Saturday, October 13, 2012

Alaska once again allows Sarah Palin to slip through the grip of justice. Update!

Sarah Palin running at Musk Ox farm in 2003.
This from The Sacramento Bee:  

The Alaska Supreme Court has upheld a lower court decision that does not forbid use of private email accounts for state officials conducting state business. 

The case stemmed from emails sent during then-Gov. Sarah Palin's administration. Palin and members of her administration used private emails to conduct state business. Activist Andree McLeod submitted a records request for all emails sent to or from the private accounts of Palin and her husband, and also sued, seeking to have each email declared a public record. 

The lower court interpreted public records as state agency records preserved or appropriate for preservation under the records management act. 

The high court agreed, saying not every record a state employee creates is appropriate for preservation under the act. 

You know I suffered a little blowback in May of 2011, when I suggested that Andree McLeod was perhaps getting in the way of drilling down into the truth about Sarah Palin and her e-mails. 

I said then, and I believe now, that our best bet at seeing exactly what it was that Palin was hiding was to see the e-mails in Frank Bailey's possession. However due to McLeod's aggressive attempts to see those e-mails by going through the courts, Bailey ended up paying an almost $12,000 fine and then handing over the majority of his e-mails to the state, where we now learn they will remain locked up forever.

I begged and pleaded that Bailey release his e-mails through a Wiki-leaks type of program but,  even though I had heard that something like that might be a possibility, it never happened.

The thing is that way back before Bailey ever signed on to do a book deal I received some information as to what those e-mails contained, and it was indeed explosive. However most of that NEVER found its way into "Blind Allegiance." So now that these e-mails are forever locked up, we will simply never have the opportunity to see the REAL truth that Palin worked so hard to hide from the Alaskan people.

I have said it before, but it is worth repeating, if you want to learn the truth about Sarah Palin in Alaska, going the traditional legal route is a complete waste of time.

Update: Perhaps this from the ADN will clarify things a little better:

The opinion also found that allowing employees to choose not to preserve a document "is not absurd because, as the State notes, 'each state agency has the best understanding of the preservation value of its own documents.'

" The court said it agrees with the state that use of private email accounts "is no more an obstruction of access to public records than communicating through paper letters. As the superior court noted, the law requires a state employee to retain records; whether the record exists in paper or electronic form does not change the analysis. 

"Thus using private email accounts for conducting state business, alone, does not constitute an 'obstruction' of access to public records under the Public Records Act," the court said. 

McLeod's attorney, Don Mitchell, said he disagrees with the court's position equating private email messages to letters that get placed in an office file. "There's no way to know whether these private emails exist at all," he said, adding that the private Palin emails came to light when McLeod, through a public records request, noticed a private email address for Palin. 

And this:

He viewed the decision as a partial win for McLeod, and an "important step in the proper direction," clarifying the definition of a public record and the state's preservation obligations. 

Like I said it does not appear that the courts have any intention of honoring Andree's request to force Palin to release to the public the emails from her "private" account, even though they were used to conduct state business.   Therefore the only way we could have access to them is if Bailey were to release them on his own. And that also does not appear to be a possibility any longer.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I think your interpretation of the ruling is wrong.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Specifics, please.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM


    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      I think your comment is worthless without an explanation.

    4. Anonymous9:52 AM

      According to the screenshots I saw on another site it appears that the Court agreed partially with Andree that private email accounts used for government business are to be preserved as government email and are subject to the open records law. The important thing was not the accounts per se, but the *content*.

      Now there is going to be a push to update the law to address Twitter, texting, and other forms of electronic communication that is not specifically mentioned in the current law.

    5. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Once again laws have to be changed to avoid another Palin abuse of existing laws. Remember, she said she will do what she wants until the courts tell she can't. Include please rule changes on voting on DWTS. The Palins are criminals and need to be prosecuted, period.

