Monday, August 29, 2005

Oh now this hurts! There is an Anti-Liberal Comic Book aimed at young Conservatives.

Now in the interest of fairness I should let you know that I was a rabid Comic Book Collector during my teen years. I still enjoy going to see the various Comic Book inspired movies that are being made today. So in some ways this seems like a low blow.

Apparently this is in answer to Marvel Comics liberal bent. This is the same Marvel, then called Timely Comics, that wrote anti-Hitler and pro American comics even before the United States entered World War 2.

The funniest part is who they chose to be the heroes. G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, and Sean Hannity. Fucking Sean Hannity! What kind of lame ass superhero would Sean Hannity make? What would be his power? The ability to stick to republican talking points no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented on his show? I envision that he opens his mouth and barrels of bullshit flow out suffocating his nemesis. You know I will probably buy one just so I can have proof that the Right Wing has no shame.

If you want to see a sample go to this link.