Friday, December 09, 2005

Germany's answer to sex workers being brought into their country is to open their own giant brothel to compete.

Europe's biggest brothel, which opened in Berlin only two months ago, is Germany's latest answer to the invasion of "sex-workers", who are expected to flood the country next year to cater for male soccer fans.

Man I am really going to have to loosen up before I go to Europe.

Actually the idea of paying for sex is a non-starter for me. I mean you could argue that since I was married for thirteen years that I have been paying through the nose for sex, but the idea of actually handing somebody cash for a specific sex act is a huge turn off.

Now if some woman wants to pay me for sex then I might have to rethink my policy. Who am I kidding I could never do that. I mean tips are always welcome but actual pay for play makes me feel all dirty.

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