Tuesday, April 01, 2014

In what can only be described as a precedent that was completely predictable, one of Sarah Palin's newest endorsees turns out to be a big fat liar.

Of course many of you saw the above graphic the other day, from Palin's Facebook page.

When I posted it I did not know a thing about this Julianne Ortman woman.

But thanks to all of your tireless research I now know some things about this Julianne Ortman woman. And they of course demonstrate how unfit she is to challenge the great Al Franken, and how perfectly logical it was that Sarah Palin, a woman who lies like some people breathe, to endorse her.

You see she is a liar as well.

This is from a a post on City Pages from August:

On her website, Ortman, an MNGOP Senator from the southwest suburbs who is seeking the GOP endorsement to challenge Al Franken next year, claims that she, in partnership with her husband Ray, has argued "several very high profile and ground-breaking cases in state and federal court, and in the United States Supreme Court." 

Furthermore, her Facebook page suggests she was directly and personally involved in the U.S. Supreme Court decision on the Obamacare, stating she "was one of many from across the nation who argued in the Supreme Court that the plan violated the limits of the Commerce Clause; ultimately the Court agreed, but upheld the mandates in Obamacare as a constitutional use of Congress's power to tax."

So according to this Senate hopeful, she was instrumental in almost stopping the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.  Gee, if only that were true.

However a local Minnesota Republican activist, decided to check out Ortman's claims.

Guess what?

Yeah Senator Franken should have NO problem swatting this fly.

Even BEFORE the Sarah Palin kiss of death.


  1. It could only get better if Palin started handing out a shiny red apple.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      That's next.

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      O/T - Just posted -
      04/01/2014 Order: Case Motion #13: Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Bristol Palin Should Not Be Held In Contempt And Sanctioned And Motion For The Return of Child To Alaska, Case Motion #14: Motion for Interim Custody Schedule

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      12:55 : who isdoing #14?
      Any news about any progress in this case? I mean, by now, the kid has been gone for three months, and Bar$tool should be finished with her skin skool...

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Palin, you truly are a fool (April or otherwise).

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Which one is Ortman and which one is Palin in that picture?

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      The one with "rill" hair is Ortman, the one with the wig is Palin. But if it was a full length pic it would be hard to tell because both would have their pants on fire.

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    She argues at the Supreme Court the way Sarah parents, runs a business, and governs.

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM


    aka April Fools Day

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      The 'FOOL FROM ALASKA'!!! And, they don't even want to claim her anymore!!!

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    fakebook - never could come to grips with it myself

  7. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Shouldn't Sarah renounce her endorsees since they are all liars and fools?

  8. Anonymous9:57 AM

    The hard religious right always uses old photos of Sarah these days. The current Sarah is too ugly to be of use to them. I wonder if a palinbot will come in here and spread another blanket of lies.

    Sarah is fragile. To be "in" with Sarah all you need do is follow the advice of her handlers. Kind of like what Adrienne Ross did here:

    "I got to talk to Todd Palin, as well. I always knew he was handsome, but television doesn't do him justice. And the same is true of Sarah. I have heard so many people say she is beautiful, but if they've gotten that only from seeing a picture or watching television, they've missed it. Most people can only dream of being that beautiful. And that really is no exaggeration. If anything, it's an understatement."

    Kiss Sarah's ass, Adrienne, kiss Sarah's ass!

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Sarah is beautiful? Not anymore! She was back in 2008, but her lies and evilness have transfigured her appearance. As I've said many, many times before - Hell awaits her!

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Sarah threw Adrienne under the bus for being black and uppity in 2010.

      The "chipmunk" forgot her "place."

    3. Anonymous11:19 AM

      10:22 AM, you are OH so right! Compare 2008 pics to now, that is what evil and hatred do.

    4. Anonymous11:42 AM

      She looks so bad that Bristol's blog has a post up today regarding anorexia intervention. Trying to tell Mommy something Brissie?

    5. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Adrienne, have you seen $arah from Alaaaasskkaaa?

      Best halloween contest on the campaign trail.

      Sad case of anorexic granny at kmart

      Some LSM type asked her a gotcha question

      Typical Palin with the "wig and drug" syndrome


      Adrienne, are you trying to get on the Pac Payroll?

    6. Anonymous1:57 PM

      She was NEVER beatuiful. She was "purty." HUGE Difference. aka - beauty is timeless, the lines of beauty persist even through age. "Purty" is cheap and it fades fast.

    7. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

      Oh Adrienne. Sarah suffers from Ed Zachary disease. Her face looks Ed Zachary like her butt. Are you SURE it was her face you were looking at?
      Todd, Handsome? Okie Dokie!

  9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:59 AM

    Sorry...maybe it's just my eyes after driving in traffic, but it even looks like the chummy pic of the two new besties* at the bottom looks Photoshopped.

    *That's "besties", not "beasties". Hey, wait...

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Oh definitely...I doubt they have ever met.

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      It looks like she attended a book signing of Sarah's.

  10. Anonymous10:05 AM

    You know, it occurs to me that the only thing better than an endorsement from Palin is no endorsement from Palin.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      The best thing is for Palin to come out and she endorses the other guy.

