Friday, October 27, 2006

Bush and Cheney say we don't torture. But if not for torture we would probably never have invaded Iraq.

An Al-Qaeda terror suspect captured by the United States, who gave evidence of links between Iraq and the terror network, confessed after being tortured, a journalist told the BBC.

Iban al Shakh al Libby told intelligence agents that he was close to Al-Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri and "understood an awful lot about the inner workings of Al-Qaeda," former FBI agent Jack Clonan told the broadcaster.

He (Libby) claims he was tortured in jail and that would be routine in Egyptian prisons," Grey said.

"What he claimed most significantly was a connection between ... Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. This intelligence report made it all the way to the top, and was used by (former US secretary of state) Colin Powell as a key piece of justification ... for invading Iraq," he told the broadcaster.

Well if the torture that we do not engage in, made it possible to start this delightful war, then how could we possibly find fault with it? Look at how successful it has been so far.

According to the White House we do not "waterboard", even though Cheney seems to have alluded to using some sort of water based tactic to gain information from detainees. I am confused by that. Perhaps they are just making the prisoners engage in a vigorous round of "bobbing for apples". I mean it is almost Halloween you know.

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