Friday, February 24, 2006

Another example of censorship in High school as superintendent refuses to allow students to publish article on oral sex.

Some Noblesville High School students say they are being censored after the superintendent of Noblesville schools decided that the school paper will not be allowed to run a controversial article on oral sex.

Superintendent Dr. Lynn Lehman said the piece was not appropriate for publication in the Mill Stream, the school's paper.

"It's nothing that we're not going to learn anyway or nothing that we don't know," said student Yury Diaz.

"I don't see what the big deal is about the whole issue -- like, if they want to print, they should print it," said student Adam Jump.

I am going to have to side with the students on this one. I have very distinct memories of recieving less then competent oral loving from a few high school girls. Though they often demonstrated admirable enthusiasm they tended to treat my little Gryphen like a dogs chew toy. Ahh memories.

It is my learned opinion that most people, both young and old, could benefit from as much instruction as possible in the ways of lovemaking. First lesson, it aint just all about you kiddo!

(By the way there were a few notable exceptions in high school as well. Still thinking of you Mrs. Johnson! And your daughter too!)

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