Thursday, December 16, 2004

Man! Somebody was sure pissy!

I just re-read my last post and I was somewhat surprised at the amount of venom I spewed. I mean I was completely right in what I said about the awarding of the Special Olympics medals to Bushes tainted trio but I could have phrased it with a little more delicacy. From now on I will take my medication before I start typing.

Now on to a competely new topic. I was channel surfing the other day and I happened to land on a channel featuring religious programming. I was bored, and a little interested, so I watched for an hour or so. There were several programs that seemed geared toward a youthful demographic. I was surprised at the constant talk of reintroducing the Bible into the public school system. Now, though I am an Athiest, I do not advocate attacking religions or religious organizations. However, I do take umbridge at the idea that the Bible has any place in the public school system of this country. It is certainly not a text book, and as a historical document it is subjective at best, and for an explanation of the origin of our species it is full of bullshit.

The religious right have been aggressively pushing this "Intelligent Design" concept and trying desperately to find some purchase in the public shools for it to be taught along with Evolution. This is obviously a poorly disguised version of the Creationist theory. The courts have already outlawed the teaching of the Creationist theory because it does not meet the criteria to be considered a scientific discipline. So the new approach is to fill the school board with religious fundamentalists and then vote on introducing it in this disguised form. Tricky!

I for one think that this is a fine idea. Let's put Evolution and Creationism in the same classroom. Then let the budding scientists examine the evidence supporting each scientific philosophy. How long do you think it would take for Creationism to be buried under the vast amount of data that makes up the science of Evolution. If I was a betting man I would bet that even slacker students would be able to find the huge logic holes peppered throughout the Creationist theory. And since we are blurring the line between religion and science then maybe local churches could invite scientists to visit their Sunday schools and discuss with those pliable little minds the scientific proof for the existence of God. Should be a short session.

Trust me when I say that no minister with half a dozen brain cells would want his religion put under the same scrutiny that evolution has been under since it was first introduced into the scientific lexicon.

So to wrap up I would just like to say that I encourage you to believe in what ever it is that gets you through the day, Tarot cards, Astrology, Transcendental meditation, Hinduism, Taoism, being a Wiccan, or Christianity. But could you try not to beat me over the head with it? Thanks.

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