Saturday, December 22, 2012

I think I know why the Democrats are not worried about Scott Brown getting elected to John Kerry's Senate seat.

Courtesy of  

Former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy confirmed Saturday that his Connecticut-based brother, Ted Kennedy Jr., is considering running for the Massachusetts Senate seat that will become vacant if U.S. Sen. John Kerry is confirmed as the next secretary of state. 

Patrick Kennedy told The Associated Press that his 51-year-old brother has been receiving calls from their late father’s former colleagues and friends, including former Connecticut Gov. Lowell Weicker Jr., urging him to consider running in the anticipated special election. 

Patrick Kennedy said he expects his brother could announce a decision before Tuesday, which is Christmas.

Okay let's face it, NO WAY is Scott Brown going to beat Ted Kennedy's son in Massachusetts. No way!

This is not for certain yet, but I have to believe that for it to have been leaked by Patrick Kennedy it is all but a done deal.

Gee I wonder how John McCain and Lindsey Graham feel about their efforts to vilify Susan Rice now?


  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Scott Brown won an incredibly close election during a turbulent election against an incompetent opposing candidate (or maybe she just didn't care).
    That was before both he and Romney messed things up. I don't think the stars will align for him, (and probably most other Repub candidates) again.

    1. She was competent. What it was she thought she was a shoo-in and did very little campaigning.

    2. Anonymous2:42 AM


      Hence she was incompetent! And arrogant, too. Believed (and SAID, the moron) that it was a waste of her time to stand outside Fenway and shake hands of voters. Incompetent candidate = incompetent politician.

      The voters responded in the only way they could, they had no choice but to vote in Brown. Anyone that voted for Coakley was essentially condoning her arrogant 1%er outlook on the election and the seat she deemed 'hers'

    3. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Game, the one job a candidate has is to run a campaign and try to win. Scott's opponent (I don't even remember her name) did not. That is incompetency to the extreme. She didn't even bother to campaign and he slid in like the slime he is.

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Watch out Scotty, the real powerhouses are NOT in your corner.

    Senate Democrats have been promised White House-level help in the battle to replace Sen. John Kerry in Massachusetts.

    President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and former President Bill Clinton will all campaign for the Democratic candidate, according to a Democratic official.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who Kerry is expected to replace, might also get involved.

    “The [Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee] and Senate Democratic leaders have received assurances that the White House will be all in,” said a Democratic official, speaking on condition of anonymity. “The president, the first lady, President Clinton and possibly Secretary Clinton will all campaign in state and fundraise to support the Democratic nominee.”

    The promise of financial and political help from the Obamas and Clintons will help allay the fears of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and other top Democrats that Kerry’s departure puts a safe Senate seat in play.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      That's great news! Thanks for the link.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:47 PM

      Yes! That made me smile! Wonder if Boehner and his posse will back Scott, or will they take their secret weapon out of the mothballs?

      What's Mitt been up to?

    3. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Mitt? Slumming it in La Jolla.

  3. Anonymous4:05 PM

    And I'm kind of glad Kerry got the position. I don't know much about Susan Rice although I'll accept that she is amazingly qualified, and I think what happened to her was unfair and even perhaps evil. But Kerry is amazingly qualified, and has been a good soldier for the party. I'm glad for him and don't feel it's sacrificing the country.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      That's how I feel, pretty much,except Rice doesn't impress me as being amazingly qualified. She simply parroted the Benghazi talking points without investigating them. We need leaders who ask the right questions and demand real answers. Kerry seems like a better choice for that. Hillary Clinton needs a kickass successor. IMO Kerry fits the bill.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      IMHO she is a distraction & glad she is not "the one". Although I don't like assholes like Graham & McCain directing traffic.

    3. Maybe President Obama did the old one-two on repugs. Now Kerry is in like Flint. I'm glad he has the position that suits him well.

      Amb. Rice wasn't asked.

