Sunday, December 04, 2005

John McCain is on "Meet the Press" right now and he is still spewing the party line.

If there are any of you out there who think that John McCain is a "good" Republican then I suggest you pull your head out of your ass! He is on right now with Tim Russert reinforcing that invading Iraq was the right thing to do, that the administration has been straight with the American people, that George Bush is a trustworty individual, and that John Murtha us allowing his emotions to get the best of him.

The fucking bastard! Anybody who lays suppressing fire for this administration is just as guilty of the atrocities that have been commited by this president as they are! There should be no more wiggle room for these guys! Either you are a trustworthy individual, worthy of being elected to public office, or you are a White House toady who will say whatever they ask you to to ensure that you are still politically viable.

We, the American people, have got to demand more from our leaders or else we deserve exactly the kind of careless, destructive, arrogant behavior that we are witness to today! It is time for us to take that power back.

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