Monday, January 02, 2006

The Jews have started to embrace Intelligent Design. Oy!

On a recent Tuesday evening, Moshe Tendler, an influential Orthodox rabbi and Yeshiva University biology professor, ambled onto the stage at Kovens Conference Center in North Miami. A stately figure with a wispy white beard and heavy glasses, he surveyed the 300-strong crowd of scientists and intellectuals — most clad in yarmulkes and dark suits with tallith tassels dangling about their waists — and urged them to spread the word that Darwin was wrong. "It is our task to inform the world [about intelligent design]," he implored. "Or the child growing up will grow up with unintelligent design.... Unintelligent design is our ignorance, our stupidity."


You know I have always sort of felt that the Jewish people, though very devout, were more academic then the evangelical community. So I am bothered by this dumbing down of these proud people! Don't follow the lead of the frightened southern bible thumpers, be true to your own proud tradition of being suspicious of the gentiles. They just want to punish you for killing their messiah by making you stupid! Devious aren't they?


  1. :(

    I had hoped that Tim Blair had found a thoughtful liberal when he linked to you. I could handle the standard Bush bashing that is part and parcel of the left. I understand it's just a reflex, and don't hold it against liberals.

    But this example of intolorance is too much for me. Just because you don't believe in IT (I don't either), you call it a 'dumbing down' and then berate 'frightened southern bible thumpers', one of which you've obviously never met. I'm a southern atheist, and 'Frightened' certainly does not describe them. The true believers exude happiness and good will in a way that is awe inspiring. They are on to something, I just don't have the capacity of faith that is needed to grasp it.

    I won't be back to your blog. You are filled with too much hate for those who disagree with you. That said, I wish you all the good you can find. Have a great life!

  2. Damn! I am going to really miss blagagog. I had so many questions to ask about toast.

    (If you don't understand that reference you will have to read his profile. He might have been certifiable!)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.