Monday, February 10, 2014

Looking forward to it.

I am well past the point of not finding the ideas of heaven and hell completely ridiculous, but if I thought there were a possibility that I might end up in heaven with the people who are constantly bragging that they are on the fast track to acceptance like Pat Robertson, Sarah Palin, and Ken Ham I would start knocking over banks and setting churches on fire just to make sure they took me off the invite list.

Besides I don't care how hot it is, the idea of hanging out with Albert Einstein, Richard Dawkins, and Mark Twain for eternity sounds like a hell of a party.


  1. angela2:37 AM

    I was once told by an evangelical that she worried about a member of her family burning in hell. You know what will send you to hell in some circles? Her brother didn't tithe (had too many children to feed that the church encouraged he and his wife to have). She really worried he was doomed and prayed he'd start giving ten percent of his already meager salary to the church.

    Is the above on a poster? I'd really love to have it.

  2. Olivia5:40 AM

    If there is a heaven, you can bet your booty that Pat Robertson, Sarah Palin, Ken Ham and anyone else who thinks they have a fast track won't be there. I think those people, along with the Catholic church hierarchy, don't believe in God, or Jesus or heaven or hell. If they did, they wouldn't be doing and saying the things they are. They are perfect examples of how NOT to be a Christian. They have found a racket to exploit for money, power and fame and nothing more.

    1. Boscoe8:55 AM

      "Like" button! Where's the damn "like" button!?! Grrr

  3. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I've been saying that for years.... If I end up in hell, I'll be in very good company! :)

  4. Boscoe8:54 AM

    Zappa! Yay! Ayn Rand! Booooo! Hell is a mixed bag, yo.

  5. Just look for your dog and go where he goes.

    That's what I'm doing. I won't go anywhere my dog isn't accepted. Rather spend an eternity with him than a heaven that doesn't allow dogs.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:33 PM

      Truer words were never spoken.

    2. South Jersey Doc5:28 PM

      What she said.

  6. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I fear not that which is a contrivance of sick minds.............

  7. Leland2:39 PM

    "I'd rather laugh with the sinners,
    than cry with the saints!
    The sinners are much more fun!"

    Oh yeah! That's the ticket.

    Besides, hell didn't exist until around 400CE, right? Another construct of the hierarchy to keep the little people under their thumbs!

  8. Anita Winecooler4:43 PM

    I'm looking forward to it as well. Imagine an eternity in good company without having others try to "change you".

  9. Don in Waco4:12 PM

    I'll take Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company. Yeah, that'd be Mark Twain. One of my favorite quotes. Nice blog, think I'll explore a bit.


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