Monday, February 10, 2014

Here's a blast from the past. Matt Damon freaking out in 2008 at the thought of Sarah Palin becoming President.

By the way in my defense I was TOTALLY talking about how absurd it was that Palin could be in the White House.

That's why I helped to stop that from ever happening.

Now I am just waiting for my thank you from Matt Damon.


  1. Anonymous4:26 AM

    When I watched this in 2008, I didn't realize that you could hear the interviewer cracking up in the background at the hockey mom point. LOL

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      G surprised you didn't post this one!


  2. abbafan4:29 AM

    Hi Gryphen! The educated electorate, including movie stars, seen right through this idiot! When she opened her pie-hole in Minneapolis, the venom that spewed from her filthy trap was extremely poisonous then, as it still is now! If Mr. Damon won't acknowledge your tireless efforts in exposing the retarded grifter, I most certainly will - thank you for your dedication and allowing us to sound off on your blog!

  3. Anonymous4:32 AM

    We hear you, Matt!

    Hold onto your hats, everybody! Tomorrow we celebrate Sarah Palin's 50th birthday!

    Can't wait to see how her family fetes her, and what she posts about herself on Facebook.

    We're waiting, Sarah!

  4. Anonymous4:51 AM

    The 5 watt light bulb in my refrigerator is brighter than Sarah.

  5. Anonymous5:03 AM

    You got MY thanks, for what it's worth. We dodged a bullet but the shots still keep coming from that psychopath and she's got back-up! 70% approval rating!!!!! to run in 2016. What is wrong with your country?

    The nightmare that is Sarah Palin is not over. Will it EVER be over -- think of all the GOP politicians wannabes (Tea Party, for example) that think her ways are valid -- or sane!

    But the sooner she looks OLD -- and she is getting there fast -- the sooner her magnetism will loosen.

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      That 70% was a VERY small sampling. Ain't happening.

    2. Anonymous6:33 AM

      @ Anon 5:25 -- but just the number...who will know about many people answerd and what was how was the question asked?
      That she is still on ANY poll is disconcerting.
      What the hell is going to bring her political reign to an end? Court cases go nowhere, Trig is still considered her kid...books come out (like Joe's) and Maddow cancels her interview with him (WTF?)

      What threats has she made to make people so afraid to speak out? (viz. Joe's experiences with being offered a gun to protect himself when he lived next door to her?)

    3. Maple8:02 AM

      I just was thinking about that while reading a book that discussed the reason that Ford pardoned Nixon. He wanted to "move the country along" and improve its deteriorated reputation and the opposite would have happened if Nixon had beed tried and convicted and sentenced. So....maybe to save the reputation of the country as a whole, and the GOP in particular, it's just as well to leave all the crap about Caribou Barbie buried. If the whole truth were to be revealed, can you imagine what the rest of the world would think? How on earth could such a disgusting, lazy, incompetent liar ever, ever get so close to the Presidency, and how could so many in the U.S. be that stupid, not to mention careless as to let it happen?
      Just my opinion, of course.

    4. Leland10:00 AM

      Maple, I was around when Nixon was in office and out. I despised him then and I despise him now.

      I have repeatedly heard that argument about "let's not stir up the mud so the world won't think less of us."

      I think it is one of the most absurdly ridiculous pile of hog droppings ever to come out of Washington! There are two reasons I feel this way.

      First and foremost, we are supposedly a nation of LAWS. Supposedly if you break a law you get tried. If not, THAT makes a statement as well.

      The other reason I didn't like it is the reason I feel we are in this mess currently. When people get the idea crammed into their little brains (assuming they have one and I'm not sure that is true with one of our reps whose name I won't mention, but whose initials are Darrel Issa!) that they can do what they want and not have to stand trial we end up with crooks in office.

      Nixon and all the others who got away with this kind of crap should have been vigorously charged and tried. W should be turned over to the World Court for trial. Cheney should be turned over to the World Court. The Alaskan bitch needs to be prosecuted as well.

      No, Maple, the world thinks more of countries who ENFORCE their laws - regardless of how embarrassing it might be!

    5. Leland, I agree with you 100%. I was only suggesting the reason the GOP (and maybe also the folks in the know in Alaska) are keeping quiet is because they don't want to be embarrassed by having the rest of the world laugh at and criticize them for being a) so gullible and b) lawless. And consider the utter nonsense and incredible waste of money re the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Believe me, the rest of the world -- especially the Europeans -- were totally gobsmacked that a denied BJ in the Oval Office was considered impeachable. The problem is that once criminal charges are made, it sets in motion the bringing to light of a whole bunch of stuff that sometimes, for the future of the country, is better kept out of sight. But it's obvious to those of us who pay attention that the criminal justice system in the U.S. ignores the crooks (corporate) whose actions hurt an whole host of folks, and concentrates on incarcerating the poor and those who can't afford to defend themselves over the issue of a few ounces of pot.

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    That's what I want to lnow, 6:33 AM.

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Matt Damon was close. Its not a Disney movie, it's a poor excuse for a reality show.

  8. betsy s8:13 AM

    Here on Long Island, last night's spelling bee winner correctly spelled 'kakistocracy". Not knowing what the word meant, the paper helpfully explained that kakistocracy is 'Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.' Suits our girl, wouldn't you say?

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      If this word didn't already exist, one would have to create it to accurately define Palin. Ka Ka yesterday, Ka Ka today, Ka Ka 24/7.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Just thinking, Sarah Palin claimed that she was a high school star basketball player but she didn't get a college basketball scholarship or was good enough to be a walk on college basketball player. Sarah's life seems to be a fake just like she is supposed to be America's energy expert but no oil company has hired her.

  10. Boscoe8:52 AM

    And here's the "trailer" College Humor made for it! LOL

    I think the funniest thing to me are the kids' names. "Algebra" ROFLOL

  11. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I see Arizona's Jan Brewer won a big victory in court over the Medicaid expansion, how long will it take $arah to come out against this...3...2..1

  12. Anonymous7:48 PM

    McCain tell the truth. Why did you pick a loser beauty pageant contestant to be an old man's heartbeat away from being president? We know why, we want to hear you admit it?


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