Saturday, October 29, 2005

Fighting in Iraq for my freedom?

I keep hearing this talking point from the right. I saw it today on CNN during a special about the war. A soldier told his mother that she could speak out against the war because that is what he was fighting for. What? How does that add up? Is my freedom of speech in jeopardy from the Iraqis? Are they actively trying to stop me from expressing myself? Did I miss a memo?

If there is a soldier who happens to stumble onto this page and reads this I have a message for you. Come home! I do not want you to die in Iraq so that I can type these words on this computer. If that is the trade off, your life for my ability to sit on my ass typing out my thoughts, then you are released from your obligation. I would never be able to string a sentence together if I thought that that right had cost some young child their father.

By the way I find the argument only so much bullshit! Do you want to know why you are fighting over there?

Oil! You are fighting and dying so that I can drive my SUV. And by the way you must not be doing it right because the gas prices here are through the roof!

By the way I release you from that obligation as well. If you are fighting and dying so that I can drive my Durango, then come home. I will ride my bike. I value your life far more then this president does and I want you to live.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this totally every time I hear someone say this on the news, I feel like telling them , well, than fine offer to take their place and have these poor souls come freedom- does that include this corrupt whitehouse- cause it isn't a fair trade- at all....let's bring them home...I saw Kerry on two different spots this weekend saying that we need to bring them home NOW- 20,000/at a time...finally someone is saying that... we need more


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