Monday, November 12, 2012

Ashley Judd does NOT rule out a run against Mitch McConnell in 2014.

Courtesy of the Courier-Journal:  

Actress Ashley Judd, said to be mulling a campaign against U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., refused to rule out a run against him in 2014 in a one-sentence statement to The Courier-Journal. 

“I cherish Kentucky, heart and soul, and while I’m very honored by the consideration, we have just finished an election, so let’s focus on coming together to keep moving America’s families, and especially our kids, forward,” Judd said in a statement released by her publicist. 

Judd is being touted by Democrats as a possible opponent for McConnell, the Senate minority leader who will be running for a sixth term. 

“If you had an Ashley Judd-McConnell race, I think it would be as high profile a race as Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown,” U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth of Louisville said in an interview Wednesday, referring to the Senate race in Massachusetts.

God I cannot TELL you how much I am looking forward to covering this race.And in my opinion taking out Mitch McConnell is actually a MUCH bigger deal than when Warren took Scott Brown's seat. Brown was a symptom of the disease in the Republican party. McConnell is the cancerous tumor itself.

In preparation for this face off I am watching all of the Ashley Judd movies I can get my hands on and have set up a Mitch McConnell dart board in my office. That's really all I need, right?


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Hey if Al Franken can do it why not Ashley?

    1. Yes, why not? Both are highly qualified:

      Al Franken: Harvard College and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts cum laude in 1973 in political science.

      Ashley Judd: Bachelor's degree, in French, from the University of Kentucky.
      Mid-Career Master in Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 2010.

  2. I anticipate the GOP would decry her for running on her celebrity or something like that, completely ignoring Reagan (their lord and savior) was a celebrity too.

    She may be the only person who can take this guy out, and he HAS to go. Hopefully she or whoever ends up running unseats this man.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Reagan and Ahhhnold...

    2. lostinmn12:16 PM

      Sonny Bono and his neo-nazi wife

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Ashley is much smarter and more highly educated than St. Ronald of Hollywood

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Hahaha! I hope Ashley Judd does run and win. That'll make Sarah Palin implode.

  4. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Wouldn't it just eat Sarah Palin inside out?

    To have challenged a delicate, very talented, tiny Hollywood Starlet - never to become one - but Ashley Judd becoming something Sarah could never be? A Senator?

    Good luck Ashley, take that jowly dick out of office, if anything, for trying to bully Lisa Murkowski out of the general election in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Speaking of Sarah, she's been keeping a low profile this week, hasn't she?

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Hang on there folks. Don't be delusional. Even smart,educated stars have to earn their position.
      State senate first,then US.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    But I thought Ashley and her hubby, Dario, live in Franklin Tennessee??

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Don't you think they may have more than one home? Or the ability to purchase one?

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Oh I absolutely believe they have the ability to purchase another home in Kentucky, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. I'm just saying she's rather well known for living in Tennessee on the same property with her sister and mother. (It's huge, by the way)
      I'm not knocking her!
      Hey, if Hillary Clinton can run for the Senate in New York state, when at the time, she didn't live there..(I believe New York state law doesn't require state citizenship) then Ashley could run in Kentucky, too possibly. I believe Elizabeth Doll, who lived in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C., was also able to run for the senate from North Carolina. Her mother lived there and she claimed she 'visited a lot.'
      But another poster is correct about one thing. Her opposition to mountain top mining would doom her. And that's too bad.

    3. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Not living in the state you represent is what got Dick Lugar of Indiana primaried and canned.
      Not a good game plan.

  6. I grew up in Louisville and my father's family is from eastern Kentucky and I'm convinced that she couldn't win. While you might initially think that her celebrity status coupled with her native ties to the state would be a big plus for her, her persistent public protests against mountain top removal mining (which I agree with) would doom her in any run for office in coal country like Kentucky. I think she’s probably smart enough to realize that.

    1. lostinmn12:20 PM

      You are for flattening the mountains? Have you ever considered the long term effects of that or are you simply looking for what you can get now and the hell with future generations? Maybe try reading The Giving Tree. It's an interesting book about mother earth.

