Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jon Stewart VS Bill O'Reilly. The intellectual equivalent of watching a lion bat around a helpless kitten.

Courtesy of The Rumble 2012:  

Bill O'Reilly. Jon Stewart. 2 podiums. 1 Air-Conditioned Auditorium. "O'Reilly v Stewart 2012: The Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium" will be streamed live, Saturday, October 6th at 8pm ET from Lisner Auditorium at The George Washington University. O'Reilly and Stewart will take an entertaining and comedic approach to today's pressing political issues in an attempt to find the best direction for America. "The Rumble 2012" will surely be a must-see event! 

I actually have mixed feelings about this.

On the one hand I always love watching Jon Stewart hand Bill O'Reilly his ass. On the other hand I don't like the idea of Jon giving this idiot credibility by making this seem like an actual debate between two equals.

Bill O'Reilly is an arrogant asshole with the journalist credibility of a tree stump. Jon Stewart is a brilliant student of politics and the human condition, who is able to make current events both interesting and entertaining.

I have little doubt I will watch, but part of me worries that Jon will decide to be "civil" and take it easy on this asshole.  As he has sometimes done in the past.

To be honest I would much rather see how O'Reilly did in a similar situation while sitting across from Stephen Colbert, who I know would dismantle O'Reilly completely without even breaking character. Now THAT would be well worth the price of admission!


  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I don't know- why would O'Reilly do this other than to make money. I adore Steward and think he slaughters O'Reilly, but this seems a little gimmicky. Who do you think is going to buy the tickets; who's fans will make up the majority of the audience?

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      These guys can afford to do a cheesy little affair like this for charity. Then again, with a streaming audience at 5 bucks a pop, they might pull in a few bucks. Stewart only makes around $16 Million a year from The daily show while Bill O and Hannity recently re-signed new contracts at Fox. Details weren't made public but their 5 year contracts are thought to be in the $100 million range or 20M/yr for TV only. Doesn't include Hannity's Radio show or any books, speaking, etc.

      Stewart will take Bill O down, but he does have respect for Bill O in some regards, namely longevity. They're both better when they're less partisan, but Bill O is in a partisan culture at Fox, and can be such a blowhard I can't watch him sometimes. But he's much less offensive than Hannity, and overall less full of shit. Give him credit though. OReilly can be a prick, but he's a very intelligent guy. His schtick is weak compared to Stewart, but he delivers eyeballs from his audience, so he's bankable. I've warmed up to BillO in the past year and a half or so as its become apparent he has zero respect for Sarah, which makes me hold him in a higher regard. Hannity, will always be a shithead for sucking up to "The Governor", so I have no respect for him on any issue.

      OReilly demeans himself when he puts Stewart down, but it's never face to face, because Jon Stewart can chew him up and spit him out. It's always good when they go at it. And I agree about Colbert. He may be the best in staying in character and mocking Bill O mercilessly.

      It will be worth watching for sure.

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I agree that I'd rather see Colbert & O'Reilly. Stewart still smacks him but I feel he treads too lightly taking away 'the edge' that we come to know and love.

    On the Romney tape front:

    I most certainly don't tread into C4P waters. For me, today going as far as Mark Halperin is enough as there are numerous times I want to smack the 'dick' up side his head!! I've never figured out why so many of the MSNBC shows turn to him as the 'expert' as I don't see that and just don't get it. He's far too arrogant for my liking.

    But, I do have to say, I was totally surprised in his post from last night after the first tapes emerged, with one of his sentences about Romney in the paragraph I reference below: "He's up to his eyeballs in the FREAK SHOW now". I had to clean my glasses to make sure I had read it right -- This from Halperin -- plus add the reference to 'apology'. Did the world just stop or did it blow up?? LOL

    "As I see it, Romney’s only chance to try to stem the damage is to do an abject apology, but that really isn’t his style. He’s up to his eyeballs in the freak show now. There is a difference between what is and what ought to be — and Romney has a heap of trouble tonight."


    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Halperin was the go-to guy for the gang of 500 that was basically a secret distribution list of insiders in Washington. Everbody craved being on the list and wanted to know who else was on not-on the list. You had to be "connected". I believe an intern put all the names in cc: instead of bcc: and the cat was out if the bag. Halperin IS a dick, but he gets good scoops and definitely is an insider. He probably (IMO) has as good of contacts as anyone, perhaps not as deep as Bob Woodward, but he's younger.

  3. Olivia4:40 PM

    BillO is the cynical modern day version of Ted Baxter. Narcissistic asshole. At least Ted was funny.

  4. Anonymous5:04 PM

    There is something very creepy about this costing money to see.

    I heard Stewart say it will go to charity, but I still suspect there is more to it.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      It's not enough money to be a big deal for these guys. Stewart is probably worth close to $100 M now, making around $20 M a year with book sales. OReilly is in the same neighborhood financially. This is chump change, but it will drive Stewart's audience to Comedy channel thru GWU.

      I hope both give proceeds to charity. Easier to look at it with levity if they're not grifting like Sarah & Family, who are always squeezing that last nickel. But that's also why she has killed her brand, and these 2 guys are the honchos that they are making serious coin.

  5. Anonymous5:26 PM

    DAMAGE CONTROL! Hide behind the skirts! Mitt marches out his little Queen Ann to cover for his complete dickishness.

    Ann Romney: Mitt Doesn't Disdain The Poor

    The saddest rapid response…Singing the praises of her lameass husband.


    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Haven't read the link yet but my first reaction is that I'm surprised that Lying Bitch Ann didn't say:

      'Mitt doesn't disdain THOSE people'

  6. Anonymous5:28 PM

    “If you want to be president, you gotta work for everybody, not just for some,” says President Obama on Letterman.


