Thursday, January 05, 2006

Abramoff's slimy tentacles reach all the way up north to my own backyard.

Sen. Ted Stevens has joined an expanding list of lawmakers who are forfeiting campaign contributions from lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his clients.

"At this point, there have been enough reports that we don't want to retain money that was contributed by him or that he had a role in saying should be donated," Tim McKeever, treasurer of Stevens' campaign, said Wednesday.

Shocked! I am shocked that our own honorable Senator Stevens would have anything to do with this criminal activity! Why I hold Uncle Ted in the hig....the high.....okay I really have very little respect for the guy.

There have been enough sleazy stories about Ted, and his own demon spawn Ben Stevens, to be pretty unsurprised that he might be caught up in influence peddling. If Abramoff were smart, and he was, then he would have zeroed in on the powerful Chairman and covered his ass with kisses and golf trips.

I am just tickled pink that I voted for this guy.

(Does Ted play golf? I don't even know.)

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