Friday, April 19, 2013

Well members of the Right Wing are certainly living up to their horrible reputations.

This from a Republican State Representative from Arkansas:
Yes because assault weapons are so effective against bombs, don'tcha know?

A group called, of all things, Sarah Palin News, believes that those who argued against keeping all Muslims out now have "blood on their hands."
However Ann Coulter decided that the liberals were too easy of a target and instead focused on going after one of her own.

Well not REALLY one of her own since I am pretty sure Marco Rubio is not one of the Walking Dead.

You know living inside of the Right Wing mind must be like being trapped in a Stephen King movie 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Essentially a never ending, constantly terrifying existence.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Sarah should wait until the F.B.I. determines where the Boston Suspects purchased their Guns. The NRA has Blood on their hands. Sarah Palin 'SUCKS' and not only on Glen Rice's 'BIG STICK'.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      @9:14 Good one!

      These people are fucking sicko's!
      We have a very sick mindset in the usa. I feel safe to say most of the sicko's do support guns, killing, drilling and SarahPalinUSA,USA!

      Its very horrific and ya, like the unreality of a Steven Kind move for sure. G you nailed it.

  2. And, of course, Faux Spews is already trying to link them to Al Qaeda.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I don't think a lot of people understand just how widespread the Islam (Muslim) faith is. They are 23% of the world's population!

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Are these people so full of hate that they can't take a moment to think about what their comments might do to the families of those who were killed and injured?

    After 9/11 everyone on the country (and the world) came together in unity to mourn and pledge to make the world a better place. It didn't matter what your nationality, religion, political identity, gender or age was...everyone united in grief. Now it seems that many of those on the radical right actually take pleasure in these kind of events as opportunities to spew their malice.

    They are simply despicable.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Well you forget there were certain Muslim countries where I believe people were celebrating in the street. However, most of the world WAS with us and not against us. Unfortunately we had Shrub as president and instead of cashing in on his "political capitol" he decided to become a maverick and enforce the Bush Doctrine and engage in nation building which basically pissed off A LOT of our allies. And thats how the RPukes roll.

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      @10:07 AM:

      It wasn't only "certain Muslim countries" celebrating when 9/11 happened.

      I remember certain non-Muslim members of the KKK, right here in America, saying they "supported" the 9/11 attacks.

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Ann Coulter scares Sarah Palin. Sarah will never confront Ann for fear that Ann will destroy her in the Press. Sarah Palin is an Uneducated, Attention Seeking Coward, Married to a BISEXUAL PIMP with a Dysfunctional Family. All of Sarah's Offspring are Mentally Challenged just like her. Track 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' prefers Guns instead of a Daughter(Bristol's DWTS Daughter?). Bristol has the Mental ability of an infant, Willow has problems comprehending basic English, and Piper has learned nothing in School. Alaska has wasted money trying to Special Educate all of the Palins, who Dropped out of High School or hardly attend Middle School. Palin Home-Schooling is a Big Joke.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Yeah, and these are the courses Sarah offers:

      Whining and Excuses 101- No prerequisites. Just bring your loser self and enjoy learning from a master.

      Advanced Lying and Deceit- Here is where Sarah shines. Just bring your gaudiest clothing and tackiest shoes. This is one method to distract your audience. Come and learn more!

      Bible Scholarship for Morons- self explanatory.

      Grifting (Post Graduate)- Learn how to milk some poor sucker's last $5 when you have millions. Hint: It's easy when you look like a filthy bag woman!

      Pregnancy Props 101- All you'll ever need to know when you aren't pregnant but need to say you are to exploit your stupid groupies. Additional fees for pillows, etc. You will have the additional benefit of a fake letter from a fake doctor affirming your fake condition.

      How lucky are Bristol, Willow and Piper? All this knowledge is available in the comfort of their own home. THIS WOMAN SHOULD HAVE NEVER BRED!!! LET'S HOPE SHE NEVER GETS HER CLAWS INTO HER NUMEROUS GRANDCHILDREN!!!

  5. WakeUpAmerica9:34 AM

    Everything is Al Gaeda to Fox News.

  6. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I'm sure the cops will thank you for taking down the suspect after they're done shooting your ass. After all, they'll be attracted to the gunfire and focus soley on the man holding the gun.
    Shame that these men who feel so comfortable and unthreatened with their assault rifles don't bother joining the military or the police force so they can actually do someone some good with those bullets. how badass can you really be if you can't handle boot camp?

  7. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Why do they assume 'liberals' don't own guns too?

    Honestly, I think the AR-15 is a little too big and trailer-trash-with-a-gun looking.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Good one!!!

      Personally, I prefer a hot pressure cooker full of moose chilli. You can draw out some of the most hunkered down NJs and impale 'em with some caribou jerky. Blueberry pie to finish 'em off.

      We considered getting firearms recently since the nephew got the last hunting gun from my husband. If things get that bad, I really don't think that a retired couple with assault weapons will be able to shoot their way out of suburbia.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Nate Bell is an idiot.There were reports of some homes having bullet holes during the neighborhood shooting spree between suspects and police. Imagine how many Boston residents and law enforcement would be seriously injured or dead if nervous residents started shooting Bushmasters.

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM

    You know living inside of the Right Wing mind must be like being trapped in a Stephen King movie 24 hours a day, …

    Yep, cowering in their minds wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine. Or clutching it, as the case may be.

  10. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Timothy McVeigh and his pals: not Islamic immigrants.
    Waco wackos: not Islamic immigrants.
    Mexicans in the Southwest: not Islamic immigrants.
    Sarah's beloved AIP: homegrown terrorists; not Islamic that we know of.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      The Olympic bomber, and the Unibomber weren't Islamic immigrants, either.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

      David Koresh, also, too!

