Let's all throw a pity party for King George. He does not want to have to answer to Cindy and other grieving parents because he wants to "go on with his life".
I have to imagine that Cindy Sheehan would also like to go on with her life. But she can't! She can't because she is lacking closure. She is lacking closure about why her son died and if his life was wasted. Until she has those answers she is probably not going to be able to go on with her life.
George Bush probably cannot give Cindy closure because he himself does not know why we are in Iraq. He keeps giving a different reason. He also cannot tell us when we are bringing the troops home from Iraq. He fucking doesn't know anything!
So he gets on his bike and he peddles off to fuck knows where and he pretends that things are going well. In the meantime there are more Cindy Sheehans heading his way. They will be outside of Crawford and they will be outside of the White House until there is no place left for this president to hide from the reality of his decisions.
Let us see him get on with his life then!