Sunday, November 28, 2004

Little Willie's fault

I believe that much of the blame for the Democrats poor showing in this election has to do with Bill Clinton's penis. It may seem an awful large burden to place on someones johnson but let's examine the facts.

After The Lewinsky scandal broke, the Conservative community climbed up on their rickety high horses and declared this a moral armegeddon. They complained that the Democratic president was without morals which then meant that the whole of the Democratic party was bereft of moral values. And this horse they have ridden right through to the 2004 election.

Now I voted for Bill Clinton, twice. And I will admit that I was extremely happy to do so. Bill was the first opportunity for a representative of my generation to lead this country into a shiny new future. Unfortunatley Bill went on to receive the most expensive blow job in the history of the world. It not only cost him his legacy it also cost the Democratic party two elections!

The problem that faces those of us who consider ourselves liberal thinkers, is the problem of definitions. Liberal does not mean immoral. Democrat does not equal weak. Intelligence does not mean lack of values. Patriotism does not mean blind obedience.

I will not apologize for placing science over faith to solve our problems. I will tell anybody who will listen that the war in Iraq is destined to fail. I love Rock and Roll. I went to see "The Passion of the Christ". I never miss "Desperate Housewives". I am personally against abortion but support the right of a woman to choose. I don't mind paying higher taxes to provide services for people in need. I am a loving father, a faithful husband, and a hard worker. That is the definition of this Liberal Democrat.

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