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    O/T Mark Ballas DWTS blog "About that fight":

    "A lot of people have been asking why I 'missed a rehearsal.' I had a family matter involving my mom that morning, and I did everything a cast member is supposed to regarding a rehearsal cancellation or a time change. I called production and told them I wouldn't make it and that we should reschedule for that evening. We did make up the lost rehearsal time that night. And thankfully, my mom is doing much better."

    Just like Bristol to be completely uncaring about his mom in that situation, it was all about her, her, her

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Thanks for the link. OMG, Mark's comments about next week's episode...

      " finding the speed and over-the-top personality of the dance challenging.

      "I had to completely change the creative approach and choreography, which is hard because this season is "All-Stars" and the bar has been raised that much higher. I just hope we can push through and make this routine as great as it should be."


    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      "This week's theme is "Rock 'n' Roll," which is one of my favorite styles and favorite genres of music. In terms of dance style, it calls for a mix of the Lindy Hop, jitterbug and the like. Bristol, however, is finding the speed and over-the-top personality of the dance challenging.
      I had to completely change the creative approach and choreography, which is hard because this season is "All-Stars" and the bar has been raised that much higher. I just hope we can push through and make this routine as great as it should be." Mark Ballas

      Mark needs more help with all his excuses. Code word like "challenging" is a give away.
      He can say about anything except how it is her lazy ass is making it impossible to look like she works hard. He is hoping that it won't look too riduclous when the judges are giving her all their undeserved kudos for her EPIC FAILS.

      When is someone going to answer how the hell Bristol actually made it in the "All-Stars" ? No one told the fans this is a farce. When will someone say why Bristol had zero creative input when it was the central theme to that show. All the real All-Stars did it. Why did Bristol fail?

      Poor sad pathetic Mark. Wasted all that talent to end up a liar for the Big Liars.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    i too am under the impression that the supreme court ruled that private emails used by state employees involving state business are subject to status as public documents and therefore subject to public access.

    sacramento bee should re-read the ruling

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Actually, it was ruled that private e-mails may be used for public business, but any such communications must be saved and documented. Of course the downside of that is how can you force something to be saved if you don't know it exists which is the reason for using private e-mails.

    But in the case of Bailey's e-mails, we do know they exist, so technically, Sarah should have kept copies that are available to the public, of all her private e-mails that concern State business, or she broke the law. But who is going to prosecute her?

    And anything private, concerning her family is going to be off limits unless the use of State resources is involved.

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Sure does seem that, to date, Palin has gotten away with a LOT in Alaska. I'm eager for Parnell to be out of office and some of his administration that was connected to Palin. Perhaps then things will be uncovered as we move in time. Judges will go away, etc.

    There is a LOT out there already that show how stupid, corrupt and fraught with who she is and isn't that can be reviewed - to include: "Game Change" - "The Rogue - Searching for the Real Sarah Palin" - "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" - and "The Lies of Sarah Palin - the Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power".

  6. Anonymous9:52 AM

    is the air too thin up there?

  7. A. J. Billings10:00 AM

    Maybe Frank Bailey was smart enough to duplicate the emails before handing them over. It's a trivial task to copy emails to other media or FTP them up to cloud storage for future retrieval

    At very least it's a trump card to keep the Paylin thugs at bay if they ever come after him.

    Someday if he grows a spine, he might decide to release them, also too, in case the Idiot from Wasilla ever decides to run for Congress.

    I can't imagine any scenario where she would be stupid enough run for Prez again. Even $arah knows how vicious the Repub reaction would be to any attempt to throw her wig in the ring

  8. hedgewytch10:02 AM

    I'm no lawyer, but I thought the decision on this case was very poorly worded, and in direct opposition to the spirit of the open records law and our State constitution.

    I am guessing it will be challenged.

  9. hedgewytch10:09 AM

    And you thought Bailey would release those emails to a public forum? BWahahahahaaa! Sorry Gryph, but that wasn't gonna happen no way no how. Because I am almost positive that Baily was complicit and to release those emails would have been jeopardizing his own self (ethically and/or legally).