    2. No. The best thing would be for Palin to endorse your opponent.

  11. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Looks like Sarah vetted her with the same scrutiny $arah herself was vetted.Pathological liar meets pathological liar.They should be BFF.

  12. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Sarah proves once again that she does not know a thing about the folks she endorses!

    She's an idiot and so fits the likeness of this particular woman she recently endorsed!

    Sarah Palin, you are a continual joke - both in politics and entertainment! You'd don't do either well! Sit down, shut up and get your mouth sewn shut for the benefit of all Americans across the nation!

  13. You are no doubt correct about Ortman but Michael Brodkorb is not a reliable source of news. His rise to fame in the MN Republican party came about because of his (in MN) infamous Minnesota Democrats Exposed blog, which helped launder any and all malicious gossip about Democrats.

    He became a top staffer for the Republican in the MN lege until he was fired for sleeping with the married majority leader. He then sued and so far the state has paid about half a million in lawyer fees because of the fight between him and State Senate Republican leadership.

    I'm not up-to-date on him as I left the state half a year ago and was, until this post, blissfully unaware of his current activities.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      True info about Brodkorb but I think his scoop on Ortman is right on. Of course, I'm sure Brodkorb is cheering for a different "horse" in the GOP primary.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      it was suprising that this doff, brodkorb, is still around, seems like a dick, I think his hook up with the majority leader was very weird, she was a big gal, not a ''hot mama'' like palin (hahahaha, the skank) he had alterior motives from day one

    3. Olivia1:13 PM

      He had a car accident with many injuries and nearly died, which seemed to change his attitude. He doesn't seem to be the same dirty trickster and just plain asshole he used to be. You never would have seen the tweets about Ortman from the old Brodkorb. http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/2013/09/michael_brodkorb_talks_scandal_lawsuit_and_new_leases_on_life_the_city_pages_interview.php

    4. Olivia, I think you're missing the skeev for the posing. After creating a massive stink by suing the Republican leadership, even Brodkorb's oldest friends in the party turned on him with a vengeance. So he rewrote the script and is now positioning himself as a "moderate" competing with Sarah Janacek for TV talk show appearances. He is the old Brodkorb, through and through. What you don't understand is that the old Brodkorb wasn't a troll, he was an opportunist who trolled the system to get ahead. Now that that's not working for him, he's "reasonable." If necessary, he'll switch parties if it will keep him on TV.

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Calling a female bear a Mama Grizzly is putting lipstick on what is actually called a sow. Sow as in what is called a female pig. Pig, pig, pig........suuuuuueeeeeeee.......pig, pig, pig SOW. Hog, hog, hog. Anyway, that's how a ol' Iowa farm girl calls it.

  15. janice10:52 AM

    I went to Julianne's webpage yesterday and saw no picture of the clown. Looked like Sarah did that on her own. Doesn't look for Julianne. I wonder is Sarah consulted her first.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      It's on Ortman's facebook page.

  16. When is Sarah endorsing some one for mayor of Farmville? That's the only place she'll govern again. Goes right along with her facebook creds'

    1. She'd have to appoint a city manager if she were to become Mayor of Farmville

  17. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Just a big puff of nothing. Sarah palin is finished and anyone she endorses Is finished too. The has been has been.. game over. next.

  18. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Wonder how much $ that woman gave our sarah and her pimp?

  19. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Who on earth would be stupid enough to lie in a political campaign about arguing a case in the Supreme Court?

    That's so easily verified and a claim like that is just begging to be looked into.

    That's what's known as a generous gift to your opponent.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      If someone is dumb enough to vote for someone who Sarah endorses, based just on her endorsement, then they are dumb enough to fall for anything that Ortman says.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      1:19 PM - someone in the pee pond is doing exactly that concerning this race. A fool and his money.......

    3. Anonymous2:27 PM

      The peepond is a handful of delusional idiots from around the country, the majority of the avatars are created personas to try and sway those nutty ones to send their $$$ to Sarah.

    4. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Someone so stupid that she doesn't understand how that Internet thingy works.

  20. Anonymous12:56 PM

    So if the Ortmans filed an amicus brief "this one time at band camp" that suddenly makes them Supreme Court lawyers? That sounds JUST like the kind of thing Palin and company would claim.
    Now before you go all "moses from the mountain" exalting Brodkorp, you need to recall the MN senate majority leader who banged anything she could corner including... wait for it... Brodkorp. He obviously wants to back a different horse in this race.

  21. Anonymous1:49 PM

    She endorsed her, but did she give her any money from her PAC ?? (Yeah, that will be the day !)

  22. Wendy2:18 PM

    From another source more about the Ortmans:

  23. Anonymous2:21 PM

    republican = liar

  24. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Here's another conservative GOP candidate who may bite the dust... Meet... Jacob A. Rush

  25. Caroll Thompson3:53 PM

    Looks like Sarah didn't very well on her homework. I believe she posted on her Facebook page for everyone to do their own homework. Well, it appears that G and the IM readers did their homework and they get an A+ for their efforts.

  26. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

    Oh well, it's ok to be stupid, but stupid, a liar, and proud that Sarah Palin gave you her endorsement? Isn't Grandma long legs busy doing some kind of show on a channel no one has? That last photo is as photoshopped as it gets.


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