Saturday, October 13, 2012


Dammit, I KNEW I had seen that face before!


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Gomer looks more intelligent and definitely more trustworthy.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      I'm only 35.

      So there was a Goober Pile,

      And then a Gomer Pile?

      Looks like Hollywood has been recycling ideas for years..

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Gomer came first. You don't have to be a Boomer to know them, thanks to Andy Griffith show reruns.

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      thanks to Andy Griffith show reruns

      um, yeah, but one would have to actually *watch* fucking andy griffith.

      I've got stuff on my DVR for dayz, thanks.

    4. Anonymous11:10 AM


      Bill O'Reilly is fucking D-R-U-N-K!!! talking to Palin in this interview!

      He is also, absolutely and 100% more POINTED with her than he has EVER been.

      I am watching this online, so perhaps there is a delay?? But Palin sounds as if she is speaking in a moderate cadence, for once.


      Awww, Jesse - Memories! :)

      You look so cute!

    5. I SO wanted the Palins to take me to court in 2009 I could not stand it.

      Of course I knew they couldn't, which is why all that bluster never bothered me.

      However today there are so many other sources that tell the same story that I have been completely vindicated, as I knew I would be all along.

      Can you believe she had so much pull in those days that THAT was O'Reilly's top story?

    6. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Lead story. Unbelievable.

      But it's funny to watch Megyn Kelly try and make a name for herself - which obviously worked b/c she got her own show later.

      The woman next to her was clear that YOU weren't stating these things as fact and your other posts were pure opinion, thus protected.

      Kelly was determined to act like the tough bulldog, regardless of FACTS (Perfect. Fox. host).

      You still looked cute. ;)

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    comparing that man to the great George Lindsey (or the fictional Goober Pyle) is an affront to all that is decent.

  3. 6:18 that is Goober played by the talented George Lindsey. He had LOTS more brains and good looks than Congressman Ryan. Sadly Mr. Lindsey passed away in May this year. RIP..

    Yes G that's it - much better than the Eddie Munster comparison.

  4. Anonymous6:59 AM

    With the hat, Ryan looks like Goober, a 'character' played by George Lindsay.

    Without the hat, Ryan looks like the character Eddie Munster.

    Either way, Ryan looks like a toothless dufus

    We are comparing Ryan to the 'characters' -- not the real actors that played those characters -- so chill people -- Anon 6:32 - take a chill pill. It's become where people can't say anything without someone blowing a gasket. Chill out as you know full well we are not insulting Geoge Lindsey. If you do think that -- you're as stunned and stupid as Ryan.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      I'm sure 6:32 can differentiate the actor from the character. His/her choice of words expresses an irony that YOU-- despite your fully stocked medicine cabinet o' chill pills-- are too jacked-up to appreciate. Everyone's trying to have fun here. Relax.

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Anon 7:45
      That's what blogs & twitter does -- you read your own into comments posted as there is no expression, emotion via a screen.

      Therefore 6:59 is posting what they feel they read into the post and which you responded in the same way by saying they were 'jacked-up' and to 'relax'.

      So you've done the same as you've accused another of doing.

    3. Anonymous8:51 AM


      You just proved her point.

      Contribute something of value next time.

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    There's a huge difference, Gryphen. Yes, the first is that Goober was a character played by the talented and intelligent George Lindsay.

    But let's focus on the character (Goober) to the candidate (Ryan).
    Goober was happy go lucky and didn't have the benefit of education. He shouldn't be blamed for his ignorance as he had little opportunity to remedy it
    Ryan was at least exposed to education and ideas.

    Goober was happy-go-lucky and meant no one harm and was appalled when his efforts caused it.
    Ryan is an Ayn Rand follower. Randians think self-interest justifies all. To them, it is GOOD to be selfish. They are immoral by real ethical standards.

    Goober knew he was ignorant in many respects and so deferred to Andy Griffith's wisdom.
    Ryan is an arrogant little prick, who delights both in his ignorance and meanness for meanness sake and refuses to listen to his elders and betters. heck, he's even screwing with Rmoney, by continuing to pimp his budget that "doesn't add up." Ryan is a poseur aka arrogant little prick.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Very well stated.

  6. Anonymous7:17 AM

    ...and to think his partner wants to fire Big Bird to balance the budget. Makes sense.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Terrifying how close the polls are, isn't it?

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    The first thing my husband said when I showed him Ryan's pic was that he looked like Gomer Pyle. Now we see more like Goober which is more fitting seeing as he is one :)

  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    He reminds me of Mr. Bean. You know the way he wrinkles up his forehead and looks all intense?

  9. Virginia Voter7:24 AM

    Screech + muscles - 'fro = Paul Ryan

    Screech from Saved by the Bell fame, not one of our favorite nicknames 4 Sarah.

    1. He has reminded me of Screech from Saved By The Bell from day one

    2. Anonymous10:29 AM


      Dustin Diamond, the actor who PLAYED Screech (ergo, he LOOKS like Ryan w.o. the sweet characteristics of Screech)

      is a disgusting, lying sack of shit.

      Dustin created a huge SCAM that worked the heartstrings of fans that he was going to lose his house, so send $$$$$$.

      They did.

      He, however, was LYING and NOT going to lose his home.

