Saturday, August 20, 2005

Army planning for four more years of bringing freedom to Iraq!

Man sometimes I just hate being right!

The Army is planning for the possibility of keeping the current number of soldiers in Iraq — well over 100,000 — for four more years, the Army's top general said Saturday.

Uh...excuse me...where are you going to get the soldiers? Don't you guys read the papers? There is no fucking way that America is going to let you stay in Iraq for four more years! No way! Besides you don't have enough troops! How will you solve that problem?

The Army has changed the way it arranges troop rotations.
Instead of sending a full complement of replacement forces each 12-month cycle, it is stretching out the rotation over two years.

Oh. So the plan is to just keep sending the same battle weary troops through an endless rotation through Iraq until what? Until you run out? Until they refuse to go back? Or until the 2008 election replaces these warmongers with somebody who will stop this senseless killing!

I am betting that we can stop this way before 2008.