Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Senate Republicans cut themselves loose from Bush's sinking presidency and launch investigation into CIA leak.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert in a letter asked the intelligence committees to "immediately initiate a joint investigation into the possible release of classified information."

You know I would applaud this if I didn't think that these guys are just desperately trying to save their own skin. I will hold off judgement until I see the results.

One thing though is that Bush must be freaking the hell out right about now.

"Dick? Can you come in here please? I need to kick your fat white ass for about an hour to get my mind off of the end of my presidency!"

1 comment:

  1. Except that Trent I-Hate- Frist-Lott has not come forward and said that last tuesday the day before the WAPO article Cheney had Luch with a bunch of Repub leaders and guess WHAT they discussed? yup- the SECRET CIA prisons....wow some secret- oh, pass the salt and pass the pepper and the Dressing......yeah..at LUNCH...geeez..Way to go Dick??


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