Thursday, January 05, 2006

Women school the men on how to end the war.

I always defer to women when it comes to the issue of pursuing peace over war. I am just a guy and so I am genetically engineered to want to solve conflict with my fists. I know that is wrong intellectually but it is hard to fight my feral responses.

You might remember the play Lysistrata, by the Greek playwrite Aristophanes. The play tells the story of a group of women from warring states who convinced their men to make love not war by withholding their sexual favors. Now that is a powerful tool but not the only one that women can use to convince their men to avoid the battlefield. Woman are also the nurturers and the mothers. Every man remains the boy who wants to make his mommy happy.

I really believe that these ladies have a real shot at changing the rhetoric and helping people see these Iraqis as people and not just enemy combatants or peripheral damage.

I have tried to do that here but I suspect that they will be more successful then I. Good luck ladies.

1 comment:

  1. except according to this regime we are to home barefoot and praying and pregnant..Didn't you get the Memo?

    and if it could be resolved as in this Greek tragedy or comedy? that would be alot easier....except someone would still have to "service" the King....( ugh, Pass the emesis basin)....


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