  10. hedgewytch10:11 AM

    There is no way no how that Bailey was EVER going to release those emails to a public forum. After all he's not only got an obligation to protect his fellow Repugnants, but he's got to protect his own ass too doesn't he?

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    You have to ask yourself, who was threatened if Bailey released the emails? Clearly, the result of releasing them was far too dangerous or Bailey would have done so. His own life? Family harm?

    Does anyone think there is a line drawn anywhere that Paylin's won't cross? There is a dead neonatal intensive care nurse burned up in her home and not ONE followup on that story. Try calling the newspaper and the fire department in Wasilla as I have - no comment, no follow up after the department said they would release info in 2 weeks re:cause.

    The nurse never regained consciousness after being transported to the burn unit at Harborview in Seattle. Unconscious from what? Both dogs died at her bedside, picture frames melted on the wall. No rousing by the dogs????

    Big fire with people inside at the church - baptismal records or birth records that needed to be destroyed? Or? No follow up on that fire either.

    Rumor has had it for years that not only the prostitution ring but meth $$$'s are involved with the Paylin's.

    Anybody think Bailey wasn't bright enough to heed whatever the threats and warnings were if he released those emails? Think again. He is still alive and his family is unharmed. End of comments.

    1. I agree...the only reason why Frank is still around is BECAUSE of the emails! Otherwise he would have found himself riding on a airplane that had water added to it's gas tank and well, you know the rest.

      *hard stare at Toad Palin*

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      I am in agreement with your points. All this is still hanging, unaddressed, uninvestigated, unavailable to the public. If SP hadn't been the VP candidate, it would be a local problem, but it's a national political disgrace. And all these cover-ups embolden the GOP in this election to try more of same.

    3. Anonymous11:08 AM

      If I was Frank, I too would walk softly around these people. The Palins are slime. It took only four years for Sarah to show her true self — the Enquirer-reading bimbo that she is.

    4. Anonymous11:28 AM

      That's just silly. He was a bad boy who invaded another person's privacy and the courts took care of him. And send my luv to gina for me too.

    5. Anonymous11:28 AM

      And send my luv to gina for me too.

      Well hello there TOAD!

      What's up with your number one ho? Lately Baldy's been looking half no rides on little airplanes with her're just going to METH her to death huh? LOL!!!

    6. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Creepy creepy creepy.
      Must be Toad.
      Tick Tock Toad.

    7. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Anonymous11:28 AM

      That's just silly. He was a bad boy who invaded another person's privacy and the courts took care of him. And send my luv to gina for me too.

      This sounds like one of Sarah's dissociative personalities talking. If it is not Toad, then it is sybil bybil Sarah.

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I wonder if this could be a basis to ask the Personnel Board to reconsider Palin's abuse of power in the Troopergate scandal. Didn't they limit their finding because the emails from the personal accounts weren't made available or were said to be lost? Yet, Bailey had copies of the emails at the time of the investigation.

    Or bypass the PB. Certainly the legislature could hold hearings to clear up the discrepancies between the Petumenos and Branchflower investigations. AK needs to know if the Personnel Board ensures proper enforcement of the ethics laws or if changes need to be made.

    "The state personnel board's investigator, Tim Petumenos, says she didn't violate the state ethics law; the legislature's investigator Steve Branchflower concluded that she did."

    "Alaskans would benefit if the Legislature arranged a public forum where the two drastically different accounts are debated and tested. It would help Alaskans make sense of the two investigators' conflicting views of state ethics law and the available evidence."

    Are there any Alaskans willing to pressure the legislature to take action?

  13. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I'm not sure how useful it is to pursue this. We already know (and dislike) enough about her. She will never be in a position of political responsiblity again.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Pretty embarrassing this idiot was ever a governor of a state.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Alternatively, I'm completely, unquestionably sure it's still useful to continue to expose Palin.

    3. Anonymous11:55 AM

      I think it's worth pursuing because I'm sick of people lionizing McCain. The dude is a two-timing cheater. You know the difference between McCain and Bush? Bush was actually a better pilot. Yet he's a "hero." Read the Taibbi profile. These emails come out then it would show what a scum sucker he is. I almost got into a FB fight with someone who claimed he was a "hero."