  11. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I picture the liberals in Boston going about their business while the right-wing nut jobs cowered under their beds clutching their balls with one hand and a weapon with the other.

    1. While muttering "this is my weapon, this is my gun, one is for shooting, and the other for fun."

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    G W Bush appointed total incompetents .. Fran Townsend is maybe one of the biggest. CNN should be ashamed of using her as a terrorist "expert".

    Fran wrongly reported an arrest had been made on Wednesday afternoon.

    I believe, the law enforcement personnel know she is a phony and deliberately punked her with false intel.

    Fran's comments are always rubbish.

  13. "You know living inside of the Right Wing mind must be like being trapped in a Stephen King movie 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Essentially a never ending, constantly terrifying existence."...and I believe that is because those in the Right Wing never really grew up which is a juvenile fear basis that most of Stephen King's novels, and subsequently his movies, are based upon. They seem to be stuck in their childhood fears of all sorts of things like gypsies, rabid dogs, cemeteries, space aliens, etc.

  14. Anonymous10:36 AM

    These people are simply horrible and vomit-inducing


    You bloodthirsty bastards should pay attention in your churches that you profess to attend so often. They do not preach hate and suspicion: for the most part, most churches synagogues, temples and mosques preach tolerance and love. At least the legitimate ones do. You will all meet in HELL! And, Sarah, maybe you and Ted Cruz will be president and vice-president of Hades!

  15. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I think the fear-seeking is because they spent too much time as children being awash in the Old Testament. They just keep looking for that sick spark in their lives because after the early brainwashing they haven’t had an intellectual “ah hah” moment or a profoundly moving emotion with another human being.

  16. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I just read where Glen Beck has called for President Obama's impeachment over Boston. What friggin' assholes so many on the right show themselves to me. It's amazing how far they go these days! To no avail, of course!

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      The Right is always screaming "Impeachment!" every time something happens. What crime has Barack Obama committed? 9/11, and the illegal war in Iraq, and many other crimes happened on Dubya's watch, and he wasn't impeached. It's bad enough republicans abuse the filibuster, now they want to abuse impeachment, any time there is a democratic president.

  17. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Of course some of the most miserable and biggest haters at c4p are trying to make the case that the president, the "left" and the media have all been trying to blame tea party/ the right. To respond to their idiocy:

    1. The president was very clear in saying it was too early to cast about blame.

    2. CNN was lambasted for falsely reporting that there was a suspect in custody who had "brown skin"

    3. The ny post had photos of two men on front page claiming they were suspects when they were not-at least one of the wrongly accused men is of middle eastern background

    4. Fox all over the Islam connection

    5. C4p commenters speculating that the photos of the suspects showed " middle eastern" characteristics

    6. Breitbart, c4p and other such haters all over "conspiracy" theory the wh deporting a Saudi who was questioned and predicted the wh would cover up that Islamists did the bombing and would direct FBI to shoot a white man claiming he was the bomber

    7. How many idiots fit in a website? One is one too many

    As if this whole ordeal all week hasn't been harmful enough these crazy right wingers want to keep kicking that hornet's nest so they can then cry victim when they are stung!!

    Haters-all of them really hate all of us!

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Those ignorant vicious diaper-clad scooter drivers over at c4p are now blaming - yep - Boston! Libruls ya know. Palin really attracts the finest kind.

  18. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Let's talk about how effective an assault weapon is against a surprise bombing attack. There were plenty of police around and about the World Trade Center, and none of them could have stopped the two airplanes that flew into the twin towers. The Pentagon is the epitome of armed and dangerous. That's their business. It's the home office of the military, and they were attacked on 9/11. Not one good guy with a guy shot at the incoming airplane.

  19. Anonymous1:46 PM

    An AR-15 wouldn't have done any good for the people who were in the World Trade Center on the 100th floor! Stupid conservatives.

  20. Anonymous1:47 PM

    An AR-15 wouldn't have done the people TRAPPED inside the World Trade Center on the 100th floor any good!

  21. Anonymous2:03 PM

    The right-wing conspiracy theorists are still kind of bummed that the terrorists turned out to be white. They really, really, really wanted a black, or middle eastern Muslim, but instead they got two WHITE Muslims. The right can obsess over their Islamic ties all they want, but that doesn't make them any less white. It would be even more amusing if they turned out to be Islamic tea-baggers.

  22. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

    These rwnj's will capitalize and cannibalize anything and anyone to beat their talking points into the craniums of their consumers.
    I was having lunch in a hospital cafeteria today, and the people at the next table were spouting off the same exact talking points about guns and east coast librul elitists. (This was in Philadelphia, btw, a city on the east coast). There's a reason why terrorists pick cities like New York and Boston as's where the dang evil second amendment hating libruls are concentrated! Obama's a muslim... etc.. etc..

    I calmly squirted a bunch of maple syrup, katsup, mustard, relish, coffee creamer, salt and pepper on my tray and "accidentally" plopped it on their table as I left I asked the cashier if she had some paper towels, and carefully wiped down the tray and a little splatter that hit the floor before sashaying out of the room.

  23. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Way to go, Anita!

  24. Anonymous7:49 AM

    This ignorant cracker's tweet got my ire up. Here's his email, along w/ his fellow committee members. Tell him how you feel.
    Cc: john.hutchison ; avclemmer ; denny.altes ; chris.richey ; josh.miller ; butch.wilkins

    you're welcome.


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