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Yes, the Republicans have already said that Kerry would have no problem in the Senate. Why do I think they are going to live to regret that?


  4. SALLY in MI4:24 PM

    That is priceless. Another Kennedy in the Senate! Wow. Bet McConnell's chins are all wagging at once. Yup, be careful what you wish for, GOP. Democrats are not falling for your tricks any more. And if I were Obama, I'd nominate Rice for another Cabinet position.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      I wouldn't. I didn't like much of what I learned about Rice. Doubt she would survive the nomination process for any cabinet position.

    2. Bingo to Sally in MI.

    3. Anonymous3:03 AM

      No thanks to Rice, she has too many fingers in pies I don't want anyone in power to have. Her stock in Keystone is more than enough to disqualify her from every thing.

  5. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon5:03 PM

    And if I were Obama, I'd nominate Rice for another Cabinet position.

    Yeah, like Secretary of Conflicts of Interest and Insider Trading.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Private Preston Isn't that what the Palins were doing in Alaska?

    2. Virginia Voter1:25 AM

      Sgt. Preston is your research...Rice is heavily invested in Keystone Pipeline

  6. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Gryphen, don't worry about this seat. Remember, President Obama is 'always' the smartest one in the room..You must try and be ahead of him, four or five steps...Ha! good luck with that..

  7. Aren't they worried about a Kennedy dynasty?

    What cred does Jr. have? Has he held office?

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Better a Kennedy Dynasty than any other one. It could change things in a positive way as the Bush Dynasty turned everything to shit. He is smart & bright & I hope he runs.

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      There is NO limit of how many members of a family can be in politics. Beliefs like yours are so sophomoric.

    3. Anonymous7:11 PM

      In addition to being a very nice person he's an accomplished attorney, disability rights advocate and a business owner. He would not be an insubstantial candidate.

    4. 654 Stop being a teabagger. Stop it!

      There is always room for good people.

    5. Thank you, Anonymous 7:11 for answering my question without reading anything in to it.

      I asked about the dynasty question because that is always brought up when there is talk of Jeb running.

      I asked about credentials to make sure Jr. had a strong enough background to run against Brown, who can claim a term's experience in the same office.

      The rest of you need to stop reading things into posts that aren't there. Assuming, which in this case leave ME out of it.

  8. Anonymous5:55 PM

    This seems too good to be true. I hope that if he decides to run, Kennedy has what it takes to pull it off. I remember when his leg was partially amputated.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      The one with the amputation is Patrick.

  9. ibwilliamsi6:00 PM

    From one Doubting Thomas to another, "A Kennedy in the Senate, and all's right with the world." :)

  10. Anonymous6:47 PM

    QUERY: For those of you who don't like Rice, I'm curious why. THis is just an honest, simple inquiry. I haven't heard much about her, and it seems like Obama REALLY likes her so I assumed she was good. And her reportig the talking points seems to me reasonable. I doubt she had time to study the situation before going before the microphones. So her performance on Benghazi seems benign. But I htink I'm hearing there's a lot more stuff about her. What is it?

    1. Virginia Voter1:23 AM

      The google is your friend. As Secretary of State Susan Rice would have faced a huge conflict of interest with the Keystone Pipeline, she is heavily invested in TransCanada...not that hat should bother republicans but she has several other questionable holdings, she is very interventionist in her foreign policy , not on the level of the neocons, but pretty close. Kerry is a much better choice for the direction we should be going in the next four years. I can guarantee you that Rice will reappear in another appointed position which doesn't have to be confirmed by the senate.

    2. Anonymous3:05 AM

      She and her husband have a lot of stock in the companies that are pushing for the Keystone Pipeline. Google is your friend.

  11. Anita Winecooler8:53 PM

    The GOP disintegrates and now THIS!!!
    A Kennedy back in the senate?

    And Scott was so smug!
    OUCH, that has to leave a skid mark!


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