBush was a disaster and we still haven't fully recovered from the total destruction he leveled on our economy.

      While Bill Clinton is respected for the work he's done around the world since he left office, Dubya is known for really bad paintings of himself in the bathtub and shower.

      Not exactly a good comparison.

  4. Yes, I've felt Jeb waiting in the wings for a while now. If he runs, I think they'll use his first name more often than "Bush."

    I would like to believe that Hillary could win such a race handily. I will vote for her with a smile.
    However, let us not forget who the Bushes are. They are the brand that has no problem using any type of tricks, fraud, ballot tampering, computer hacking, etc. to win. They will bring out Karl Rove - a very dirty player indeed.

    I know that our nation will thrive no matter what, so this does not frighten me. I do want to be realistic though.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Look. The youth see the Bush Presidency for what it was: a decade of lies, fraud, and ruining the country for their parents and themselves. They walked out on Sir Dick yesterday. They will never vote for a Bush. Bill and Hillary have spent their lives SERVING people...Americans, immigrants, the poor, other nations. When it comes down to it, she has far more executive and foreign policy experience than Jeb will ever had, because the Bushes do not serve others...they serve themselves and their corporate buddies. So please proceed, Jeb. Dems are ready.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Darn straight! They'll stop at nothing.

    3. Chuckle- please read my comments. I am not debating the merits of the case. I know Hillary has more foreign policy experience! This is not the issue I've raised.

      I am simply stating the obvious. The Bushes play dirty pool, are connected to all sorts of subterranean elements in the intelligence community and they have a long reach.

      You also forget something. Jeb's wife is Mexican.
      They can play that card.

      So while I hope you are correct - that the youth would not vote for Jeb Bush, I have been around the block a few times.

    4. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Jeb's wife is Colombian, which may have helped him get elected in Florida, but If he considers running, it should come up again that she was detained in US customs on a flight back from -?- (Paris, I think) with undeclared designer clothing in her baggage.
      And speaking of good-natured hijinks, his kids are grownups now, BUT they were much more "delinquent" than W.'s twins back in the day, even surpassing Sarah's demon spawn.

      Wild Tortoise

    5. Bush's wife was born in Guanajunato, Mexico, according to Wikipedia. Her first name is Columba.

      Yes, both his wife and kids carry a lot of baggage that his handlers will have to spin if he decides to run. :-)

    6. I hear the msm say the same thing:. jeb still won't win the majority of the Latino vote cause you know...gop.

    7. Anonymous12:12 PM

      7:58 -
      "the Bushes do not serve others...they serve themselves and their corporate buddies"

      So, SO true!

      When Barbara made a big donation to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, there were very specific strings attached. The money was ONLY to be used to purchase educational software...that was being sold by her son Neil's company.

      Even in response to a devastating national tragedy, there had to be a profit in it for someone in the Bush family.

    8. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Mrs. Bush was given two chances to declare the correct amount of tax owed on her Paris purchases.

      Gov. Jeb Bush said Monday that his wife misled U.S. Customs officials about $19,000 in new clothing and jewelry she brought into the country because she didn't want him to know how much she had spent on her five-day Paris shopping trip.

      The U.S. Customs Service, meantime, disclosed that Mrs. Bush had been given two chances to truthfully identify the amount of federal duty she owed on her purchases.

      On a mandatory declaration form handed out Thursday on her Delta flight from France to Atlanta, Mrs. Bush falsely stated she had purchased $500 worth of goods, according to the Bushes and a U.S. Customs service spokesman.

      Customs agents then found some shopping receipts in her purse. But Mrs. Bush declined the opportunity to change her declaration, Customs spokesman Patrick Jones said.

      After that, Customs agents searched her luggage and found the merchandise. At that point Mrs. Bush confessed to all of her purchases, telling agents she did not answer truthfully at first because she did not want her husband to know how much she had spent, according to Bush spokesman Cory Tilley.

      Mrs. Bush's civil fine of $4,100 was three times the duty she owed. She returned home to Tallahassee Thursday evening -- with her purchases.



      They were worth about $2.4 million at the time and she frequently travels abroad. She knew exactly what she was doing-cheating

  5. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Her fan(atics) are pretty worried over there, they are screaming that Palin, the quitter at 2 years, has more "executive experience" than Jeb does with 2 full terms completed as gov of Florida. Never mind that Palin doesn't even want to run, they insist that the republicans, dems, independents, non-affiliated, and probably even atheists are denying Palin the presidency. Once I saw the minutes of one of the Wasilla city council meetings, the top agenda item was something relating to beauty shop zoning in the strip malls there.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Jeb is engaged and traveling the country, speaking and supporting other candidates, while polishing his foreign policy credentials, Mrs. Palin is filming a reality show.

      Her fans just don't understand that there are certain signals a person sends when considering a run for higher office. Filming a reality show with 3 comedians isn't one of those signals.

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    He'll never survive the primaries unless he lies about his thoughts on immigration reform. Lies? Bush? what are the chances...

  7. Proud name of Bush?? I think the Nazi profiteer Prescott Bush sullied that name long before ChickenGeorge was born.

  8. SHARON8:09 AM

    Oh baby, this is gonna be good. I have to say I watched part of an interview with Jeb (what a great name btw) where he was asked basically if he was worried about the Bush name legacy.....he said without a doubt NO. LOL, to think so many people think this country is that stupid is so pathetic. You can hear the collective "oh no" heard throughout the world thinking here we go again. Watching Obama speak all last week on the world stage about Russia and our global commitments to each other, the hope and wisdom of long term peace....no one but a Hillary understands that delicate balance. We have already suffered enough with the wars, the tax cuts, the loss of respect...not to mention the never ending blight of his supreme court appointments which gave Bush the job along with help from Jeb in the first place. The political ads would be writing themselves, how insane is all this?

