Thursday, December 29, 2005

This article sort of slaps my point of view around a little bit concerning the Impeachment issue.

Anybody who has visited this site in the past is probably aware that I loves me some impeachment talk. They may also be aware that I am conflicted about the possibility of it happening in real life.

I want Bush gone. No equivocation on that one. But I don't want Cheney, Hastert or even our own Ted Stevens to take over the reigns of power. Once again, no happy ending for me and my ilk.

But clearly there is going to be some punishment headed the direction of the White House. What if Fitzgerald's investigation takes him to Cheney, or Bush? Both sat before the investigators and denied any culpability. If Clinton can get busted for lying about semen then Bush can get worked over for lying about outing a CIA agent. I mean fair is fair.

And if it is proven that Bush lied to Congress about the intelligence leading up to this war then the punishment must be severe. No simple slap on the wrist will do.


  1. See, this post shows why I have such trouble conversing with hard-core liberals. They want so much for something to be true, that they forgo facts and logic to proclaim it so.

    "But clearly there is going to be some punishment headed the direction of the White House."

    Clearly, this is not a factual statement. Not only is it entirely unclear that some punishment will be headed in the direction of the White House, it is not even likely.

    I understand that you despise our President, but don't let that fact stop you from thinking clearly. You have said before that you consider yourself intelligent. Put that intelligence to work.

  2. If one reads the Scooter INDICTMENT very carefully, Official A is unclear and could Easily be CHENEY...that being said- yes the Fitz situation and the Aramhoff situation make things VERY interesting right now ( not counting the Illegal Spying Problem)...FireDogLake is all over all three issues ( and LAWYERs are chiming in...Laws were indeed Broken on ALOT of fronts...)

    ( I don't expect your aussie trolls to know American laws- that would not be fair)

    Keep bloggin it...the Castle be crumbling...
    new Impeachment Numbers today: 178,095 voted, 86% say yes to IMPEACH :) and the rest are out having Christmas and holidays...

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Just because you got a bunch of people coming here from Tim Blair's blog doesn't mean they are all Australian. I came here from there and I'm Born in the USA. And live here too.

    And, from blogagog's blogger profile, which I followed to the blog - I think you are accusing a Texan of being an Australian... not that I think either group is likely to find that insulting.

    But I do think you might want to watch your assumptions.

  4. Now now Kathy , I was not "assuming" , the only ones I have met over here so far are Aussies, so calm down there, I was trying to be fair and not expecting Aussie's to know American now one of the Blair folks is offended because I did what tried to be fair?
    geez, you all are a strange lot.

    You said you live in the USA, that is nice, well then you know American laws...and that the laws apply to ALL of us.

    And I have not a clue what you mean about the Texan and Australian issue- I have accused neither of being the other, you said that you got that from my blog- that is funny, because I have never blogged about either issue.

    I think you are taking great umbrage at an invisible offense- so calm down dearie...

    Let's dialogue...not get all snippy.

  5. I'm also from the USA. And your post did not change the fact that it is unclear, and unlikely that the White House will suffer at all.

    Heck if Mr. Libby can hold off court until Jan 2008, he won't even have to plea, as Bush will pre-pardon him like Ford did for Nixon.

  6. Why so disparaging of Australians Enigmalover? Do you assume that they are less intelligent like Gryphen thinks of conservatives or something? Australia is our closest ally in the world, and deserve much more respect than your statement gives them.

  7. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Here is a very easy prediction. The likelihood of its fulfillment approaches certainty:

    POTUS on January 19, 2009?

    George Walker Bush


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.