Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Rove Watch November, 29 2005. What's up with Turdblossom?

So how is Karl doing after Fitzgerald abandoned his unwarranted attempt to incarcerate him.

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will present evidence to a second grand jury this week in his two year-old investigation into the outing of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson that could lead to a criminal indictment being handed up against Karl Rove, President Bush’s deputy chief of staff, attorneys close to the investigation say.

Oops! Well that can't be good news. Well I am sure that they will not find any evidence that Rove went out of his way to hide his contact with Matt Cooper or any other reporter he might have li....er....uh spoken to.

The attorneys say that Rove’s former personal assistant, Susan B. Ralston -- who was also a special assistant to President Bush -- testified in August about why Cooper’s call to Rove was not logged. Ralston said it occurred because Cooper had phoned in through the White House switchboard and was then transferred to Rove’s office as opposed to calling Rove’s office directly. As Rove’s assistant, Ralston screened Rove’s calls.

See! Perfectly innocent explanation.

But those close to the probe tell RAW STORY that Fitzgerald obtained documentary evidence showing that other unrelated calls transferred to Rove’s office by the switchboard were logged. He then called Ralston back to testify.

Oh Damn! Karl is fucked!

And isn't it a shame that his pudgy cherub face just screams "sodomize me!" Oh well I am sure he will emerge a much better person. Or die in prison. Whatever.


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Hi Daddy
    I see your keeping up on all the political standings. That's good. Remember to keep me up to date on how screawed up our country is getting. Ok
    I love you, I'm off to work.

  2. Okay- Don't forget that Susan has alot of reason to be very helpful- She was Aramahoff's special assistant before she was Rove's...She has a lot of reason to be "helpful" at this point....


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