Friday, November 04, 2005

Is there a link between Cheney and the torture abuses? Colin Powell's Chief of Staff says "you betcha!".

"Mr. WILKERSON: What happened was that the secretary of Defense, under the cover of the vice president's office, began to create an environment -- and this started from the very beginning when David Addington, the vice president's lawyer, was a staunch advocate of allowing the president in his capacity as commander in chief to deviate from the Geneva Conventions. Regardless of the president having put out this memo, they began to authorize procedures within the armed forces that led to, in my view, what we've seen.

"INSKEEP: We have to get more detail .... What hard evidence takes those abuses up the chain of command and lands them in the vice president's office, which is where you're placing it?

"Mr. WILKERSON: I'm privy to the paperwork, both classified and unclassified, that the secretary of State asked me to assemble on how this all got started, what the audit trail was, and when I began to assemble this paperwork, which I no longer have access to, it was clear to me that there was a visible audit trail from the vice president's office through the secretary of Defense down to the commanders in the field that in carefully couched terms -- I'll give you that -- that to a soldier in the field meant two things: We're not getting enough good intelligence and you need to get that evidence, and, oh, by the way, here's some ways you probably can get it. And even some of the ways that they detailed were not in accordance with the spirit of the Geneva Conventions and the law of war.

Ooooh can we see those documents? Please, pretty please?

Any minute I expect Cheney's heart to just give up the ghost. This much bad news would cause a healthy guy to nosedive to the carpet, I have no idea how Cheney is making through each day. I can't imagine that his ticker can take much more of this stress.

I also am beginning to think that Cheney may be involved in every single one of this administrations most evil policy decisions.

Iraq war=Cheney!
Outing Valerie Plame=Cheney!
Torture abuses=Cheney!

Hey maybe Bush really is just a big simpleton and all of the big decisions were handled solely by Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rove! You know that would probably be even more embarrassing to the Republicans then if Bush fucked up all by himself.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh, all of us keep assuming that the Lord of Lies has a normal functioning heart....he is is heartless, later it will turn out that he has merely a 22oz. gelatinous mass that ticks evilly along..but the WH will deny it- because they deny that there is any valid science, scientific phenomena in this world... But Wilkerson and Carter have been very vocal this past week..very and that certainly makes things interesting...


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