  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    It is not good for Jon Stewart to morp into Dennis Miller.

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Never happen. Miller is pretty smart but not funny. Stewart is both. These guys have done this more or less on one another's show a couple of times, and it's a good show. They're respectful, but pointed. I'd rather it be a battle of wit and ideas than talking down or screaming the way the Fox talking heads do whenever challenged. BillO is dismissive of Stewart sometimes, but comes off like a chump when he does. Stewart will be loaded for bear.

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Obama Leads By 5 Points In NBC/WSJ Poll

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Obama/Biden 2012

  9. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Ohhhhhh, this is getting GOOD!

    Anne Onymous, the YouTube user who anonymously circulated the now-infamous video of Mitt Romney speaking at a private fundraiser, now appears to be threatening to release the Republican candidate's tax returns.

    Here's a tweet, sent Tuesday afternoon by a user with the handle AnneOnymous670:

    '@MittRomney I released the full video as you requested. Would you now release your tax returns? Or shall we?'


  10. Anonymous5:39 PM

    We Built That: Small Business Abandons Romney and Supports Obama, 47%-39%

    More evidence that the roof is caving in on Mitt Romney came today from a poll of small business owners conducted by George Washington University School of Political Management, which found Obama leading Romney, 47%-39%.

    Not only is Obama leading Romney, but the George Washington University poll also found that small business owners thought President Obama was more supportive of them than Mitt Romney by 39%-31% margin, with 28% undecided.


  11. Bigdaddy775:42 PM

    Can't believe 'BillO' would agree to do this without it being on tape delay. How are his producers going to do a faux news edit without it. He will have to spend a week of factor with cut ups to make himself look better

  12. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Funny, but I thought the same thing about rather seeing Colbert vs O'Reilly. He'd put O'Reilly in his place before that ass hat even knew what was happening.

  13. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Well Gryphen this should answer your concerns:

    Bill O’Reilly, Jon Stewart Spar Over Political Conventions, Sandra Fluke In Preview Of Upcoming Debate

    Ahead of their debate — ahem, Rumble — slated for next month, Jon Stewart paid Bill O’Reilly a visit on Tuesday night to talk politics. The pair promoted their upcoming event, while also providing a little teaser as they delved into discussing the recent political conventions.

    Alluding to Star Wars‘ Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, Stewart told O’Reilly, “I sense there is still good in you.” This debate, he said, rests on his belief that he can bring O’Reilly back “from the dark side.”

    While Stewart and O’Reilly were both at the convention in Tampa, Stewart noted that he wasn’t allowed on the floor, at which point O’Reilly took the opportunity to note that he’d only mock them there. Moving on to the Democratic National Convention, Stewart said he was impressed “the whole thing didn’t descend into anarchy,” that they “surprisingly did a very nice organizational job.” Naturally, a back-and-forth spat about Sandra Fluke, women’s health and taxpayer money ensued — coming to no conclusion, as the two segued into the next topic.

    On the Republican side, Stewart said Clint Eastwood‘s convention speech was “great.” Such events “are scripted infomercials,” he said — but Eastwood was “real” and “doing his own thing.” Calling the speech “a breath of fresh air,” he said he found it “hilarious,” dismissing any notion that the invisible chair routine was insulting to the president.

    A sparring, chummy segment all in all, which clearly saved the good stuff for the real debate. The Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium, scheduled for October 6 at George Washington University, will be live streamed online.

    Take a look, via Fox News:


  14. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Matthews Interviews Jimmy Carter’s Grandson James About Uncovering Romney’s 47% Tape

    Matthews asked how Carter came up with the hidden camera video of Romney at a closed-door fundraiser. “I found a piece of the longer video during a regular, like a routine search on YouTube that I do and I tracked it down to its source and talked them into giving it up,” Carter replied.

    Matthews asked why the owner of that video gave it up. “They thought that some of the things that Romney was saying in the video needed to be heard by a wider audience,” said Carter.


  15. Anonymous6:19 PM

    David Letterman - President Barack Obama


  16. Anonymous6:44 PM

    O/T NEW YORK -- Rush Limbaugh advised Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to double down on his controversial remarks made at a closed-door fundraiser that Obama voters are "dependent on government."

    The head of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh?

  17. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Republican answer to Mitt's 47% vid.

  18. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Out of the blue, something popped into my head relating to this Romney death spiral.

    Bill Maher's head must be exploding!! He's working at mach speed to pare down his jokes for this week's show as HBO wouldn't extend it to 2 hours. There is just so much material this week it would take at least a 2 hour show and that's provided nothing else blows up on Romney before Friday!!

  19. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Here is some good body shifting work. The Palins are amateurs. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2205069/Jennifer-Aniston-reveals-huge-bump--just-spoof-video.html


  20. Super Fan In Atlanta8:20 PM


    Talk about video overload!!! There's so much garbage surrounding Mitt Romney that I can't process it all. Now, it seems, the reason his ancestors were born in Mexico is because his people fled Utah and moved to Mexico when Utah banned polygamy. Is there anything genuine about this creepy dude and his creepy kids and creepy wife? ANYTHING!?!

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Someone should ask Romney:

      Who's your mommy??

      Granddaddy had 5 wives. How do we truthfully know his father only had 1?

      Anyone search for Mitty's Mexican Birth Certificate?

      Just sayin'

    2. Anonymous7:00 AM


  21. Randall2:37 AM

    O' Reilly vs. Senator Al Franken.

    THAT would be a show.


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