Saturday, August 27, 2005

Evolution and the Dumbing down of Darwin.

This author, Michael Winship, does an admirable josb of presenting the reasons that we find Darwinian theory under constant attack.

Evolution: we know. As reported in Monday's New York Times, "So much evidence has been provided by evolutionary studies that biologists are able to explain even the most complex natural phenomena and to fill in whatever blanks remain with solid theories.

"This is possible, in large part, because evolution leaves tracks like the offal remains of early animals or the chemical footprints in DNA that have been revealed by genetic research... Darwin's theory... has over the last century yielded so many solid findings that no mainstream biologist today doubts its basic tenets, though they may argue about particulars."

This is, obviously, one of the issues that hits me closest to home. There are people in my own family who do not understand why I am not open to allowing alternate theories to be taught in a science classroom. My response is "I am!" This always confuses them, until I add "But it must be a theory backed by evidence not by wishful thinking". Science is where you discover evidence and try to find out what it means. Intelligent Design/Creationsim is about not knowing the answer and then filling in the blank with faith. Evolution and ID are light years apart and should remain that way.