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      All that scarring of the earth must kill your tourism, if there really was any tourism in KY aside from the Derby.

    3. lostinmn12:20 PM, I interpreted that sentence to mean that cindiloohoo agreed with Judd's protests against mountain top removal mining, not that she agreed with mountain top removal mining.

    4. Nefer, you are correct. I agree with Ms. Judd's position on mountain top removal mining. I probably could have worded it better so there wouldn't be any knee-jerk misunderstanding. I also stand by my assessment that she could never win against Yertle the Turtle because of her position on that issue. She would portrayed to voters as anti-coal and, thus, anti-job in a huge region of the state where people depend on mining for employment because there simply isn't any other major industry there. And anonymous there certainly is tourism in KY aside from the Derby - it's an easy enough matter to educate yourself about that on the internet if you are so inclined.

  7. Anonymous11:11 AM

    The right wing will assplode!

  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    O/T: something to bookmark, when the Repubs have given you the blues.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Thanks for the link. I love all the pictures.

  9. Read her book. She actually spends more time as an NGO activist than she does appearing in movies. It is a great read.

  10. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I just finished Boys Will Be Boys and am passing it on. It is a shocking book. I had always heard about prostitution in Alaska being de rigueur during the pipeline building years, but to have a system of this magnitude set up to service oil men, aerospace men and politicians is truly disturbing. And the way Todd is described as a bully certainly makes more sense after watching him in action after the election with the guy attempting to interview them in the airport. He has some serious issues with women and it shows.

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      I just wish that a more stable and credible person had been the one that brought forth these claims against Todd Palin. Then again, I guess if Shailey wouldn't have been destitute with two special needs kids she wouldn't have been selling herself. I'm torn and will remain so until further evidence is uncovered.

  11. deebee11:24 AM

    With Judd in senate and Gabbard in house, sudden uptick for C-span ratings!

  12. Hoorah beautiful and brainy everything the frog is not.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      You have your reptiles confused-McConnell is a turtle.

  13. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I love the idea of Ashley Judd running against that jerk in Congress! What a race that would be! She's smart, well educated, savy, attractive and financially in good shape.

    McConnell on the other hand is a snarly, old man that has worn out his welcome in Congress to many across the nation! Most especially since President Obama won another term in spite of the jerk's statements and behind the scenes manipulations to stop a second term of our wonderful President!


  14. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I can already picture her in a serious pantsuit.

  15. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Is Ashley another Al Franken? (with beauty thrown in) - a celebrity that is also smart and savvy and politically sophisticated? Or is she a Caroline Kennedy - Celebrity gets you in the door - and that's fine, sometimes good like with Al Franken - but it's not enough to beat Mitch McConnell. I'm just asking. I don't know that much about Ashley Judd, and she seems a little young to be all that politically sophisticated. Very few are Elizabeth Warrens that get to start out in the Senate. Just ask Caroline Kennedy - who had more pedigree than most anyone, but didn't go anywhere - was actually an embarassment.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Google is your friend. Why don't you just read up on Ashley and you might find answers to your questions.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      She is forty something.
      She and her husband have been doing fertility treatments for quite some time but she can't get/stay pregnant. Very sad for them. Well, she won't have to worry about leaving her kids and can focus on the job fully, unless they adopt I guess.

    3. A. J. Billings1:58 PM

      Very easy to find out, using Google, or go to the library if you don't have PC at home

      n May 9, 2007, it was announced that Judd had completed her bachelor's degree, in French, from the University of Kentucky.

      Ashely Judd was also awarded an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Union College in Barbourville, Kentucky on May 9, 2009

      . Judd subsequently earned a Mid-Career Master in Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University

      Let me tell you, they do NOT just give away degrees at the JFK school

      On top of everything else, she's an accomplished actress, and her
      humanitarian work has revolved around becoming a global ambassador for YouthAIDS, a prevention program under the Population Services International.

      She has been a member of their Board of Directors since 2004, also. Judd has travelled with YouthAIDS to places affected by illness and poverty such as Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, and many others.

