Monday, November 07, 2005

President suffers a psychotic break right on television.

Okay I watched this several times just to make sure I heard it right. I did.

Bush spoke at a news conference with Panamanian President Martin Torrijos on the same day the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to consider a challenge to the administration’s military tribunals for foreign terror suspects.

Bush was asked about reports that the CIA was separately maintaining secret prisons in eastern Europe and Asia to interrogate al-Qaida suspects — and demands by the International Red Cross for access to them.

Without confirming or denying the existence of such prisons, Bush said, “Our country is at war, and our government has the obligation to protect the American people.”

He pointedly noted that Congress shares that responsibility with the administration.

“We are finding terrorists and bringing them to justice. We are gathering information about where the terrorists may be hiding. We are trying to disrupt their plots and plans. Anything we do ... to that end in this effort, any activity we conduct, is within the law. We do not torture,” Bush said.

Okay did you catch it? Did you see where Bush demonstrated his break with reality? Okay here it is again.

"We are trying to disrupt their plots and plans. Anything we do ... to that end in this effort, any activity we conduct, is within the law. We do not torture,”

Alright did you notice how he phrased that? He did not say that we only use techniques that are within the law, what he said is "Anything we that end in this effort, any activity we conduct, is within the law."

What he is saying is that because of what the situation is, that we are trying to find and stop terrorists, makes any means we use lawful. He is acknowledging that they are playing fast and loose with the Geneva conventions. This is unacceptable in the extreme! We cannot change our morality because we are scared! We cannot conduct ourselves like criminals because we are dealing with criminals! That is insane!

Using that same logic then any country that had abused its prisoners, in any war, could simply state that it was not torture because these people were the enemy. And we are also sending a message to the insurgents that their method of beheading their prisoners is acceptable because by doing so they will help to frighten our troops and other Iraqi's sympathetic to our cause. The ends justifies the means.

I hate this type of hypocrite. Bush promised that he would bring morality to the White House and I find it highly doubtful that he even understands what the word "moral" means. To Bush. apparently, anything but getting a blowjob makes you moral.

Here is the Bush Daily Newsflash! You are using torture! What you have done at Abu Graib, Guatanamo Bay, and what you are probably still doing in these secret CIA prisons is torture! You cannot make excuses to make it seem less torture-like. It is fucking torture! And by engaging in it you are making us criminals in the eyes of the national community. So fucking stop!


  1. It was the oddest thing I have ever seen, and yes, torture is torture- and you can call it something else, and redefine it- and that just shows that he is a sociopath- and the whole lot of them are what should we do ? And yes, they are acting in violation of the Geneva Conventions...a treaty that as far as I know we still are a part of, and have agreed to uphold....We need to hold protests like the ones in South America, and we need the media to cover- esp. the FOREIGN media- so the rest of the world knows that our country has indeed been hijacked by these criminals....

  2. The man is lost. Quite literally lost. Just wait until Rove is indicted....and then you are going to see this lost-ness amplified.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.