    4. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Regardless of what Paylin does with the rest of her life, I agree that it is very important to continue the effort to expose all of the shit around her....and Todd...and Chuck...and Brittle ... and Wallow ... and piper ... and Trig ...where is Trig's birth certificate???

  14. Anonymous10:21 AM

    She's wearing number "13".

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      She looks like an ox.

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      She looks really overweight. I don't recall seeing a photo of her with boobs unless she was pregnant or pretending to be. Was she pregnant with Piper in 2003!

    3. Anonymous12:46 PM

      She looks like Piper.

    4. Anonymous 11:41 AM
      "She looks like an ox."

      Looking at her round face in that photo tells me I wouldn't want to get under her feet while she's out there tromping on the tundra.

    5. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Her head was oversize even when she had a little meat on her bones.

      She's always been a big bobble-headed bitch. It just seems so exaggerated now that she's just a bag of bones at under 100 lbs.

    6. Anonymous8:17 PM

      So are you all really sure that is Sarah Paylin? Her head has always been oversize for her bady, but since I don't recall ever really seeing her with out a wig: Is that what her REAL hair line used to look like?

  15. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Tell us what you know, G. Please. Like Reid and Huntsman Sr.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Tell it in a 'fiction' form.

    2. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Yes. Or tell it in a "blind item" format. Just get the ball rolling.

      It's important. For THIS election.

  16. Anonymous11:03 AM

    "The thing is that way back before Bailey ever signed on to do a book deal I received some information as to what those e-mails contained, and it was indeed explosive."

    Warning: entering begging area

    Please let it be time to spill the goods. Please tell us the info you heard/saw anyway...even without the email documentation. There must be several primary and secondary sources by now, leaving the Palins unable to identify the leak. You may have even received the info from more than one source with at least one to whom you made no promise.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      The beans will be spilled when she dies in a few years. I know, I know, Sarah will read that statement as a threat and make a BIIIIIIGGGGGG deal about how everyone is always threatening her. No, Sarah. No one's threatening you. You're not important enough. I'm saying all that meth and aderall and Red Bull you're doing is going to make your little heart give out. Probably, that's what killed your boyfriend Breitbart, too, the years of doing coke. Don't worry, though, once you die, all the little goodies will come out and your family will probably end up in prison. Yeee-HAW.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Bizarre! Must be a full moon a risin'!

  17. Anonymous11:08 AM

    The to-ing and fro-ing on this subject is like the religious guys in the past arguing about how many angels fit on the head of a pin. What we need is a leak. Problem solved.

    Like the Gordian knot story: the king is asked to untangle this impossible knot, so he takes his sword and just slices it in half.

    Where is a principled person who can just leak this stuff? Problem solved, we can move forward, and leave these detailed arcane legal points to those who enjoy them.

  18. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Well this oughta get Miss Nasty's stinky knickers in a twist. Not only is O leading in Arizona, so is Carmona! Remember she endorsed Flake a long while back. And O leading? IN ARIZONA?

    POLL: Obama Leads in Arizona. Yes, really. Arizona!

    It looks like there are some reverse coattails going on in Arizona. This independent poll was taken from Oct 4 -10 so all post-debate. Obama leads Romney 44-42. Carmona leads Flake 44 to 40.

    According to the pollster: "It must be concluded that Arizona is definitely a battleground state for both the Presidential and the U.S. Senate races and there can be little doubt but that the outcome will be largely dependent on which political party does the best job in turning out its voters and whether the Democrats can hang onto the Latino vote." Latinos are 77-10 Obama.

    Rocky Mountain Poll AZ Oct 4-10

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      If he's leading in AZ then that means that the Romney debate bounce has withered. And I'm going to say that leading in AZ means that he's probably, also, leading in NC and IN because the momentum is probably swinging back Obama's way. Even if this poll was a fluke and was conducted wrong, the worst thing that this could mean is that Romney is ahead by one point. Which, again, probably signifies a swing towards Obama. AZ, per se, doesn't matter, but doing well there means other states should be close or more likely blue than expected.

