Friday, August 12, 2005

Arthur Silber's psychoanalysis of the Bushmeister.

I love this:

This is the psychology of a man whose self-esteem is tied to his belief that he is always right in every decision—not that his method is correct, which is where a man of genuine self-esteem will ground his self-worth (since all of us will make errors, and it is only when our method is correct that we will eventually discover them), but that he is right in each specific decision he makes. For such a man, to admit that the invasion and occupation of Iraq was a disastrous and calamitous error would be an admission that he himself is a failure.

Man doesn't that have the ring of truth to it! The dumbass cannot admit that he can make a mistake! I am hoping that there are millions of Americans who can admit they made a mistake and are much more careful the next time they are called upon to cast their vote for President.