Friday, August 22, 2014

Protesters demand that Honduran children illegally crossing the border be sent back. But sent back to what?

We have all seen those protesters stopping buses filled with undocumented immigrant children, and forcing them to turn around.

We have all seen the signs, like those above, that insist that the children, who have traveled many hundreds of miles, simply be forced to go back to the dangerous world that they just barely managed to escape.

But what happens to them then?

Well in Honduras we have an answer.

Courtesy of the LA Times: 

"There are many youngsters who only three days after they've been deported are killed, shot by a firearm," said Hector Hernandez, who runs the morgue in San Pedro Sula. "They return just to die." 

At least five, perhaps as many as 10, of the 42 children slain here since February had been recently deported from the U.S., Hernandez said. 

Immigrant aid groups and human rights organizers say the Honduran government is ill-equipped to assist children at high risk after they have been returned. 

Unaccompanied children from Honduras "come from extremely violent regions where they probably perceive the risk of traveling alone to the U.S. preferable to staying at home," the report said. 

In one case, a teenage boy was shot to death hours after arriving in San Pedro Sula on a deportation flight, according to the boy's cousin, who refused to identify himself or the boy to The Times for fear of reprisal from neighborhood gangs. 

To do so, he said, "I would be killing my entire family." 

This is where those demanding deportation are sending these children. To their deaths.

And here's the thing that I am struggling with.

The people who are shouting "Send then back" the loudest, are the same people who are demanding that we protect Christians in Iraq and Afghanistan from attacks by Islamic terrorists.

Well Honduras is a deeply Christian country with 97% being Roman Catholic and the rest Protestant.

So why in the hell does the Right Wing care so much about Christians being murdered thousands of miles away who are very difficult for us to protect, and so little for the Christian children arriving on our very border pleading for our protection?

(H/T to AATTP.)


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "So why in the hell does the Right Wing care so much about Christians being murdered thousands of miles away who are very difficult for us to protect, and so little for the Christian children arriving on our very border pleading for our protection?"
    This statement should go viral.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      "So why in the hell does the Right Wing care so much about Christians being murdered thousands of miles away who are very difficult for us to protect, and so little for the Christian children arriving on our very border pleading for our protection?"
      Because the "PRO-LIFE" are a bunch of LYING conniving HYPOCRITES! BASTARDS! And they should investigate WHERE their relatives came from....

  2. Leland10:06 AM

    "So why in the hell does the Right Wing care so much about Christians being murdered thousands of miles away who are very difficult for us to protect, and so little for the Christian children arriving on our very border pleading for our protection?"

    Because, despite the screaming they do to the contrary, they are NOT christians.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Thank you, Leland.

      They are not Christians.

      They are not humans.

      They are animals.

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      They are as much Christians as anyone who claims to be Christian.

    3. Leland12:48 PM

      @ 12:26.

      I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with that statement, 12:26. I believe it is the screamers and those who loudly proclaim they are christians who are the ones perpetrating the vile acts we so despise.

      There are many, MANY quiet, loving, faithful believers who keep to themselves and do great works to help their fellow man. I find, however, that it is usually the TINY churches or gatherings which do it.

      THEY have faith and they aren't generally associated with the large organized churches. (AKA the Christian Taliban.)

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    "Sent back to what?"

    They don't care. They just don't care.

    I really hope there is a God. And this is all a test. Those asshole so-called Christians (and some of the other lovely religions) will be failing the "do unto others" and "love thy neighbor", not to mention "thou shalt not kill" tests.

    Instead, the bleeding heart liberals and tree huggers who care about God's Earth and all living creatures, who live what we preach, will be the ones headed to Heaven.

    Ok, I don't really believe that, but it would only be fair.....

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    And these particular Christians have brown skin.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      They don't know that the ones in the middle east aren't lily white either. Wait until they find that out...

  5. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Honduran drug cartels are run by Christians. Damn rights we need to protect business interests. We partner with these folks. Where would America be without the illegal drug trade in the Americas?

    The crazy protesters don't know what's going on. They are just swimming in fear and messed up from their medication.

  6. To those in the Christian Right-Wing, all Catholics are NOT Christians at all. We worship the Pope (as if) and never accept Christ as our personal savior, and we don't think the Bible is literally true. I blame the Jesuits for leading all us Catholics down the wrong path.