      THEN, came the SEX tape and the words
      "Dirty Sanchez".

      I'm not telling you, Google it on a NON-WORK computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      I think Paul Ryan and Dustin Diamond are frat buddiez.

  10. Anonymous7:28 AM

    TMZ story missed:

    Mitt Romney's Son Signed 'Abortion' Clause
    In Surrogate Birth Contract

    Mitt Romney covered some of the expenses connected with the arrangement

    The clause allows the surrogate to abort if harm to surrogate and continues that if the child is determined to be physiologically, genetically or chromosomally abnormal, the decision to abort or not to abort is to be made by the intended parents.

    Not first time using this surrogate. This clause was not in first contract and same lawyer who prepared this agreement states "...everyone involved "just forgot" to remove Paragraph 13. Handel says, "No one noticed. What can I say?".

    Yea right. Belief that and I have a bridge to sell ya.

    But there is a bigger picture here. For something that is 'extremely important' to the family personally -- this clause was just not noticed??? Everyone involved 'just forgot'??? The contract would not be all that BIG. It also should make you step back to realize once again, the choice by Romney of people he has chosen to act for him missing what should have been easy to catch in a small contract issue firstly considering there was a previous contract for surrogacy with the same party. Pull up the old contract, change the date. DUH!!! When you think of the massive pages it takes to contruct the contracts/bills in DC - if people/staff behind Romney can't get this right -- they sure can't under a 365/24/7 world called the Presidency.

  11. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Ugh! He still gives me the creeps! If that expression is supposed to make him warm and friendly let alone trustworthy it is a major fail.

  12. Anonymous7:44 AM

    You know what they say... a face only his mother could love.

  13. WakeUpAmerica7:49 AM


  14. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Goofy is the correct word for him! Not impressed w/this guy at all and assuredly don't think him qualified - especially after watching him in the Biden debate.

    Lyin' Ryan! What in the hell posssessed him to release these photos? Have done him more harm than good!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  15. Ryan looks severely dorky and possibly psychopathic. Goober at least looks friendly.

  16. Anonymous8:21 AM

    He does look like Goober in that picture, but without the hat he looks more like Eddie Munster.

    That picture, and the others of him in gym attire, make me think of Scarah's picture on the cover of that running magazine 4 years ago. What's with that kind of thinking? Like they think they have to look hot, sweaty, and fit to win an election to the second highest office in the land? Completely inappropriate!

  17. Anonymous8:49 AM

    His profile looks like Todd Palin's sister, Diane, when she was booked for robbery.

    1. Ryan looks like Toad's younger, wetter behind the ears, mean as shit little brother. I will look for a pic of their sis.

  18. WakeUpAmerica8:52 AM

    Ok, Ladies, don't miss reading this. Holy shit it's funny and spot on!

  19. Anonymous8:58 AM

    When I look at Paul Ryan, one word comes to mind: PUTZ. Ask around if you don't know what that means.

    1. ASS + HAT = ASS HAT (or is it one word?)

      Ryan is a dork, not a geek nor a wonk.

  20. Anonymous9:02 AM

    He clearly thinks he's "all that."

    It's disturbing that he's committed to at least three very rigid life styles:
    -- his devotion to some dvd fitness regime, and his pride in the time and energy it takes to look malnourished;
    -- his unwavering acceptance of the really crazy Ayn Rand, without understanding why she was as dogmatic and unyielding as she was;
    -- his uncritical connection to the Catholic Church. Don't get me wrong -- I'm not anti-Catholic. His need to become part of larger, dominating systems is what's troublesome.
    He seems to have no creativity or individuality of his own. This leads me to believe he can be lead around in the future by some force larger than himself.
    And he's fooled some of the people all of the time, thus believing that allowing Time Magazine to take pictures of him with this facial expression, in his gym clothes, with his ear buds looking like little curls on the sides of his head: he's "all that," for sure.

  21. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Yeah, I was going over the top at 06:32, but George Lindsey was a pretty great guy. Ask dead Andy Griffith, who is also a great guy who died this year. I wanted to be funny, so somebody ruined it for me for no reason. Dick.

    from B-J's DougJ
    9:53 Comment of the night from commenter elizabelle: “Ryan’s forehead looks like corduroy.”

    Maybe pantsmakers are being unfairly mocked now, because pants employ people who have to eat too. The children!

  22. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Keep your shirt on, slim. I'm not interested in little boys.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Paul Ryan is #3.

  23. Anonymous10:01 AM

    He is an UGLY man,inside And out.I get the feeling from him that I would be VERY uncomfortable being alone with him. He makes my skin crawl.Also he was being touted like an Einstein for his intelligence.Well Joe Biden, who the GOP tried to paint as a bumbling gaffe prone idiot, cleaned this assholes clock.

  24. Anonymous10:11 AM

    right hat
    wrong dude;380;7;70;0.jpg

    chess queen - LMAO

    1. Those used to be free when you ordered a kid's meal at BK.

  25. Anonymous11:57 AM

    no no no google Doby the house elf from Harry Potter

  26. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I still think he looks like one of those Troll Dolls.

  27. Haha

    Biden wipes the widow's peak off of Eddie Munster's face in SNL VP debate tonight.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.