      Inspired by her travels, which allowed her to witness the life of the poor and uneducated, she has since become an advocate for preventing poverty and promoting awareness internationally. She has met with political and religious leaders, heads of states, diplomats, and leaders on behalf of the deprived to convey the message to those who have the power to bring about political and social change.

      Judd has also narrated three documentaries for YouthAIDS which aired internationally on the Discovery Channel, in National Geographic, and on VH1.

      In 2011, Judd joined the Leadership Council of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).[25]

      Other organizations Judd has been involved with include the Women for Women International, and Equality Now, along with other non-governmental organizations which center around bringing attention to social, educational, health, economic, cultural, and financial funding of the unfortunate.

      See much more @ Wikipedia

    4. Anonymous2:15 PM

      It always amazes me that people like Ashley that have accumulated great wealth and would never have to lift a finger for anyone or support any cause decide to do so. Such an inspiration. Palin using her as an example of a "tiny little starlet" with noting significant to say was so far off the mark. Ashley is what Sarah Palin could never be; a caring person, a person that strives to better herself both through philanthropy and higher education, a person that isn't afraid to put her money where her mouth is. Now Palin is a middle-aged failed politician striving to be a tiny Hollywood starlet, but only that, a tiny Hollywood starlet. Not a politician, not a philanthropist, not a caring individual, just striving for the limelight for no other purpose but to satisfy her inner narcissist. You can bet your bottom dollar that is Ashley Judd had been blessed with a DS child, with her difficulties to conceive, she'd now be America's most generous and most vocal advocate for children with that disorder. Comparing her and Palin makes Palin seem so shallow. If Ashley does run, and not even win, she will add more to the national dialogue than Palin has ever done. Palin just got lucky because Alaska and Wasilla's small population let her get her foot in the door but she was never able to prove herself worthy.

    5. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Elizabeth Warren has about 40 years of experience researching and professing and publishing.

  16. Balzafiar1:02 PM

    "McConnell is the cancerous tumor itself."

    That's absolutely the most fitting description I've heard applied to that turd McConnell yet. He's the epitome of everything that's wrong in politics.

  17. Punkinbugg2:21 PM

    I saw her speaking to the National Press Club on C-Span one Saturday, and stopped to listen. I was very impressed with her wit and wisdom. Here is a link to the video:

  18. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Love her! What a beauty and very talented with brains.

    OT Joe Muto, the man better known as the "Fox News Mole," appeared on HuffPost Live on Monday to dish some dirt about his former employers.

    "The people at Fox are not stupid," he said. "They know when they have Dick Morris or one of these other pundits on predicting a landslide victory for Romney, the people behind the scenes know that it's all bluster. They know that this is sort of an entertainment. They know that a lot of these people are just hucksters ... we producers know that this is all a farce. The reason we don't step in and give a reality check to our audience is because that's terrible for ratings."

  19. Chenagrrl3:39 PM

    They say Mitch is afraid of being TPartied, pulled so far right, his eyes become one, his ears create a canal in his cranium and his chins wobble uncontrollably. What he should be afraid of is the loud voice and microscope that Judd could bring to a race.

  20. Just make sure you put Michelle Bachman and Paul rAyn up when their times come round again.

  21. Anita Winecooler8:26 PM

    I think she's be perfect! She's wise beyond her years, well educated, eloquent, socially conscious and everything a Democrat stands for. And besides, she's the First one who bitch slapped Palin when she was introduced to the lower 48, for Aerial Wolf hunting and offering bounties for the right front paws of those killed.

    I doubt she'd make the decision on a whim, but once she commits to it, she'd make an excellent politician.

    The only fly in the ointment is the Republicans have a secret weapon - Victoria Jackson.

  22. Anonymous2:56 PM

    So sad to see Ashley go the botox route - she has long been one of my favorite actresses - with obvious intelligence beyond her attractiveness. Sadly, she doesn't even look like herself anymore....I can't put it into words, but like so many other actresses, her face seems to have lost its individuality -


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