    Also, these Honduran Christians are brown, not white.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Ah the Jebbies… I remember my first encounter with Jesuit priests in college in the 60s - asking us to question, think, learn, reason. Definitely not xtian.

  7. Randall11:09 AM

    When children show up on your doorstep, starving and terrified, and you tell them to go away...
    then you no longer get to call yourself a Christian.


    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      I'd say you no longer get to call yourself American, home of the free, land of the brave, etc etc. Or a human for that matter.

  8. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I bet they all consider themselves devout "Christians."

  9. Anonymous11:46 AM


    Paul in Indiana

    1. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM


  10. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Redstate meltdown!

    I Increasingly Find Conflict Between My Faith and Some Conservative Discourse By: Erick Erickson (Diary)

    "In the past several months there have been three incidents that have solidified for me that my faith and my politics are starting to collide. While I am a firm believer in the idea of a conservative populism, I see a dangerous trend within the mix of unfortunate shrillness and hostility. That trend is playing out in the comments here at RedState and on social media.

    To start, Christian conservatives were roundly assailed by other conservatives for daring to provide aid and comfort to children whose parents had shipped them across the border."

    "The second was bringing Dr. Brantly and his co-worker back to the United States. The number of angry calls into my radio program from well meaning conservatives, comments across social media, opinion columns, agreement thereto, etc. really boggled my mind. Here are two Americans risking their lives to help others and we are supposed to turn our back on them, leave them there, or criticize their decision to go in the first place?" (This refers to the Ebola patients evacuated to the US for treatment.)

    "The last is the present situation in Ferguson, MO. The rush to win a fight and lay blame instead of mourning a loss and praying for a situation just leaves me perplexed. The rush to “change the narrative” with bad facts to replace bad facts by some folks who keep the ichthys on their car unsettles me."

    (Ichthys=the fish many xtians display on their cars and trucks)

    lol. Just like telling the seaofpee that Sarah won't be running. A meltdown in the comments and the moderators are using the banhammer. Eric Ericson wishes there weren't comments on RedState in the post....keep the wankers occupied there ok? PLEASE?

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

  11. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Jesus loves the legal children.
    The legal children of the world.
    Red or yellow, mostly white.
    They are precious in his sight.
    Jesus loves the legal children of the world.

  12. Leland4:30 PM

    A little clarification, if you please Deni. The use of "they" in the second paragraph is unspecific. WHICH they. It could be understood as either.

  13. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I was in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in May, doing some volunteer time with El Hogar. El Hogar is a school that houses, educates and develops the citizenship of disadvantaged children throughout the country. As volunteers, we were not allowed out alone due to the dangerous conditions.

    Those children were light and hope! It was in the top 10 of my life experiences. And, the program wants nothing more than to feed, educate and keep their students in Honduras as future leaders.

    I wish those standing on the border, wishing to send other Honduran children home, would send some funding to El Hogar, or programs like it. There would be fewer desperate children on our border.

    These angry hateful folks are like those who lament and protest abortion, but humiliate those who keep their children, labeling them as "takers". Put up or shut up hypocrites.

    1. Leland5:52 PM

      Thanks 4:44. I'll look into the group. Very helpful idea.

  14. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

    Let's send every idiot with a sign to Honduras the same route the kids did and lets see who's more macho!

    OT The "doctors" we took from Africa to cure of deadly Ebola virus are Christian Missionaries, which is all swell and good, but why are our tax dollars paying for their flight, care, etc. And why, in the name of all that's good with human beings, aren't we bringing "patients of color" to our best hosptials, getting the best care we got? Shouldn't the non tax paying churches be paying for their employees (missionaries/doctors)?? Who chooses who gets the best care and why?

  15. Will history repeat it's self, Obama’s Mariel Boatlift

    Nativism and Bigotry

    This week, Eva Mendes is checking out the concept of immigration. Plus, at no extra cost, links to tease and please

  16. Anonymous8:19 PM

    We don't have to be responsible for saving the world. There are bad things that happen in many second and third world countries. We can't fix it all. Some countries must find their own way, we did, as a country, we even had a civil war that tore us apart and killed a lot of men, women and children, but we found our way, as a country. There are 26 million children, American children, that are living in poverty and often are food insecure. I suggest we fix this first and then talk about finding solutions within our borders for other countries that are going through growing pains.

  17. Missionaries go all the way to foreign countries just to pat themselves on the back. And when the disadvantaged come to our door step? The religious right is anti-immigrant, anti-muslim and anti-gay.


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