Most torso wounds that killed Marines in Iraq might have been prevented or minimized by improved body armor, a Pentagon study found.
The unreleased study last summer by the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner looked at 93 fatal wounds from the start of the war in March 2003 through June 2005. It concluded that 74 were bullet or shrapnel wounds to shoulders or areas of the torso not protected by ceramic armor plating.
The armor that would have protected these troops has been available since 2003 but the Pentagon has largely hesitated to provide it. You have to wonder what was the hold-up? Was it red tape? Did they just not understand the desperate need? Did they just not give a shit?
Having this many of our brave soldiers die from a preventable wound is unconsionable and somebody needs to be held accountable!
And perhaps it is time to remember again that none of these individuals would have died if they were not fighting in an unnecessary war declared by criminals who do not care one iota about the people of this country!
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