Saturday, March 30, 2013

I think I will give the final word to the great Jim Carrey tonight.

Yep it looks like this "has been" has been manipulating the crap out of the conservative morons and irritating them into driving the hits for his latest act of social comedy right through the roof.

So simple it should almost be against the law.


  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I wish more of our hollywood lib friends would take a stand and use their celebrity to advance our cause. Hats off to Jim Carrey, proud of you dude.

  2. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I showed it to my conservative, gun loving other half, and she laughed so hard that she had run to the bathroom. Then I laughed and I was next. lol. She has a couple guns but I have none myself. A friend shot himself when I was 22 and I never owned another gun after that.

  3. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I love Jim Carrey and only love him more now.

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I read some on a Greta blog that had another video to parody a parody. Low on talent copycattin'. She asked which is the best one? Like a good lawyer, she knew the answers. Most lemmings gave the 'right' one. They ripped into Carrey and made the big threat, they won't watch him again. I don't see how any of them matter. What Carrey did is great and let the colostomy bags rip open. Maybe Fox had to fire Palin but it makes them look shady to have supported the fraud two years. They can't like that she is trending as a con artist, not comedy.

    1. Greta is wrong about everything, from her description of Palin as "really smart," to her failed attempt to switch careers from attorney to journalist.

  5. That video was brilliant. Jim Carrey has courage, he knew he would be attacked. I have the song on my IPOD.

  6. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I am loving how Carrey's bit is causing rightwingnut heads to EXPLODE.

    Interesting to contrast their humor challenged reactions, to that of extremist Muslims when anyone dares to parody whatever they hold sacred.

    (Hardly any difference)

  7. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Yes, Citizen Jim Carrey is a U.S. citizen.

    1. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Carrey makes me glad and proud to be an American.

  8. Anonymous2:31 AM

    It sure doesn't take much to get under their skin, does it? Maybe it hit a little too close to home?

  9. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Gutfeld, the co-host/panelist of “The Five” (a political opinion discussion program) was not doing his satire act when he went off on what he claims was an attack on rural America and a dead man in the Funny or Die comedy routine. He calls himself a 'mugwump libertarian' and claims he is free of any party affiliations, as if he is not a tool. He was not doing political satire when he went off on Carrey. It was not an opinion when he said things like
    “And I hope his career is dead, and he ends up sleeping in a car the way his life began." That is what Gutfeld wants, he might as well add "I want you to die a slow tortureous death from cancer and I am doing all I can to see that happen". Gutfeld expressed he wants hurt and bad to come to Carrey and he denigrated him in everyway he could think of at the time. It was a perfect example of what Carrey described with his humor, "a media colostomy bag". Gutfeld, a tool for the NRA, also knows gibberish. He would hide behind saying he was doing satire but seriously, he didn't come close to satire or opinion.
    A throwback to Sarah Palin, Gutfeld agitated 'rural America' and attempted to defend a dead actor who just happened be a NRA bigwig.

    Jim Carrey owes Gutfeld and Fox.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Jim Carrey owns Gutfeld and Fox.

  10. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Conservatives are back to the dark ages, if they ever left. We had to laugh at one of the worst insults to anyone who likes Jim Carrey or "Cold Dead Hands". It was to say things like "I bet they watch SNL". Carrey is brilliant and really brought out Fox and Conservatives true colors.

  11. Anonymous6:25 AM

    There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing. say nothing. and be nothing.


  12. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

    Carrey used his talent for good, and in the process he made his point while exposing the rwnjs and fox news. What better way to go viral? Those who hate it have to watch it in order to distort the truth, and all the others marvel at his brilliance.

    Thank You, Mr Carrey!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.