      Like, there's no scenario in which Obama wins AZ and DOESN"T win OH and WI, you know what I mean? (Unless there's charting). And there's no way that Obama narrows AZ to within one point and doesn't win those states either (except for cheating.)


    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Arizona’s Crackpot Politicians Are Losing Favor

  19. Anonymous11:28 AM

    2012 President - Likelihood of Victory

  20. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Why the President Is Still a Heavy Favorite on the Prediction Markets

    ...PS: As between prediction markets and polls, which do you trust?

    DR: I'm going to take prediction markets because prediction markets have all of this polling information available to them as well as additional information. They understand some things that will definitely happen that polls have not picked up yet. And I'm going to give you a good example: job numbers. We know that they're going to affect the trajectory of the election. They're going to be involved in the debates, they're going to be in commercials, they're going to help change donations. But unlike you and me, most people are not refreshing the Bureau of Labor Statistics website at 8:30 in the morning on the first Friday of every month. It's the prediction markets who know about these numbers before the polls do, and so that's what makes a difference.

    PS: So prediction markets reflect more information because they are played by people with an incentive to stay on top of the information as opposed to react naturally to it over time.

    DR: That's correct. Putting your money where your mouth is incentivizes you to go out there and gather as much information as possible and more importantly in some ways, to then reveal that information correctly. And so those kinds of things combine to provide a very high level of information in these prediction markets that you don't necessarily have in a poll that's a snapshot of today, versus a prediction market which is looking at what's going to happen on Election Day.

    People always ask me, "Well, how would prediction markets do if there weren't these polls? Are they just regurgitating these polls?" And the answer is, prediction markets do quite well, thank you. And we can tell that because prediction markets existed prior to polling. Standard polling that we know and love started in 1936 with George Gallup. And two great researchers, Koleman Strumpf and Paul Rhode, wrote a paper showing the history of prediction markets from the late 19th century up through that time and how they were incredibly effective in predicting elections.

  21. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The picture of Sarah's Musk Ox run... she looks like she is having a bad run. Didn't she actually keep in runners shape back in 2003? She doesn't look like it there.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Sarah is ALMOST keeping up with the guy wearing jeans running ahead of her, and she is simply smoking Creepy Chuck Jr and Sally who are in the background.

      The last time I couldn't keep up with a guy wearing jeans, fleece, and all of his jewelry and sunglasses, I turned my shirt inside out to hide my number and hit behind some bushes to blend in with the crowd on the sidewalks. Um, actually, I've never had to do that, but I would... if the only other people I could beat were my parents who were doing the "one-mile fun walk".

      That's quite a grimace on the grifter's face for only a 3.1 mile race in cool weather, but I'm sure that (according to Chucky, Sr) she had already run her normal 10 miles before daybreak that morning already.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Where were her blue running shorts she has been wearing for the past 6 years? You mean those shorts are less than 10 years old?

      Don't tell me Todd accidentally put them in the washing machine that day... No wonder she didn't win that race.

    3. Anonymous6:16 AM


      You readin' my mind??

      I totally thought that was Chuckles and Sally behind her, but I couldn't possibly verify. Funny you think so too.

      Also, the dude in front of sp, just chillin while she is dying. Hilarious.

      My thought is that the men started after the women(?). So, he is the last of the male stragglers and SP is just in the mix somewhere. As stated above, it looks like her elderly parents are right behind her...lightning bolt, though she is...

  22. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Mitt Romney’s Tax Dodge

    A guide to how the multimillionaire twists the law to hide his massive fortune - and avoid paying his fair share in taxes

    Read more:

  23. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Mitt Romney debates himself, round 2

  24. OT:

    Give Uncle Joe the Bird:

    A tiny excerpt:
    "In order to let Vice President Biden know just how much we appreciate him, while also making a very silly part of the internet come true (we are the internet after all), let's buy Uncle Joe a Trans Am like the one that is featured in the Onion article..."