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM

    His Momma isn't going to be happy if he does run! I don't see how he can overcome the Bush name and the fact his brother was such a horrible POTUS.

    I think Hillary Clinton will be a candidate and win and I can hardly wait to vote for her! She has more experience going into the job of POTUS than any candidate out there - including both parties!

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Didn't she say we have had enough Bush s on the white house?

  10. London Bridges8:10 AM

    Jeb helped write the documents which brought on the Iraq & Afghan wars. still wants a few more. Part of the bush crime family that attempted a coup against Roosevelt, funded the nazi's, killed JFK & Bobby, caused.Iran contra which got reagan elected, helped 9/11 happen, got imbecile W into office, rig elections, etc.

    1. He’s the smart one, but mark my words; he would give a tax cut to the rich (they would demand his compliance in return for the donor money). He would start a war with Iran which would cost another four trillion, or he’d be in deep trouble with the Saudis and Israelis (they would demand his compliance under threat of death). Remember, his brother Marvin was suspiciously messing around the towers before 911. They would have Jeb by the short hairs and he knows it.

  11. Anonymous8:12 AM

    If Bush runs, he will take one part of the argument against Clinton ie "dynasty" out of the equation. They will cancel each other out on that point.

    If you do look at the names, who in their right mind would vote for a Bush over a Clinton?

    1. Mouth breathers, paint chip eaters, inbreds, racists, bigots, misogynists, Faux Gnus victims, but I repeat myself.

  12. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I've been saying this since 1998.

    >>Women who engage in casual sex, while maintaining healthy practices, tend to have higher self-worth and less hang-ups surrounding body image. <<

    People who are self-conscious with low self esteem do not allow themselves to be seen naked by ANYONE. It takes a lot just to change a shirt, much less trip down.

    Im glad professionals are in this boat as well. People who call others "easy" have their own issues, and are probably bullies with low esteem. Real, good people don't bring down others.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      What in the hell is wrong w/having multiple sex partners throughout ones life? As long as you are healthy, careful, take birth control pills there is zero worry about having and enjoying sex! You learn so much more too!!!

  13. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Fact: There are multiple examples throughout history and in modern times where women, free from patriarchal dogma, have sex with multiple partners or even multiple husbands.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

      Oh Hai! Say howdy to momma for us! Who's she endorsing today?

  14. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Fact: The media wants us to believe that the U.S. is the land of sluts; slamming down our throats in tasty 30 second sound-bites, not only are we the land of the free but the home of casual sex. In reality the land of ball parks and amber waves of grain is ranked thirteenth globally for number of sexual partners and 24th for frequency of sex per week. So much for us being liberated sex mongers!

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Go take your meds! I guess the word "Bush" sent you off on a tangent.

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Thought this was c4p apparently. Didn't they used to have a special section called the cesspool for discussions like this?

    3. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

      I wonder who's screwing up those multiple sex partner numbers? You're on the wrong blog sweetie, Google Patheo and you're half way there!

      You're Welcome.

  15. If Jeb Bush is their nominee, one would hope Dem opposition researchers are at this moment digging hard into his involvement in the scam that gave the 2004 election to his brother.

  16. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I'll wager the Clintons have already invested this guy - or, are in the process of doing so. He's going to have one difficult time - just him being a brother to our worst POTUS (along w/Dick Cheney!) - is not going to be a benefit to him in securing votes from Americans across the nation.

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      My above statement should say 'investigated' this guy vs 'invested'. Oops!

  17. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Just a reminder: Gov. Jeb Bush pushed through that Terri Schiavo law-- inserting himself in a private family business. While that might get him the right to lifers' vote, it also means that he could stick his nose in anyone else's private medical decision. No way!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

      Yesterday was the anniversary of her death, nothing was in it for Sarah, so no wasted pixels honoring poor Terri.

  18. Randall9:39 AM

    Jeb Bush's campaign?

    I know my brother allowed terrorists to take down the Twin Towers,
    and he invaded TWO countries without provocation,
    ...suspended habeas corpus,
    ...began NSA spying on everyone,
    ...crashed the economy of the USA and damn near the entire world,

    ...and instituted extraordinary rendition and torture...

    ...but Hillary Clinton's husband got a blowjob once.

    1. More than once. But we get your meaning. -:)

    2. AKinPA12:21 PM

      If Jeb does get the GOP nomination, will they let Georgie Porgie attend the convention this time?

    3. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

      I think it's Neal Bush's turn. Jeb was Governor, poor Neal must feel left out.

  19. Anonymous12:36 PM

    And Jeb will tap Liz Cheney as his VP candidate? Sounds like a great idea! /sarcasm

  20. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Is this an April Fool's Day joke, Gryphen?

  21. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Hillary and Jeb will be your choice in 2016. Let it be written.

  22. Anita Winecooler5:22 PM

    I haven't heard the name "Bush" spoken by anyone in the GOP, it's as if the eight years and damage they've done never happened, and now that Gov Chrispie Creme's name is mud, they're pulling Jeb out of the woodwork? Good luck with that. The guy's wife's a piece of work and his daughter's a coke head.
    But, honestly, look at the GOP as a whole and the Tea Party, who else has what it takes to lose to Hillary Clinton?

  23. ibwilliamsi7:04 PM

    Jeb looks sickly. He has that medical steroidal look about him. And he'd be an AWFUL President. I can't imagine that the American people will vote a Floridian into the Oval Office - particularly not THIS Floridian - in my lifetime.


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