Tuesday, January 03, 2006

America to build embassy in Iraq more secure the the Pentagon? And it will cost a billion dollars? What?

The exact location is not being released until later this year but it is likely to be built in the heavily fortified Green Zone area where the Iraqi government and US military command is based.

The embassy will be guarded by 15ft blast walls and ground-to-air missiles and the main building will have bunkers for use during air offensives.

The grounds will include as many as 300 houses for consular and military officials.
And a large-scale barracks will be built for Marines who will protect what will be Washington's biggest and most secure overseas building.

A US source in the Middle East said last night: "Plans for the embassy building are being kept behind closed doors because of the terrorist threat.

"It will be more secure than The Pentagon because it will be under constant threat from attack." The Green Zone is the safest part of Baghdad, surrounded by concrete blast walls and checkpoints.

The US also wants to build four massive military superbases around Iraq's capital.

WTF? So we aren't leaving?

Do the Iraqi's know about this? Well they do now!

I guess we are not even pretending that we are not occupying Iraq anymore.

"Look I know we told you that once you had elected your own government that we would leave, but there has been a change of plan. We like it here! The sand, the explosions, the hateful glares, how could we leave all of that? But don't worry you will hardly even know we are here. We will try not to shoot too many of you and we will only do home invasions every other day from now on. It is going to be great!"

1 comment:

  1. Interesting....
    I also read a news report somewhere that Pakistan is set to construct a new Military Headquarters. The Real Estate has already been procured..and its being billed as potentiallty being larger than the pentagon!


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