  25. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I hate to do this to the Professional Left's most darling polling professional, but Nate Silver is simply not that good at predicting closely contested statewide races for federal office.

    1. Oh, you're not "doing" anything to the Professional Left darling polling profession or anyone else. Listen, you're just an anonymous person who read an article that uses some flaws in some of the assumptions for its argument. I read the article, and you need to go back and read about 2 years of 538 columns before you'll understand the flaws in the arguments made in the author's critique of Silver's model.

      First, I find it silly to hear those who don't understand the model to begin with make comments that are biased because they don't understand the underlying assumptions, the source of the data being input, and the resulting analysis of said data.

      Furthermore, using the turnout demographics for 2010 as a basis for which to predict the turnout is erroneous. Comparison of 2010 to mid-terms in 2006 and 2002 might be more useful as representative in shifts between groups, but to compare a mid-term election to a presidential year election in which there are historical data to base trends on is rather naive. Actually, it's much worse if it's done by someone who purports to understand statistical models used to predict outcomes.

      But it will take results from the election in 3.5 weeks to convince those who are statistically-challenged, and it's likely that the really unhinged nutters won't accept the results anyway.

      Get ready for the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the low-info folks on the far-right who "just don't understand".

      Bless their hearts.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      He doesn't claim to be good at predicting results...he's good at reading and analyzing polls and FWIW, he's the only one who saw that NC could go for Obama.

    3. Anonymous4:36 PM

      RE the last post: he saw that NC COULD go for Obama in '08.

  26. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Wickersham's Conscience should be required reading regarding this decision:

  27. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Blind Vice: Famous Wife Ignores Hubby's Many Boys!
    So both kinda fake-married folks get what they want—a career for her, a harem of hotties for him. TOP GUESSES....

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM




    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      I love it, but how does this play into Shailey's story?

      I mean, unless you've been in prison, a hole ain't just a hole, ya know?

      I wonder about the beginning of Tawd's manlust.

      Did he get with Shailey just to see if she WOULD? Ergo, he knew he could manipulate her to become one of his prostitutes, but they no longer swapped body fluids.


  28. Off-topic and probably won't be nearly as funny tomorrow when the martinis are all gone, but... I made the same connection instantly when I first saw the headline of the following article as Charles Johnson. If it had looked wonky, I might've instead thought of another one of our "friends".

  29. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Hey Musk Ox Lady---

    Don't wear cotton in a friggin road race. A heifer like you that sweats profusely---when your shirt gets wet, it gets heavy and will "rub you raw". Duh!

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Who said she was in a road race??? Looks like the "Belmont Girls" arrived for the finish!

    2. Anonymous11:03 PM

      Road Race? Yeah, maybe I'm mistaken. I thought she was running a race that cut through the farm. Most 5K or 10K races are mostly along a level surface that the distances can be measured pretty accurately, but perhaps this is an exception. I've run a couple of dozen over the years and none were completely on an uneven cross-country course. They might end in a park or something, but... well, never mind.

      I also don't know if the fabric of her t-shirt is 100% cotton or a blend of 80/20 or 50/50 either. But I know what I run in and why I run in it and it's always a fabric that wicks away sweat and breathes so it evaporates instead of weighing 5 lbs after a couple of miles.

      On the size of her tits: Didn't she say that Piper was on the boob until she was 5 or so? Piper would've only been 2 or so in the pic, so Saree must've been carrying the milk jugs with her.

  30. Anonymous5:04 AM

    lol. Love Sarah's "running form". Love the cotton shirt. Love that she is just ahead of the seniors doing the fun walk.
    Looking forward to that diet and fitness book :)

  31. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I think maybe you missed part of the decision, Gryph. If you read legal websites, the court said that private e-mails about state business are part of the public record and can be released to the public using an FOIA request. So it's more of a closing the barn door after the horse has escaped thing. Andree may be able to go after those Palin e-mails, after all.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.