"The president will talk in greater detail about our approach for helping the Iraqi people with economic reform and reconstruction," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan on Tuesday. "And he will talk about how we have adapted to circumstances and challenges on the ground when it comes to the economic front."
I wonder how many times we will hear the word "victory" today. So, our fearless leader will stand in front of a room full of soldiers who are forbidden to even make a disbelieving faces while George lies his loser ass off, big damn deal. Been there, done that. But wait!
Unlike some previous Bush addresses on Iraq that have been delivered to friendly, mostly military audiences, Wednesday's speech will take place before the Council on Foreign Relations, a nonpartisan think tank whose members include many influential Democrats who disagree with Bush's Iraq policies.
Does this mean that there is a chance that a dissenting opinion might be voiced? A chance that King George will be called out in front of a national audience? Did hell freeze over? No, nothing of any consequence is going to come from this speech. Bush is just going to continue to hammer home his simplistic points that the Iraqi people are better off without Saddam in power. And without electricity, or personal safety, or an income, or a national identity.
Do what I do. When you hear Bush droning on about how many cell phones the Iraqi's have now, just flash back to all of those rediculous "townhall meetings" about Social Security. It really puts everything into perspective.
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