Sunday, December 04, 2005

Evolution once again kicks Creationism in the nuts!

A perfectly preserved fossil of a feathered creature that lived 150 million years ago has provided further evidence to show that modern birds originate from dinosaurs.

The fossil is a complete skeleton of an Archaeopteryx and shows that it had features common to birds and a group of meat-eating dinosaurs called theropods.

Scientists said the feet of the fossilised Archaeopteryx were anatomically almost identical to those of theropod dinosaurs, which pointed to a common ancestry for both groups.

Archaeopteryx had many bird-like features, such as feathered wings and a wishbone, but it also had distinctly reptilian traits, including jaws with teeth, a bony tail and claws on its fingers.

Once again the difference between science and non-science is perfectly illustrated. The theory that dinosaurs evolved into birds is still relatively new and it was developed based on fossil finds and there is more evidence that the theory is correct being discovered all of the time.

That my friends is science! Besides it is just damn cool!

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