Sunday, December 05, 2004

No, Damn it! I will not get over it!

In our local morning paper this morning was yet another letter from a smug Republican telling those of us who voted for hope instead of fear to "get over it". He went on to say that the election was over and we just needed to stop whining and accept our fate. Well, I will have to respond here as I am certain that my morning paper will not publish my answer to his suggestion. FUCK YOU!

I will not get over it. Not today and not for any time in the near future. Like many I did not see this election, as I have many others in the past, as a choice between two candidates with differing policies. I saw this election as the difference between our country losing all hope for redemption and the chance of sending a message to the rest of the world that we are not all insane.

Now I watch Countdown with Kieth Olbermann pretty much everyday but I hold little hope that the Ohio results will be overturned and the election results changed. (Though there are these small moments just before I drift off to sleep that I allow my fantasies to run free.) I am not usually any sort of a conspiracy theorist, (I never could get into the X-Files) but I will say that some of these things just don't make sense to me. How could the exit polls be so wrong? (In the Ukraine they are redoing the election based mainly on the descrepancy with the outcome and the exit polls.) How could a sitting president with such a shoddy performance both locally and abroad ever be re-elected? How could Americans be so ignorant?

Now I know that I am somewhat different then the average voter. I watch way too many news programs. I think way too long on the issues. I drink way too many cups of coffee each day. And I care much too much about my country, my people, and my children. But I take this shit seriously and I would like all of you to take it just as seriously. You don't have to vote or think like me. Just make damn sure you vote and think! I honestly feel that if everybody had paid as much attention as I had that the election would have turned out completely different.

In the meantime I am going to continue to watch the news, drink coffee, and think all of my important decisions through completely before acting on them. Does that make me unamerican?

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