Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Another reason Canada does not support the war in Iraq; They are tired of all of the American deserters crossing their borders!

Hundreds of deserters from the US armed forces have crossed into Canada and are now seeking political refugee status there, arguing that violations of the rules of war in Iraq by the US entitle them to asylum.

A decision on a test case involving two US servicemen is due shortly and is being watched with interest by fellow servicemen on both sides of the border. At least 20 others have already applied for asylum and there are an estimated 400 in Canada out of more than 9,000 who have deserted since the conflict started in 2003.

9,000 have deserted? So much for the theory that this war is supported by our fighting men and women. Well yeah I know that are not fighting, they are running, but maybe they would be willing to fight if we had a war that wasn't so completely wrong?

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