Wednesday, December 01, 2004

What do the red states want to teach my child?

The conservatives of this country are wasting no time in getting there agenda on the air ways, in politics, and in the classroom. I am shocked by how bold they have become. We are in danger of losing our intellectual capitol by allowing our schools, and by definition, our children to get dumbed down to pacify those who fear that there religion cannot survive an educated populace. . Here are a couple of articles that I have recently discovered.

By the way what exactly makes these creatonist believe that finding fault with evolution automatically makes their version of things the only other choice. Are they completely unaware of the Hindu story of creation, or the Shinto creaton story, the American native creation story, etc.. It seems the height of arrogance to assume that your belief system is universally accepted by every student in American schools.

This next story should be shocking to me but sadly is is not.

Yep it is a brave new world.

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