Sunday, December 28, 2014

Man accidentally saves wife's life by shooting her. Only in America.

Courtesy of the New York Daily News:  

The son of a 75-year-old woman who was struck with birdshot by her husband while sitting in a recliner says the accident might have been a blessing because doctors treating her found a previously undiagnosed heart problem. 

Charlene Ross' 77-year-old husband told authorities the shotgun went off Sunday at their home in York Township, in northeast Ohio, when he was checking to see if it was loaded. He told deputies he was getting the gun from a closet because he wanted to use it to scare off geese from a pond on their property. 

Ross was taken to an Akron hospital, where she was listed in serious condition Friday. 

Steve Ross told The Medina County Gazette his family considers the outcome "a blessing on two fronts" - that his mother was nicked in the neck by only one tiny pellet and that doctors then discovered she had an abnormal heartbeat, or arrhythmia, that can be dangerous and now can be addressed with a pacemaker. 

"Had this accident not happened, my mom could have been gone at any time," he said. "You hate to use cliches, but this is a Christmas miracle."

Okay seriously I know we are a nation of gun owners, but when we start using them as diagnostic tools I think it may be time to consider moving out of the country.

"Look your honor I was not shooting my wife in an attempt to kill her, I was shooting her to find out if she was suffering from anything terminal. Good news, she's fine. I mean besides the bullet holes."


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Best way to remove a brain tumor ... 12 ga shotgun.

  2. angela5:08 AM

    Man shoots wife "accidentally", scares the hell out of her,
    her heart goes into arrhythmia, and its a blessing he shot
    Seems like someone is trying hard to keep his old man
    out of jail.

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      That's more likely the case.

  3. Yet another "responsible" gun owner.

    "Gee, I was checking to see if the gun was loaded. I pointed it at another person while doing so. Should I not have done that?"

    Every gun owner should be required to carry liability insurance. Any medical bills resulting from irresponsible, reckless, or negligent actions by the owner should be paid for by the insurance carrier, not anyone else, including victims' medical insurance or the government (Medicaid/Medicare). It will be very clear who the actual responsible gun owners are.

    Injuries/deaths caused by negligence, carelessness, or irresponsibility should always result in criminal charges. They are not "accidents." No, the shooter has not "suffered enough."

    All rights include responsibilities. Freedom to do whatever you want without any responsibilities or consequences is not "liberty." It is a spoiled toddler's view of the world.

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Absolutely Nefer.
      We can't drive without insurance.
      Why should one own a gun without it???

    2. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Does homeowners insurance cover this?

    3. Anonymous8:53 AM

      I absolutely agree with you, but our chicken shit lawmakers are so terrified of the NRA that they would never pass this common sense legislation.

      The NRA and their supporters would claim that this is just a way for the government to track gun ownership so that the government can confiscate the guns when the UN takes over the US. Logic has never been a strong point of the NRA.

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I've never seen a kid diagnosed with disease after a gun shot....
    But, hey, whatever the family needs to tell themselves. I guess god was working thru the stupid husband, huh? Sad if she dies from the gunshot after they discover the heart ailment.

  5. Boscoe8:54 AM

    Hey, you know what ELSE could've led to an irregular heartbeat being diagnosed, and BEFORE she was 75 freaking years old?


    Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      She could have been having annual Medicare-paid physicals for the last several years. President Obama eliminated the "once in a lifetime" complete Medicare physical not long after he became president.

  6. Randall9:00 AM

    The solution to a septuagenarian with a health problem is a good guy with a gun.

  7. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

    How long before this makes it to Brancy (Hi There! wink wink) or Mama Griz's facebook/blog/pay per view free show???

    "So I happened to come across this the other day after putting my rosary beads away and thought I would share....."

    I really shouldn't laugh, but I just can't stop. MOD Birdshot accident (Method of Diagnosis).

  8. Perhaps this will become a habit among the ammosexuals... just wing each other a little bit with the ol' gat and see if the doctor can find anything else wrong with them when they go in to get the bullet wound looked at.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.